Thursday, September 5, 2013

Poem 1044. Want for new

                                                    Want for new
When ever we see some thing precious and nice there is always one thought
Which enter in our mind that we want it in life I don't say that thought is wrong
For our life after all due to this thought we all progressed in our life and
From cave we reached to such bigger height we have every thing what we like
Just because we feel every new thing we see is ours to have by right but
Sadly some people began  to believe snatching it from other is right way to get
That new thing in life in fact it's worst way for entire future as well as
For entire life after all inside our life we all want some thing then we must
Learn to make it with our brain in our life purchasing it from others may solve
Your problem for some time but what you can make is for you always
Correct and right but many times when some thing beautiful is made then
Some people will try to buy it but some try to take it by force in their life
Taking any thing by force never give you fruit of that thing in your life
Because when you take that thing owner will never tell you many secrets
After all each thing have good and bad points but some times worst happen
When even owner don't tell all secret because some times that one don't know
All or may be that one want to hide but that is always biggest question of life
But we don't want to discuss it because truth about it never come out side
Those things are some thing which will always remain part of our future and life
But some times when we use new things they are good for some times and
Then after some times we see bad effects of them on our life but that
Don't mean we can throw them away from our life because finally
Each thing have two sides one is good one and one is bad side so when we
Take new thing then we must understand it in life that each thing have
Two sides good will come with bad in life but that don't mean that
You should throw away good thing from life we must try to adjust with bad point
There will be ways their in your life but just expecting new thing will be
Some thing needed inside our life after all on every moment inside our life
New thing are some thing which we never dream inside our life but
When we see them and their good side after all in this life on each time
First we see it new and smart type of side but after some time we see
Even new and good things have some bad points but if we throw them away
From our life just because we have some bad points we can't stop using
Some thing new always from our life but problem is that some times some new things
Look so nice at first sight but as days went ahead we notice bad things in them
As we move ahead in life so every moment we just don't understand in life
Should we make efforts to get that new good looking thing or will that be
Just waste of our money and entirely waste of our time so inside our life
On every point may we should think about things which hurt us instead of
Sharing every new thing which may harm us in life so inside our life
On every point we just think that we must select new thing carefully but
Still in life on every point we just think that buying new thing is not good for life
But it is not true about our life some times new things are some thing nice
And perfect for our life but we learn to use them with proper care and
Must understand when we use new thing risk is always stood there so
Inside our life after each and every point we can see some nice new thing
And we need struggle to get them in life because getting them properly is important
Because that process shows us what is wrong with that thing and what is right
So don't just accept new thing with blind eyes and always remember never
Just throw it away because in that new thing you find bad as part of it's life.

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