Monday, September 2, 2013

Poem 1039. Repeating things

                                                       Repeating things
Why some times I feel as if I am repeating thing why some times it feel
As if we all need to understand all those things which are perfect for our future
But are never perfect for all after all some times we just get stuck between
Many things which are nice for heart repeating things is some thing which
Is not fully needed for our heart because some times wrong things get repeated
Unnecessarily for our future and inside our heart after all repeated is some thing
Which is not perfect last time so some times we need to change our road to get
Things inside our life after all once that thing fail then only we need to repeat it
For us from our heart and then after some times we need to understand
That repeating things is not always perfect for our thinking or our heart
After all if we want to have some change we must not always repeat every thing
From our thought and heart repeating  every thing some time don't solve our problem
Inside our life so on each and every spot we just think that repeating perfect
For part after all just some things are going to repeated every thing in our heart
After all repeating things are some thing which are nice for their heart then
We must think repeating thing is some thing good for our heart those things
Are not giving us success we must understand that repeating is some thing
Which is some times perfect for our thinking as well as for our heart so
Inside our life we think that we must not repeat any thing inside our thought
Inside our heart after all when some one win some thing then we just think it is best way
Repeating thing is not right when we lose in some part don't run away from goal
When you think it is just best but we can always manage to think that from heart
Repeating is some thing which is useless for our future as well as for our heart
When we try that way and don't get success some will say that we must try again
But question is that how many times should we try this all after all in this life
We think that we must repeat it until it will give us some success inside our heart
Repeating is some thing which is not important for our heart just because
We thought repeating again and again will be rule of world's each and every part
Is fully wrong after all in our life repeating is some thing not perfect for any human being
Many times we advise by many person in our life that we must try again and
That is rule of life but some times we need to use head in our life and just repeating
What others saying is not always right some times in our life we think that other have
Some experience inside their life but that don't make their rules perfect for our life
Because we just don't have to use their advice every times  things change
And according to them you need to change in life just trying again and again wrong thing
Will not bring success inside our life so every time we see that we can't win in life
Repeating some thing is fully wrong and it lead to crisis some times because
Crisis are some things which are not that perfect for our life and happiness that
They take will just damage our life so some times instead of trying again and again
We need to change in life just think twice before trying that thing what is your
Thinking and what is your mind's advice how interesting it may seem to us in life
Repeating is some thing which is precious for our thinking in our life and it will
Lead us to some profit inside our life but some times it even bring crisis in our life
After all in repetition of some thing which will increase crisis in our life and then
After some time we need to repeat in our life but some times those repetition
Can't make achievement in life because when we repeat some thing perfect for us
After using our own thinking and our own mind we know how to handle them
When crisis arise but when we repeat some thing on some one else  advice those people
Will know fully that repeating things will not help them in life because in life
On every point repeating is some thing needed in life but only when it is done after
Use of our own mind and not on some one else advice about our life because
When we need to try again and again it can be only decided by our mind never do it
Just because other says so in life do it only when you think that it is best way of your life. 

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