Monday, April 30, 2012

Poem 188. That Letter

                                                              That Letter
I have read many letters and many make me happy from my heart I read many greeting
Some please me and some don't please me from heart but one thing is always most important
That under them some one have written my name in their own handwriting or in their own words
After all in this life many just love to use computer but still sometimes some people just want
To share their feeling with letter so I have read my bunch of those letters but many seems
Like something just out of someone's printer each word are made the same way and each
Thing don't have much feeling but still store them because they are some kind of token
Inside our world and inside our future those letters are something which remind me that
These people manage to remember me in each and every letter so inside my life on each
And every matter I just remember every person who manage to remember my name and
Manage to get some time to write me some letter when they hardly have a time because
Such people are so limited inside our future and our life because letter are some unique
In my life now a days when we have phone people hardly sent me letter inside my life
But while looking at letter I just remember one letter inside our life because inside life
That letter touch me fully to my heart inside our life some letter are kept just for memory
But some seem to touch our heart this one is written with someone who did able to write
Clearly due to shaking hand neither I understand those words on that moment because
They are nothing but just some strange symbol inside that each symbol I still try to find
Some words because they are so confused because that shaking hand suffered that hand
Use to write no longer have power to write those words once when those hands were
Strong they used write just as much as they want they use to move the things and use to
Do things which will please their brain and as per their want but those hands were now
Shaking so much on each moment that those hands can't form a word but still they wanted
To prove that they can write for some one and tell some one that what is their views and
What are their wants so inside our life on each and every point those hands and voice
Which use to tell us loudly and firmly whatever they like now suddenly seem in that letter
Wanted to write with same heart but still each word confused so much inside those symbols
I just can't get any meaning from that shaking hand but still I remember answering that letter
Just by giving answer which are not specific of some sort but when I write them I know
That this person will hardly able to read those words because when that one was writing
It was for that person a hardest task reading will be impossible even for that person's thought
But still I want to read that letter from my heart and what to write answer for that letter
From my thinking and from my heart just told me one thing that this person have taken more
Efforts to write letter after all even when for it is nothing but just small work we will write
Some letters inside our world but in our life on each moment inside our world we feel
That writing letter is easiest part of our world so inside our life and every moment inside
Our world we must understand thinking inside our future and our world because that is
What we do when we write letter we just think that we must need to answer and hardly
We are interested in writing those letters which are part of our work but in them we never
Try to pour out our heart inside our word instead of that we write with carefully and always
Think that we must not write anything wrong inside that letter so letter seem so hard task
Of words because letter seems like proof of our truth inside our thinking and inside our world
But for that person those words are something in which that person want to write every thing
About feeling and that person's world that person didn't want to hide anything but those
Shaking in hands seem to hide everything from world because each word seem to form
None of meaning inside our future and inside our world and it just take us wrong way
Because I can feel I don't understand those words but after some time I understand
Those thoughts which form complications inside our world are no more matter if I look
Carefully I can understand those words they are nothing but trying to hide pain behind
Those words that person want to tell how happy was that person so I cried while holding
That letter but I just learn one thing from that letter even if you can't write one word
But still if you put enough try and efforts then your spirit can write on paper many things.

Poem 187. Limits

Sometimes you will hate and you cross all limits then darkness fills your heart and
Every part of your thinking that darkness will not let you see that sun which is shining
Inside your life when you see some injustice sometimes you think that injustice is truth
Than any other things some injustice are truly too much hurt for heart and wanting justice
For them is perfectly true need of your thinking and your heart but then you must think
One another thing that do you really in life feel that you need to see that sun which is
Shining because if you just keep that injustice in mind your mind will just look one way
In each and everything and worst thing is that when some one claim you that person will
Give you justice easily you began to believe sometimes in life injustice is so horrible thing
That start one hate inside your heart which will never let you understand what other person
Is telling that person may not clearly something but sometimes we need to find proper ways
To get justice as human being but hate is something which if cross it's limits then you can't
See that thing take away your peace and you just learn one thing that is hating but problem
Is that during this process sometimes you forget something if you want justice that don't
Mean changing everything sometimes you can force a person inside your life as human being
And force that person act just as you wish as human being but never let your hate cross
Your limits as a human being but when we say hate we began to think that maybe it happen
Because that is negative feeling but let me tell you one thing it happens with every thing
But if we want to win we need to use our brain in each and every thing don't use your anger
Because it will make you just blind of course you are running fast but not on track many times
And take away your peace because when feeling have some control inside our heart so
Inside our life on every thing we just feel that we must fight for justice but while doing this
When our anger take front seat and when our justice took back seat we don't even feel and
Just on that moment we feel one thing that if we want to fight for justice then we must teach
Lessons to other human being and after that thought we can hardly able to do justice and
Something wrong happen to us inside as human being instead of justice we just want our anger
To rule our thinking so when we go ahead to ask justice we must think carefully as human being
Are we truly concern about our thinking when we demand for justice because some times
While doing it we seem easily forgot to ask feelings of victims just put some people who tell
Stories to us and began to make justice maybe in our life we need to understand one justice
That if we are on right side god will one day give us justice but sometimes it seems that
Human being began to think that they are god of this world and this thinking will take them
On totally wrong side because when you make mistake you can no longer demand even
From our god about those justice because in this world when we did wrong suddenly we
Turn on wrong side because we are stood once again with our enemy because when we did
Wrong god will not say that we want to do justice god will just ask why did you do wrong thing
Because if you have faith in god you can always search proper ways for justice because
Inside our life we don't want to make victims of our own injustice because when we see some
Injustice our emotions began to control our brain and I just think on that spot we have to stop
Ourself for justice you may need many times but one is your precious logic you can use
Your brain and you can get justice if you stop screaming before demanding justice because
Your scream will just give pain to your heart and never manage to give your justice and then
You may use wrong sources to get that justice I just want to say one thing if you want justice
Then for it you don't need to start making your own victims because some people may say
Fear will bring you justice but that is a hard thing because if some one does those horrible
Things then that person hardly got anything emotions as human being so handling that person is not
That simple and easy thing demanding justice is always seem so easy to human being but sadly
When person needed to do justice many time that person create victim instead of properly
Punishing those culprits who are hardly called human being so in life when you start to making
Justice always remember your limits in heart and tell yourself you are not god your are just human being.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Poem 186. Option

In sky you  see so many stars or on the road you can see many types and models of cars
In life you can see always plenty of beautiful and nice options and you can easily able to see
Beauty of each option if you want to see them just do one thing that is proper for our world
Just never let select your self thing without looking at options so inside your life on every option
I just feel that I will like to see many things but mostly when I see something nice mostly I just
Jump to buy that thing without looking at any option mostly when you see something that thing
Just set inside your mind and sometimes when you went ahead and don't buy it that thing will
Look perfect and beautiful and nice for our heart because inside our world there was not any
Option and on those option I think that it is better to have that world without even thought of
Option because some times when your heart is set on something and forcibly you are showered
With option you just feel that first thing which you have select is something like gold or silver
Because inside our life on every moment when we set heart some thing in this world then
Many times we want it not it's better option but many times in my world I just notice that inside
Our world we always manage to get wrong sort of options which help us every time when
We select some thing to convince our heart that our first choice is not just good but best for world
Because inside our life we just don't need those options we need something that is better for world
Because that thing is something which is not good when it is chosen with help of options because
Then we began to think we just get confused due to that lot of options but truth of life is that
We never get confuse due to those options we just manage to win heart of each and every person
Because when we look at options we find something a lot better which will look a lot better to all
That first thing we have chosen because many time options teach us many aspect of future and
After all in life it is not crime to chose thing after looking at option some one told me that if you
Take thing without looking option then maybe first thing chosen by you will be beast but still
You feel when you see something wrong in that thing if only you have looked at those options
In life many times we can't get better option still searching for option is better for our mind and
For satisfaction in future because when we look at options our knowledge will be increased by
Those person who have shown us some option because while showing option they tell us many
Things but whenever I went to purchase thing it seem so hard to go out of that store without
Buying something from that person because that person began to show so many things to us and
Inside our world we feel that after showing so many things we must oblige that person by
Purchasing something nice from that person this is one thing I think is best trap for me in entire
World and universe because of it many time I buy thing from first person so inside our life
On each and every option I feel that I just not purchase from first person so now a days
Inside my world instead of going to that shop which is perfect for my world I began to go
And talk to other person before choosing something inside our world so on every day
Inside our future we just feel that we need to understand our world because things may change
Inside our world or inside our future but person can never buy thing without looking at option
But still sometimes I saw person who took so many hours for choosing their dress and car
Inside world can easily chose many things important for their world like while choosing career
They just ask someone about their future without looking at properly good and bad of future
They just choose something because their friends choose same option I only wish inside our life
We can make this mistake for once but after choosing that option they make habit of their world and
They just blindly follow to the world without thinking of their options and then they never understand
Their chances of winning inside world because person can't win in life without proper option
When they can spend so many hours inside world while choosing their dress and other things
Which are shown to world why did they make such a mistake about that options so inside world
Never choose at least important things without looking at options because in case of dress
You can throw it away from your world if that dress is not properly chosen inside our world
But when you make wrong choice in important things inside your world then you can never
Choose inside their options because those options are something totally wrong for our world
And in case of them you have bear for many years if you just follow someone and choose wrong option.

Poem 185. Rules

I set my mind always to obey rule I told my mind I must understand importance of rules
Inside my mind on each and every time I just wish to god that rules will remain properly in life
Because whenever we break rules mountain seems to move I don't mean normal but important
Rules which make us alike and which make us nice those rules are something necessity of life
So inside my life I always wanted to obey rules I just never want to disobey some rules but
In my life every day I saw people for whose rules are nothing but just child's play and they just
Tell everyone how easily and wisely they have broken the rules some people to seem that
It is so wrong to obey those rules they seem to think that they will act stupid and like fool when
They decide to obey their rules inside our life on every point we just feel one thing inside life
That we need to understand human mind that is to obey rules which always affects our thinking
On each and every time so inside our life we feel that we must need to obey rules but that is
Not because they are something compulsory but they are made to keep us safe from world
Which have many problems and we don't know when we will fall in trouble if we break some rule
I know sometimes rules seem to stop your development and sometimes people just set them
For your safety in each and every way so in life when ever you will have rules set just try to
Think twice when you decide to obey or disobey because rules have sometimes two sides
One is so nice and other is worst type some times some rules are set in such way inside life
That on each and every time I feel we must need to think twice not while disobeying but also
While obeying them inside our life because some rules are set to keep us safe but some rules
Are just set  to destroy freedom of our life and between these things there is just small line because
Some people stop us from doing things because they care about us inside life and some just
Stop us because they think we are on totally wrong side but some just think that we must be
Kept under control inside our life but when we see that type of people who just want to rule
And control our life we began to feel that we have cheated by each person who set rules
Inside our future and inside our life after all in life on each and every time we just feel that
We are doing things which are of totally under control of some person inside our life so inside
We just think people who are part of our life are nothing but just those people who want us
To obey our life on each and every time because inside our life on each and every point
I just feel that I just don't want someone to rule in my life so some people are telling truth
And other people are just lying because they wanted to force you and tell you their views
Some people want you to scare because they want you under thumb while some really want
To help but it is so hard to differentiate person because inside our life face never tells us
What is hidden in heart or what is hidden inside those minds and those minds began to
Tell us that we just never understand what is inside their heart so until we break we never
Understand values of those rules but sometimes we obey senseless sort of rules which
Make us unhappy on many days and times they just never give us any freedom inside life
So on every moment inside our world when some rule is set I just feel one question inside
My mind and inside my world that should I obey that rule or maybe I should just disobey
That rule because each rule seem to set before me one limit which will manage to hurt me
So inside my life on every point I just think that I need to understand my life and then I have
To think for days and nights if I disobey this rule did I do wrong or is it alright for my life
But when some rule is set inside life then we need to disobey it on many times because
On basis of those rules sometimes our future damages in life and sometimes those rules
Keep our future perfect and give us happy life so on every time we need to decide that
If we can have success then why did we have failure as part of our future and our life
Because some rules manage to protect us from danger inside life and if we know how
To protect our self then we can skip those rules in life but some rules are regarding another's
Privacy in life we must learn to obey them inside our life because those rules can tell us
That how to give respect to other person inside our life those rules tell us about our limits in life
And those rules tell us how to give respect other human being inside our life but if we decide
To disobey them then we are no more human in life in fact calling us animal seem so wrong
Because when human turn that way even calling them animal seem insult to animals inside life.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Poem 184. Pole

I saw luck taking many turns and some are good for me and some are
Wrong and worst so inside my life on every point I just think that in my life
How strange are those moment inside our life so on that point I just think
One thing in our life that is when my luck did something it manage to shock
My mind on each and every time so inside our life on every point I just think
That my thoughts give me surprise many times because life never turn that
Way which way I have imagine my life so inside our life on every time
We just feel that we need to understand a person and that person's mind
But when luck take twist all things just remain to side because after all
We can never able to understand someone's mind I think it is easy to claim
Many things inside our life but when truth comes before me I feel that
I am so happy when I was assuming I can understand other person's mind
But shadows are not that true as that sunshine because shadows can't show you
Things which truly stood before us inside our future and our life but sun shine
Can easily have that kind of power to show on our daily life so inside our life
Each one give shock inside our future and our life after each shock that person
Have something inside our life but that shock is something interesting for life
That shock have effect inside our mind because we have guessed one way
And we are happy about that way inside our life because our life is something
Perfect in our mind which will always bring smile in our eyes from one part
I have started with hope that I will get that thing inside my future and inside
My life so I began to think that our life will have some wrong effect on our mind
When I feel so sure that I will win in life and when it fail then it will have bad
Effect on mind so strange thought is that even our life seem to have bad effect
On our mind that is what we always say about our mind because life is so complicated
We are upset inside our mind when that concept inside our life but when that
Concept fail I just seem to so shock that this shock take away my days and nights
That shock is something so pleasant for our life because that thinking will harm me
Somewhere inside my life after all in this life I always thought with that idea
I will go ahead in life and if I don't manage to do it then at least I can forget happiness
For some days and some time so inside our life whenever I think that our ups
And downs inside so when something happen inside our life so every time I just
Think that we are shocked inside our life on every time I just thought that we think
Our thinking is something precious for our life after all inside our life we think
I should laugh or cry but many things inside our life tell us that we are on wrong side
Inside my life we began to feel that our thoughts are something shocking for every
Moment and thought inside our life but slowly after sometime I accept that failure
In life but then as days went ahead I notice one thing inside our life that is we don't
Mind that success have taken us so ahead inside our future and inside our life so
On each and every point I just feel that I can win my life because my life will give
Me what I really want in life that failure doesn't matter much inside my thought and
Inside my mind so on each and every time I feel so shock which take me away
From our side inside our life on every moment of sorrow always manage to vanish
After some moment and after some time so inside our life I began to think that
One thing is so important as well as precious in life that is we have to adjust about
Failure inside our life after all in life on every time we think that everything will be
Alright inside our life because in our life some shocks and sorrows seem like big
Problem inside our life and then those problem manage to vanish easily in life
So never let that problem manage to destroy our life because inside our life on
Some point we are like pole we never move from our side until we decide it in our mind.

Poem 183. Thought

Many thoughts came and went away from my min thought because those
Thoughts are something like a wind which never able to stop inside mind
Those thoughts will help us on each and every time because those thoughts
Have power to entertain our thinking and our mind those thoughts are
Something really worthy in life but many times I think they are not that
Important for our life because inside our life on every time I just feel that
I have lost peace of my thinking and my mind when I force that thought
Which are not that good for mind because some time some thoughts take us
Me totally on wrong side because inside my life I don't have that strength
In future and life after all inside our life some thought don't seem right for
My future and for my life so I thought fully that these thoughts are something
Which are creating problem inside life and they will never stay with me
For all my life so inside my life on every moment I just thought one thing
About my life that thoughts are like some birds which don't stay on one spot
For entire future or for entire life after all my life is something which is not
Nice because sometimes I feel that we have problems inside our thinking and
Inside our life so I never thought that one thought will remain with me for
Whole life because that thought is something which is not nice for our life
That thought will stay with us for our future and for our entire life and that
Thought will stay with us from each and every side so inside our life from
Each and every time I thought many thoughts are part of our life because
Those thoughts are something which always leave us alone after some time
So inside our life on every time we just think that our thoughts are nothing
But those thoughts are something which just went away but some thoughts
Are made in such a way that they never leave our mind and they just kept
Awake after all inside our life some thought will just stay there and that
Thought is something which are not perfect so inside our life I think again
And again about those thought which will create problems so inside our world
We want to win again and again so inside our life I just kept that thought
In some shade when we can't manage it to come forward again and again
So inside my life and on each and every moment I just feel that I have lost
In one game that is nice and needed in every way so inside my life but then
One thought is important for our life it takes ahead slowly inside our life so
Day after day and night after night we began to think inside our life that
Thought is something which stay with me inside my future and inside life
Because that thought will not let me sleep on any moment inside our future and
Inside our life I just feel one thing about that thought and that is this thought will
Never leave me inside my life it will stay with me even if I stood alone on horizon
Because that thought is something which is nice in that thought I think many times
Give me pleasure inside my life because that thought is something so perfect
For our future and for our life and I just want that thought to stay with me inside
My world and inside my mind because that thought is something which told me
That it is best for our thinking and our mind so inside our mind on every time
I just think that we have those thought which are something important for mind
But out of all those thought just one thought will make some meaning inside life
That thought will remain with me on each and every day and night so inside life
I just have one thought in mind and special thing is that in this thought winning and
Losing is something not matter any more inside my future and inside my life so
I just feel one thing even if for this thought I have to work hard inside our life but
Still after all when I start to walking on path which belong to that thought when
I don't need to work hard maybe at least on those days I will peacefully sleep in night.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Poem 182. The Sky

                                              The Sky
When I look at sky I always see the clouds and then first thing I see
Those birds which are flying around after all those birds are something
Which touch my heart that bird is for a symbol of freedom which please
My thinking and I want fly to like a bird without any problem inside my
Thinking and inside my world so I started noticing those birds which
Are flying with so much grace and skill that those birds seem to me so
Nice and promising when I watch that sky only birds appeal to me
And I try to guess which one is that type after all those birds are something
Interesting and nice but while I was watching them some one enter there
And that person also started watching those birds when that one saw those birds
That person start thinking that may those birds have come from far away
Borders and far away countries that one suddenly thought that if one that
Person could be rich and then that one can fly so high that instead of bird
That person get plane to sky so that person is no more seeing that birdie
That person is wasting lot of money and then voyages that one can make
To so many foreign countries in his eyes that one was in nice seat and enjoying
That weather which is so lovely so inside our life on every spot we just need to
Listen someone thinking to understand how many things are turn in so many
Beautiful and nice part so in life we think that we need many things but just
While watching that bird that person have richness in that person's dream
But that person never want to think about my dream that person never understand
How simple was my dream when I turn towards that person and told him my dream
That person started laughing because I have so much stupid dream that person
Said in life what we need most is money just flying freely like bird is not good
Because lot of cages are made for birds because they  need them in many cases and
When they caught in it people easily sell those birds for money so just having
That dream is not good for anybody that person started explaining to me that
How hard it is for birds to fly in sky since there are lot of human being and
How horrible life of bird because they don't get food easily and even while getting
Their food birds are attacked by many then that person described how easily one
Cat manage to take one sparrow away to eat and then that person started describing
It in way that I found most scary for me because inside life many have power
To describing things such cruelly that we began to feel we made mistake inside
Our world so inside our life we began to think that they are so perfect and
They are so right after all inside our life I began to think that bird are having so
Horrible life and when at that moment I saw cat I looked at that cat angrily
Because inside our life after all my dream was destroyed just by those cat
Which have art of bird killing so that person now began to convince me that
People really need money but somewhere in our heart after all inside life
We began to think that we need money inside our life but still then I think
That our thinking turn in wrong way totally so suddenly I can't think of
Leaving my dream and demanding for money because sky is something
Totally nice for me so inside our life we think that we need that we are not
Something which will give pleasure to you as well as to me so inside my life
I feel that I can't forget flying in sky and just struggle for money but then
Suddenly one person came and said nothing is important to any one in this
World but just one thing to every body that one said god it sitting there
And watching you and me suddenly I looked at other person who convincing me
Then started arguing with that person but that one just keep faith on god totally
That day I understood one thing that if person want some thing faith is most
Important for thinking of you and me so inside our life we must think properly.

Poem 181. Problems

I want to stay on a mountain lonely and alone away from all the problems    Problems
I thought this way one day because some people so much irritated me
While traveling with train I saw that mountain which look from that window
Nothing but just like some heaven whenever I saw that greenness I just feel
That those mountain will look such a best because those mountain have that
Green trees and all of them look like some heaven is inside them from every
Corner of that way I feel so happy and pleased every way after all inside our life
On every way that green look for my thinking so beautiful and pure so it is just
Perfect so I decide that I may not able to stay on it at that moment and inside
Our life I never in those mountain so much freshness that I have decided to
Shift in those mountain and their greenery looked to me so beautiful and perfect
Because when I go in that mountain I hope that I will see that green ways
So inside my life on each and every moment with hope to see heaven I went
In those trees to see those green heaven there but when I enter inside them then
I receive so big shock there are lot of insect in that mountain to irritate after all
That house of insect for human there was not much place then I notice that
There will also problem of food and water because in that forest I can hardly know
What is safe to eat inside this world so in life on each and every moment I just
Thought that food is required as well as needed so if I shift to mountain there
Are other problems and there are lot of burdens to handle on each and
Every moment inside our day after all inside our life on every moment we have
To adjust with burden on each and every day so I decided that shifted in every way
So inside my life on each day I can't shift and go away after all inside life on each moment
I want to go away from stress not increase them I think we just need to understand
On each day that we can't just run away from our problem after all our problems
Are something so perfectly stood with us in each and every way that we just feel
That we can escape but problem never goes aways sometimes I think if we run
From them even after our death maybe angels will come to visit us with list of problems
After all in life when we have given our share of problems then maybe we are
On totally wrong way by avoiding all those problems we are just creating around us
A most biggest type of mess because inside our world on each and every moment
We feel that we are on wrong task on every day because when we start shifting
From our problem slowly our problem will come and visit us again and after all
In our life on each day we think that if we live alone it will reduce our problems
But it will never manage to reduce our problems it will just create more and more
Things in life to complicate because on mountain and in greenery we just see the best
And when we went near it that things also not look so best so inside our life on
Each and every moment we just need some thought which will going to help us
In each and every way because from one point we start but life is not always that best
And inside our life on every way we just think that problem will always manage
To get us upset so if we stay away from people maybe it will reduce problem but
If you want the truth in life to solve problem in life you first need to face and then
Only you can understand what is proper and best because without understanding
That problem you can never win in any ways after understanding may be you can
Choose whatever your way but I don't think those mountain ever have power
To solve my problem because those problem are something which already entered
Not only inside my life but also inside my head and stopping me from thinking
In right way and straight so I need a lot of time to understand problem and face
After all inside our life we need to understand what need is some patience and strength
I just thought that maybe we want to know what is perfect for us and best.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Poem 180. Lovely dream

                                            Lovely dream
O My lovely dream don't fly always from me I feel from my brain and my heart
Just same way when that lovely dream got away from my heart and my thinking
I can give anything to have in my life that dream because that dream is something
Which is just perfect for my thinking because that dream have beautiful things inside
That dream as our life's part and those dream have special feeling which will always
Please my thinking and please my heart but when that dream started to vanish
Then I just feel one thing from inside of my heart it is that this dream will be perfect
And I can't let it vanish without hope to have that dream inside my life and my heart
Every moment I just did one thing that is I worship that dream and every day
I just keep that dream telling that I will anything to keep you alive inside my heart
I will make all changes in my life to adjust with you because you are breathing
Of my brain and heart when I see that dream is going so out of my reach I just began
To think will it really help my thinking about my dream but inside my life and
Inside it's part after all we think that dream is something perfect for my thinking and
For my heart inside my life I just have one nice sort of dream which manage to keep me
Awake on my nights so I have decided that from my heart that I can do anything
Only if I can get dream which I like from inside of my thinking and inside of heart
I have decided that I will change the whole world and I can do as I wish inside world
Because inside my world and inside my thoughts I just feel that my dream is something
Just to catch and keep you with me and I will move whole world to catch that dream
I want it in life because it will give comfort and pleasure to me and it will always
Tell me that this dream is something so pleasant for you and me because in life
On every moment inside my life I feel that I need to understand my heart and
Those dreams are something which is like river which give me water and fresh
My heart but when that dream stopped I suddenly began to feel it is impossible part
Because those dreams are something like written thing on rock but I used to think
That way until weather broke that rock and when that rock turn into sand then
That dream began to vanish from my heart but I have decide from my thinking and
My heart that I need that dream to please my thinking and my heart because that
Dream was something pleasant sort and it use to hurt many times my thinking and
My heart because that dream was not just thinking but that dream was my world's
Most important sort of part because that dream use to give pleasure to my thinking and heart
So I told that dream that I will not sleep at night but just work for that dream and
I will do anything that will please my mind so inside my heart I just feel one thing
From start did I really need to do more thing that do more effort but then my dream
Ask from me a strange sort of cost it wanted me to have to make pact with devil
If I want to keep and give success to my heart on that moment suddenly feel that
I don't want that dream and devil anywhere near my heart suddenly that fresh
Water for throat turn into some salty sort of water for thinking and heart after all
Because I no more want that dream which use to touch our heart because inside
My thinking and my heart  my dream was something which turn into wrong
Shape before my heart but then I thought that I can turn my different way but
Maybe it will make it all slow but still I can keep walking if not running as per my heart
But I just don't want for my life after all that dream which is needed devil pact
But I can always shape my dream into totally different way which will touch my heart
Because those dream are something which can made different and may be hard but
In life I never made devil's pact because I can forget that dream that such pact but
In life just be aware of that fact some people who are good at beginning make in
Their life such a type of pact and then they manage their ways and keep devil's heart
So just never trust someone because you know that one from past because any time
Person can change their heart just always act according to your moral and your pure heart.

Poem 179. Destiny

Many picture has beauty and art they have that power to win many person
Admiration and many person's art so that spot I just think that both the picture
Have same beauty and same art but still every time from inside of our heart
I feel that some pictures are benefited while some are kept without much regard
Some pictures are made such a way inside our life that we just never understand
Those pictures and their art because those picture are some thing so pretty and
Nice for our thinking but still some picture don't get that power inside that art
After all if comes question of skill both are perfect work of art and still inside
Our life and our life's part we just feel that they are something nice for our heart
But one picture I saw was in big art gallery and people are spending lot of money
To get that piece of art those picture are something so lovely that I just want
To have that piece near my heart but when I went near it and saw price on that art
I was so shocked and felt sure that this price can't be given by my brain for art
After that I just kept away but keep watching that picture it was hanging proudly
On that wall and there was smile on lips of painter whenever some wealthy person
Comes near that one and admire that person's art there was so proud smile on
That face as if that one have won some war but I saw that one was friend just
Some rich after all that person need purchaser not just viewers like me but even
To me that painter welcomed with whole heart but in that one's eyes I can read clearly
That this person know that this person can't give us any beautiful piece which was
Nice and perfect type of piece of art whenever we watch for hours that piece of art
I just feel if only I can have that picture to please my heart but when I saw that
Artist even nice to me then I thought maybe this one deserve money but still
Somewhere in heart I thought it was too much of cost and I can never find someone
Who have so much money in pocket to spend on art slowly that artist was surrounded
By so many person who began to admire that person's every art but I just think
I just like that one piece but other piece are good but not that good piece of art
That I need to understand each piece have that special type of art and inside our life
On every time we need to know we don't know world's many parts so I just kept
Looking and finally I saw all pieces are getting price and every piece have admirer
Who really like that art and now that painter was so proud that painter don't even
Need to open mouth to tell that this painter no longer want any of us stay in that gallery
Or even to admire that one's art so that painter become happy even when two or three
Paintings are sold and other admire left without paying for art because sell of two pieces
Are enough to make that painter feel fulfill with that one's art after all in those paintings
That person receive enough money to keep that one happily for many years according
And my spending skills from heart after that for some time I wandered around there
Those piece was really beautiful for our art but after some time I just feel that I can't
Afford that much for art so I went out and started going back to my home with my empty
Hands on that moment I saw one artist who was selling his picture on corner of road
Everything was described about that one with just one word that is poor but before
My eyes stood same picture of art that person selling in that poor condition that same
Piece of art even if they are different scene but this one can called better than that
Gallery art all lines are made with so care that they just manage to touch my heart but
Still this person was on road and trying to sell that person's art while walking this one
Was requesting everyone to see that piece but no one want to admire that talent or that art
After all both are art have same level but this one is on just road and admirer are far away
From this art even those who like picture in that gallery reject this one's picture just because
They don't like that roadside art so when I went ahead and ask for price that one
Started showing each and every piece and offering cheapest price for art when I given it
I saw that one smile with mouth which didn't hold any teeth but still happy for sale of art
So destiny differentiated between those two while giving money but they are differentiated
In case of skills which have given by god to us but not differentiated in case of art.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Adventure story 27. Monkey

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Poem 178. Tides

Whenever in life circumstances takes one tide we feel as if on that moment
We must start our fight it doesn't matter what other things look but we just feel
One way inside that we don't have so much strength to stop in our life so on those
Moment we feel that we need to understand that we are on that peak of life
That we just needed to move and fight so we decide to go and stood against tide
But then as we start going there suddenly many times we get lot of advice
Some are useless one but some are useful for life just because you get useless
Don't ever ignore useful advice because those advice are something which are
Needed inside our life those tides may stop us from going ahead in life but we can
Always push our ways against those tides but when we started trying once again
We heard those advice normally I never like advice but sometimes they are
Opener of eyes because they give us bright light and they tell us what we must
Do inside our life so those thinking will keep us safe from all crisis in life
But sometimes we just don't want to listen those advice because when we see
Those tides we just want to explain people one thing in life may those tides
See more beautiful and shore is dirty because we don't take care of it properly
Inside our life so on every moment inside our life we feel that water is so beautiful
And seem so nice blue whenever we went near that water we feel that beach
Have so much dirt so on that we began to love those tides without thinking
If they are good for our life inside our life on every time we just see beautiful water
And let it touch to our body and we think that this water is so nice but I just
Feel one thing on that moment I need advice because human being is not made
For water or shore it is not so perfect and so nice that dirt on shore is something
Which seem not so pleasant for mind we just like that water which is not
Good for human mind so whenever we touch our feet with water we feel
It is perfect and nice after all water means nice thought for human mind
That tell us if we go in this way we will achieve good things inside our life
When our shore gets dirty by so many people's acts inside life we feel that
We can't get it clean because even if we clean it then it will once again get
Dirty and useless for our enjoyment in life after all inside our life on every time
We just feel that these shores can never become clean in life after many tries
Our heart gives us wrong advice it tells us that we can never keep it clean so
Maybe we should quit it in our life then we see water and it feel so nice
We want to go inside it but do you think it's wise because each unknown water
Is always risky for our life when we walk inside it slowly it will touch our
Feet and our heart in life and beginning it may seem perfect for our life so
Inside our life on every point we just think that we have found happiness
In that water inside our life but do you really think going deep in water is right
For our life and at that moment we began to get advice our adviser tell us
This is not right moment in life we just have to wait for some time inside life
After all may our shore is dirty but it is better to try to fight and clean it inside life
That going inside water with hope that it will give us some happiness in life
Because inside that water we are still feel risky on each and every side after all
Inside life on every moment do you think that you can win if you try to change
Truth inside our life so on every moment inside our life I just feel that we need
To clean our shore with more dedication in life because human being can't stay
In water how much may they want to stay inside because water will never prosper us
In our life so how much you may think that we got proper option in life just think
Once before changing it that can you adjust with it inside life because some times
When you put some more force you can get things as you like but just changing
Direction will not change your life just trying to stay in water will be against advice
Because human being can't stay in water fish are made for water inside life
So never try to go on such place just because you want to kill efforts and fight
Try to get things done in those situation by using your friends as well as your brain in life.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Poem 177. Toys

How strange is this world and how strange are those thinking in our heart
Some just treat people just like nothing important and a useless toy while others
Think that toy are so important for them they always try to store their toy
Something  is important for their own heart and for them other people are
Just some game or toy even when some person get hurt that doesn't stop them
From enjoy and even while others are crying they laugh when they get some joy
Inside their life and inside every moment they feel just one cry that they have
Right on happiness and they can enjoy as much they want to laugh and enjoy
So inside our life in each and every try I just heard one thing that how easily they
Throw away person like toy but I just have one question in my heart that do you
Really throw away those toys and we can gather as much as we want in life
But I never able to throw away so easily my toy but some person are so
Strange that on each moment they just throw away their things when they think
That those things are useless in their eye because inside their life on each and
Every side we just feel that we are attach to many things because they are some part
Of our past and our relation in our sky but some people just never cared what other
People think about their thoughts and their views in their sky they just do as they wish
Without breaking any thoughts and without bringing new light to improve our sky
But inside our life on every time we just feel that we are so involved in everything
And every part that we can never imagine of throwing people like that out in sky
But some times some person think what is big in giving that try while other think
That we need happiness inside our life and inside our sky so we must need to throw
Away those people who create problem in life then only we can live as we like in our life
And we can enjoy our freedom inside our life so inside our life we need to understand
One thing inside this that we must treat at least some people like our toys which are
Too sharp one so we were kept away from those toys at that moment our parents
Did it but now we need to do it inside our life so we need to understand truth of life
That since now we are grow up we need to understand which person are not good and
We need to keep them away from life I can understand that concept but other concept
Is always horrible in my eyes in that concept they say that old toys are shown away
When we want new one have to enter in life so they forget old friends when they get new
Friend inside our life they say we must throw away our old friend and they easily enjoy
With new people their each and every day how can someone do this to a person
Is always one big question but we can always say this is what happen when people
Just learn to think about themselves they don't even feel they are throwing away their friends
After all they don't throw away those friends out of house and just in life you keep those
Old toys inside your house in one corner just because if you need them one day and
They act same way but most shocking thing is that how easily they feel that they are not
Doing anything wrong they just think that they have right to do things of that sort because
They are just doing because old toys are not enough for their future and their life so
They change anything whenever they like and they may enjoy those things inside our life
They just never think about people much more than their toys they just think this way
On each day and night but what shocked me most is how can people tolerate that
They are treated this way inside their future and their life so on each and every point
We just think that we must understand our importance in our life even when some people
Treat them in worst way still they expect those old people to return in their life as if
Joining some one's enemy or throwing old friend for someone else are not equal crime
Inside our life these people feel that they are perfect and right so when old friend said no
They expect them to return to their life just like those old toys I just wish from my heart
Those people understand truth of life they may treat other people like some sort of toys
But that don't make people just some emotional toys one day people will rebel against them
In life they will not return to them like those toys because people are not those plastic toys
Which have to tolerate on every day of their life because they can't show emotion and
Don't scream because they lack in biggest thing is that like human they don't have their own strong voice. 

Poem 176. Gifted One

                                         Gifted One
Sometimes god give a gift which will give us some success in our life so Gifted One
When we got that gift we feel that it is so perfect nice for our life that we
Don't need much efforts to do that thing inside our life so we think that
Every time we can get it without much efforts inside our future and our life
Because we are getting something without much help because when god give
Us some thing then we can easily do as we wish from our heart so inside
Our thinking and our heart we need to find something which are easy to do
In world's part then we must understand what is inside our heart if we have
That talent then we can do anything which we like so inside our life on
Each and every time we will feel that we are gifted by great things inside
Sometimes we have to make efforts inside our life because those skills
Are those things sometimes come so easily in life that we just don't understand
Importance of those gifts inside our life because on each and every time
Inside our life on every time we just use those things because they are
Part of those life because inside our life on every point we just think that
These gifts are nothing such important for our future and for our life and
When those gifts are given us by god we just think that those gifts are something
Which are nothing important for our life on each and every day inside our life
We think that those gifts are not something important for our days and night
Because when we get something my birth sometimes we think that it is normal
Like breathing inside every life we never think that it is something special
Which will give us happiness because others don't got it inside their life
When skill is so normal that we feel that we can do it without much efforts
Inside our life then we start to think that we are not gifted at all in our life
So when some person tell us that we are gifted with some thing in life then
We just smile and think that person is so nice but never believe in heart
We are gifted in our life because some of us are surrounded by critics in life
After all in life on everything we receive criticism as part of our life if we have
Such people we don't admire our gifts and we feel so useless that gifts in life
Sometimes even we show disrespect to those skills because people don't
Appreciate them in life but I feel just one thing in life those who got them
Can never understand their importance in life and those people who have
Nice talking people in their life they began to think they are god on this earth
Because they got such skill inside their life because days as well as nights
They think that were important for our life so inside our life on every moment
They just think that they are superior over each person's skill because inside life
On every time we just feel that these gifted thing are wasted because those who
Have it don't understand their importance in life and those who don't have
Will always work hard every day in their life and just think that they will win
Only if they got this gift inside their future and their life they always miss this gift
Because they need it in life they can give anything if someone give them that gift
In their life is so precious that they could do anything to just have that gift inside life
On each and every moment inside our life we just think that we have nothing that
Important in life but if you look properly inside each person have one gift precious
For life if someone say that one don't have gift in life then I will say modesty is
One best gift given to that person by god inside that person's life because on each
And every moment inside our life we just wish that we can get many gifts which
Are important and precious for mankind but we can't see them clearly in our life
Because we can get discourage very easily in our life and that is the reason we
Can never get gifts see those gifts in your life just look at carefully in mirror and
Reject what you think bad about you on that point and then you can easily see
Those god's gift in life because those gifts are some which should always kept alive
After all god have given us those gifts just because god thinks we can value our life
So always try to understand one thing each of us is gifted in life just some use them
For good and nice purpose and some either ignore or use them for bad purpose in life.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Poem 175. The Sun

                                        The Sun
Sun rises from many mountains many desserts and shores
But sun has same power on each direction and everywhere because
Sun have his own strength inside to give power everywhere and
Sun never thought why should I give my power to every one and
Sun never stop on one place and make it favorite one even if
Some place that is in far away in corner sun also goes there even if it
Takes sun six months to go still for next six months sun stood there
This is what happen on those corner of this earth sun just never rise
Every day it will just rises after six months but still sun goes there
Because sun want to give it power and strength since sun have so
Power sun will go every where but question is that if it is this way
Or it's other way since sun give power to every one nature give him
That much power to stood firmly on that ground which look perfect
In each and every way so inside our life on every day we just think
If person distribute things his things vanish in one day it will not happen
If person do it with system and care like a sun that person give things
In limit on each and every place when you cross limit then things turn wrong
Even strong sun rays do lots of harm because when you give them over
That limit they burn you into ash so understand one thing giving never did
Any harm but we just make up our mind about that concept which is fully
Wrong after all in our life we can't do anything good by just keeping every
Power to our self and gathering our each want you can keep to yourself
What you needed from heart but what is excess you got should be distributed
To other because we want to grow further that is just our basic want so inside
Our life on every time we just never understand what is truth of our thinking
We just see the bright sun and feel that it's shine is something which will be
Perfect for each and every heart so inside our life on each and every point
We admire even those who did things for limited people in life because we just
Think that they have power to get things done so they must do it first for their
Own person in life but I just feel one thing when some one have strength and quality
In life then that person must act like sun in some part those people who give
Their things to limited places and limited hearts can't be ever called the sun because
Sun never discriminate in any part so inside our life the person who have true heart
Will never help just limited people that one will try to reach every one even if
That person's power will reduce to nothing by heart you may can't see that shine
For some days but sun can't be hidden away because sun have that power and
Sun have that strength that person who have that power will shine again and again
Sun never know how to cheat some one's heart sun may burn you sometimes but
It doesn't mean to burn heart but those who claim they have bright power of sun then
Those people must learn to distribute each and every thing to each and every person
It really hurt my heart when someone claims big and when comes question of giving
Help they just show their thinking they just help their own kind or their supporter
From all do you really think those people have right to claim that sun should shine
When they will help other heart sun never does it so just never look around you for sun
Because sun is still shining in sky and sun never visited the earth so inside our heart
We must understand around us are just people no one have so much strength to rule
Our heart and our world because until now I don't find someone who is equal to
Each and every person so learn inside life treat every one like your equal and
That doesn't mean just give respect to lower but give limited respect to superior person
And never think in life anyone can be called as powerful as perfect as sun.

Poem 174. Dancing and Singing

                                          Dancing and Singing
Many times I saw a dance but I just don't like those steps and that dancers
Style and art I know I don't know much about dance but still I know
Enough to understand it was not nice dance I saw many people who
Are not trained can do a better dance but still I saw many people who can do
Nice and perfect dance even when they are doing it just to entertain and not
For any professional gain and I was so sure that even if I can judge best but
Still I can judge worst from all and that person who is not good can never turn
Into best for heart after all even if I don't know proper professional dance
But still I can easily see if that person is easily copying that person's each and
Every part because dance was neither original nor was original it's any move
But still when I heard them I think I know about them from their heart because
After all dance are something which can be understood by heart because while
I see that dance I can see many mistake in many parts because inside my life
I feel from my heart that I can understand dance because it is not about science
But it is just pleasure and happiness of our heart so every time I thought in every
Thinking and part that I need to understand not that science but just enjoy in that
Dance my heart and I always felt that I need to try that dance but sometimes
In my life and inside my heart I feel that nothing is as simple as that because
People don't seem to think anything is there to please my heart on each and every
Moment they tell me knowledge and their science are important part sometimes
It's music and sometimes it's other art but one thing is so clear that they just want
Their ratio and proportion in each part it's seem like line and circles which are
Perfect geometric part become some thing which always enter inside human heart
So inside our life on each time I just think of one thing in heart that is how to
Understand human heart which on each point want some logic and books become
Standard of all art after all those books are also written by some artist who was
Nice in their art but do you really force them by some books can they become
So nice in art may each field have it's rule but they are just one rule of art that
It should be use to please person and not to hurt any heart or any one's moral
But now a days it seems so hard to understand people and their heart they really
Forget morals and just throw money to show off their art but do you think that
Art is something which touch our heart how much may people clap on it but then
One day we can understand their heart and those hearts told us clearly that
They are just clapping because they are taught that we must learn to clap on that
Thing which they told us to call art but I have just one question do they really
Like that art because from thoughts inside our heart we just have one question
In heart that do they really like that art because if they really like it then may be
They clap for reason that not none to my heart then after sometimes I feel confuse
And began to think maybe I am wrong because I never understand those thoughts
Then I started looking carefully that art but sometimes even I can able to like
Something new but some dancer seem still bad for our thinking and our heart
So inside my life and on each part we just feel one question at heart that is we
Never understand what we think about those things which are enjoyed by heart
After all we are human we can't just change what we thought and how hard
May I try to see it but still my logic fail to understand their art but I just wish to
Ignore it because if everyone began to clap at that art and every one is admiring it
Then it must be one of greatest sort of art so inside our life on every spot I just
Try to avoid that type of programe of art because I can't claim that I know so much
About those dance but I just want to tell you how hard may I try I just can't like that art.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poem 173. Candles

Candles are of many types they are in many shapes just by looking at their beauty
You never want them to burn because whenever that candles burn slowly they
Get melted and then once again we can never look at them in totally new way
But when I was gifted with such candles they look beautiful in each and every way
After all candles are beautiful and pretty piece of art they are so beautiful that
I just love that design and it seems so fully wrong to burn those types which look
Beautiful and artistic for heart because candles are something so nice and perfect
For our heart because those candles are something which are work of nice art
After all these art are beautiful and look pleasant piece of art these nice artistic
That those art can look beautiful for art so whenever those candles are something
Which burn from each point and art because on each step those candles will
Look pretty piece of art because those candles burn step by step and with it goes
Away it's pretty and beautiful art that I feel if I keep them store in safe place
Then they will please our heart those candles are something new and pretty for heart
When those candles look so nice and I kept then carefully wrap inside paper
In hope that one day I will use them because they are special piece of their art
One after one days come and went but none of days touch my thinking and heart
Because may be those days are special but I feel that I can get more special days
In which I will burn that piece of art after all one after another days went ahead
Which began to touch our heart but I have one feeling that this art is not that
Special to burn this way and turn it into air without much efforts from heart
Wasting such art seem so wrong when we turn this way towards our heart
Then no occasion seem perfect to burn that art do I kept that candle just near me
And slowly forgotten it totally from my heart but that candle just remain there
And it was locked for many days with just one hope inside my heart that one day
I finally get guts enough to burn that candle on things and bring happiness for heart
But I wanted to store it from my heart but one day finally I decided to use
That piece of art how shocked I feel from my heart because that candles have
Some strange thing from heart it is something which is interesting for our heart
Because that candle no longer seem like nice piece of art after all those candles
Are something which don't look nice for my heart because I just wanted to
Burn them and show beauty for heart so inside our life I thought that those
Candles are not beautiful and lovely piece of art they were so destroyed
Beyond any thought of art because they were all destroyed while I put those
Candles inside safe place for my heart but still they were destroyed then
It looked like time's art so inside our life in every part time have some power
That it destroyed everything slowly part by part so inside life storing something
Which will seem useless for our thinking and heart that we can never able
To store anything in any part so I think it is something important for our heart
So inside our life we can't store things which touched by our heart after all
Inside our life and every part we think that we can store many things but it's
Again our views and art are something never matter when nature's rule become
Important and valuable sort of part so inside our life on each and every moment
We think from heart that we can save that thing for always but it never happen
That way because it's against the rule of nature and it's heart that never agree
We waste every thing in life just storing and keeping it safe from destroying it
In problem of any sort after all in our life we just want to keep everything safe
And sound for our heart inside our life is just one want we want to keep everything
Safe inside our heart only if we can understand we can't store anything inside
Our life's part then we can easily escape from many problems of many sort
Because then we will use everything happily instead of keeping them safe
After all if it is going to ruin any way why don't burn it to give others flame.


Poem 172. Gift of Burden

                                         Gift of Burden
When I went to book it tells me something that it touches to my heart
And it touches inside it after all that book has every thing which for me
Inside my life I just love to read it in my life because reading is my passion
And that is one biggest truth of my life even when I don't read those stories
They remain alive inside my mind I just feel so happy while remaining them
In my thoughts as well as inside my mind because those stories are something
Which stay inside me like breath in my life how sad it feel whenever someone
Done like that book at all I give it to that person and feel that one will really
Like those books which are perfect for our mind because inside our life
On every spot books are so special for me that I began to gift them to each
Person and every heart those books are something so nice and special to me
That I can never understand that someone will hate them fully so inside life
On that point I feel so shocked when whom I gifted that book just gave me
One artificial smile because inside my life those books are so perfect and
For that person they are nothing but just some books which touches that
Person's heart and that person's life but when I saw that person's eyes I just
Understood one thing that this person is never going to give that book any try
Because that book was not special to that person but it like some irritating thing
For his eyes and he had read enough books while studying he don't need any more
Books to trouble his life and irritate his dream sky for him it was worst gift
Reminder of things which he hated even before he try because he never like
Any book for him he was just forced to read them because he wanted to get
What was in his mind and his eyes because books were something which only
Pass him many exams before to touch the sky but that doesn't mean that he want
To read them ever in his life because he had tried enough of them for his thinking
And his mind so when I gave that gift it was worst to him not blessing but I can see
Clearly it was just a burden to him so maybe he want to return but he never dare
To try because you can't disrespect your guest even if that guest give you in gift
Something horrible after seeing which want to scream and cry so that person
Gave me on nice smile and kept that book slowly in one side but I feel so sure
In life that one never touch it may be that one want to throw it away from sight
So that one book never had any chance in life and I don't want someone to bear
That burden in my life I can see clearly that I am forcing on someone a gift
That just to please my feeling and please my heart because that gift was something
Which will just please my thinking and my heart because those books are
Something interesting for our thinking and our heart after all those books are
Some sort of important gifts which will please our heart but when gifting
That person I forgot to think about that person's heart but sometimes I think
While giving gift we need to understand another person's heart after all in life
We need to understand other people's heart because gifting means giving
Someone that thing which is wanted for that person's thinking and heart
After all in life book is one gift which was just dear to my heart not that gift
Which is dear to someone else heart because inside our life on life's every part
We just know what we want so while giving gift we can never able to handle
What is that person's heart and that person's want so on that moment I understood
Just one thought that in my life I can't gift anyone what I love and I want
Because when I see that in one corner it just told me one thing to my heart
That is this person can respect that book and never able to understand it's part
I want to take it back but I was also forced not to do it due to culture and it's part
So from that day inside my heart I just feel one thing that I will never gift
My favourite book to anyone until I know proper that one like to read by heart.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Poem 171. The Heart


                               The Heart
Many type of statues and their beauty always touches many people in heart
Some gives feeling of peace because they are made that way to please our heart
But it depend on you that what you see inside from your heart if you want to see
Anger or pain instead of peace you can easily see them in that statues heart
Because statue is something made by just human it is your thinking that make them
Alive and human after all statue never posses heart unless you put it in such a way
That it began to shine bright like some star because when something made
Of stone it don't got heart it is our thinking which gives it soul as well as heart
Some statue are made such a way that give feeling of god and before them no sinner
Can stood without confessing their heart because that statue have that power
To make people confess their fault but how did that stone got it just because
We worship it with our heart may be creator is inside but just because we call that
Power with our pure and innocent heart before  that this stone never posses that
Power and strength inside our heart after all in our heart we have something called
God but we can't bring out like that so we accept stone as our god and there are
Some stone which look so lovely like some piece of art and we keep them in
Museum and show them as some valuable piece of art when we look at some stone
After all in life most valuable thing is stone we just call it a diamond and want
It more and more but diamond is nothing but just a stone but inside our mind
It have so much value that sometimes even it sell our morals so inside our life
We are only person who decide what should be true value for those stones
Some can decide that which stone should touch our heart after all inside our heart
It will tell us that which stone is better for our heart some just run after god
But this is when we decide which feeling should stay in our heart some just run
After stones without much morals while other person find in that stone their god
Which will gave them that morals after all inside our heart we feel that those stones
Are something which are totally wrong for our heart after that those stones are
Something which are important for heart but it will be our choice what will
We decide that those stones are something interesting for our future and heart
Some people find money in stone while some find their god and some just
Think that stones are nothing but just money for some hearts while some are busy
Finding god and creating morals some just like to hold shining stone and
It was nice and beautiful for heart because those hearts something which will
Never understand god that stood inside those hearts which can even with help
Of stones able to find god some just want money and still claim they knew that god
They say that just by throwing money they can buy their god how interesting
Is that thinking and effect to buy the god but that person who don't have faith can
Only buy a statue of stone from market but can't buy god because god is inside
Heart of that person who worship that god not in just some stone because it is
Created in such a way that look like a god how can person so easily able to buy god
Just because god don't say anything we can't say anything as we wish about god
Because if one day god decide to tell us what is god's want we can't able to say anything
At all before the god because when god will come on earth it will be worst for all
God will not come with smile and to spread just happiness on world because
It is possible that if we act wrong way god may decide to punish our thinking and
Our world so inside our heart we just able to handle our heart and at least not
Take enmity with god just because we got shining stone called diamond from some part
Because god will not take that thing so easily for our thinking and for our heart
If god decide to teach us lesson it will worst part because god have power which
Can easily destroy many hearts so we must learn in life to respect every heart
And even if we like those shining stones may be we should learn to respect pure hearts.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...