Friday, September 27, 2013

Poem 1083. Blind or safe

                                                     Blind or safe
Life is so strange game some like to play it blind and some likes to play it safe
And each side have some positive sides and some negative effects after all in our life
On each and every moment after all inside our life those life have some nice side
After all there are something which have some side inside our life but after all
Inside our life every time people think that each have perfect game for our life
Those games are something which are something perfect for our life these games
Are something inside our life but life have something which is perfect and nice
Life have always nice and perfect style because our life is something which is nice
After all in life when we play blind it have risk from each and every side and
Sometimes it just destroy our life because risk is something which is perfect
For our life until it doesn't take us on wrong side sometimes when we play blind
We win war one after another which will give us happiness inside our future
And inside our life then when it gives happiness we began to get so fond of blind
That we just began to fall in love with those risks inside life if you take them
In limit you can always win in life but sadly many began to take too much risk
And began to play each thing in blind they began to think that playing blind is
Always best way of our future and our life because they think they have so many
Things just because they play blind but there is always one risk in playing blind
At beginning it is nice but slowly it turn into too much for our life because when
Person get habit of playing blind there is risk of losing in just one game of life
Every thing that this person got while playing game of life in way of blind will be
Just lost same way as it came in life when this one win confidence in this person
Is so bright that this person began to think that winning can be achieved only when
We manage to play blind but as days went away in our life we can't get things
Just always by playing blind because playing blind is wise just sometimes and
Sometimes it will take us on wrong side inside our future and our life but there
Is always one other side which will tell you that you must learn to play safe in life
So some people always play safe in life they never take any risk and never walk
Without precaution in their life so they play so safe and sound in their life that
They never like to gamble and gambling is crime in their eyes so they don't gamble
It is something best in life after all gambling can't give anything useful in our life
But when setting bet is seem so nice we think that we must understand what is
Meaning of our life safety is something which is precious for our future and life
But then there is one concept that will harm even safety in life since they don't
Gamble doing business never enter in their future as well as inside their life because
Safety is something important for life but in business you need to take risk and gamble
In it sometimes so do you think without business you can live your life after all
Business is also heart and soul of our life so just playing safe will stop us from going
Ahead sometimes and some opportunities just go wasted because they are not
That important for our future and for our life because when we see our profits
In our life how can we stop our self from taking that opportunity which will give
Benefit to us in many times in our life because in our life on every time we need
To understand that they are perfect for their life after all safety is something
Which is required for our life but it will not take us ahead if we start to skip every
Opportunity inside our life and those chances are something which take us ahead
In our life so we can't play safe and say we are wise on each and every time
Sometimes we need to play blind while sometimes playing safe is needed for life
But sadly it is common in life when person start walking one way that person will
Walk in that way for entire life so some people just play blind every day and some
Play just safe in their life so this is what truth of our life some play blind and
Some plays just safe in life so we just play in one way inside our future and our life.

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