Monday, September 9, 2013

Poem 1050. First time

                                                    First time
Inside my life I always start in life some thing new I need to prepare
For it hours before I get it right even when I made proper planning and
Took lot of advice still I need to do many things on spot in this life because
Every time when I try it I found how wrong are my thoughts about life
Because I always thought if I tried properly then I can get what I want
In life without any mistake in my life because when I start some thing in life
It always creates problems in life because how much I plan still some thing
Goes missing entirely from my view how much may I plan to make thing
Proper and perfect with every area and with every sort of thought and
On paper some times we write or may be we use mobile but still when
Finally starts I find some thing always missing from view and it felt
As if every new thing need some old which is missing from our view
We arrange every thing new and every new form and we arrange every
Hope and every sort of charm but what we forget is some which is
Normally needed in our each view and for that thing we try to get
Every aspect and every view inside our life on each spot we need to knew
That common things are also required for new thing and new art but
Sadly we always keep them stored so we think they are inside some where
In some cupboard or some part but worst thing happen when we saw
That they are fully missing and we noticed that we have already used
That thing because inside our life on each and every spot we do need that
Things so we use them in life's every part so inside our life on every point
We need to think that we want to use that thing on each point because
When ever we use that thing as regular part how easily that thing is used
We can never guess at heart when we have some thing or some people
As our regular part how granted we take them we don't even guess it in
Our mind or heart we never once  think they also have their plans
We never once think that they have their own life and own heart
Because in our life on every moment we just think of special things which
Required for that special moment common things are some times forgotten
As our life's part because we just think about special thing which are so
Hard to get but due to this mistake some times common thing which
Are easily included in our life began to go missing at that moment and
Since we thought common thing is some thing we can easily get suddenly
In our life every thing turn totally and fully wrong way we make many
Efforts to get that new thing and while searching for it we easily ignore
Need of that common thing but some times in life you will understand
In hard way inside your life that you can't get common thing that easily in life
After all inside your life on each time just remember some time common things
Become rare for entire life inside our life on every time we just feel that
Common things are some thing we get easily in our life because common
Thing is some thing which can be seen on road easily in our life but
When things began to complicated in life when use that common thing too much
Which lead to problem in our life since we use it too much we can't
Able to use it on each and every time that thing get finished or that person
Is too busy to give us time so even when we took proper care still
New work complicates in life because we can't able to concentrate on
Every aspect in each and every time inside this life on every time we feel
That it is so wrong to act that way in our life after all in our life on each time
We can't able to concentrate on new thing as well as old thing to get both on time
So our work is never perfect on first time but it will be perfect if we try on next time.

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