Thursday, September 26, 2013

Poem 1081. Sad song

                                                           Sad song
Sometimes some song touch our heart but every day I hope that it is not
Any sad song because liking sad thing seem nice but then they tease our heart
And bring out our sorrows every time some people says bring out sorrows
Is wrong for our heart but at same time some people says that sorrow should not
Be hidden inside our mind or heart so can you tell me what shall I do with
Sorrows inside heart because we all know sorrows are our life's part because
No one have lived without sorrows even if they don't wish to have them
From our thought but still they are something which began to touch our heart
Because those thoughts are something which attracts our heart but question is
That they are good or they are bad for our heart every day in our life we just
Feel one thing that do we really need to store sorrows inside our heart or
May be they will slowly vanish when time turn in something which is just
Dust's part but I just never understand can sorrows really vanish from heart
So hiding them inside can solve problem of our heart but then just remembering
Them with each song will be so irritating and wrong it will seem like something
Which will just hurt heart and they are always there to touch our heart but
When we like some thinking which is inside our heart I always wish it should be
Nice not sorrows inside our heart but sometimes I feel I just like sort of sad songs
When I know it's not nice to have that type of songs because they will just
Bringing out all sorrows from heart those songs or those stories seems to bring out pain
But some people says it's for best when once they come out then you will feel light
In your mind and heart but I have just one question do we really know so much
Inside our mind or our heart we just manage to get things which are store in one
Secret corner of our heart in that corner their are always stayed unwanted feelings and
Unwanted parts which always touch a person and that person's heart after all
In life many think from many sides but question is that can we take out all sorrows
By using thing of that sort or we just create sorrows out of small thing after watching
Those sad songs because in this life on each and every moment I feel that when
I heard that sad song I know at beginning my sorrows come out of my heart but
After some time I began to think that I start to create sorrows out of all in world
Even small thing which may happen in our world it will seem so perfect for
Our thinking and our entire world so inside our life when I listen that song then
I just have one question I doing right or wrong so difficult is our mind that
On each time I just don't know if I should listen to that song and will it please
My thoughts and my mind but then one day I feel that this is my life I have
To learn to do as I wish in days which are so limited in every life if I start to think
On each and every time what is good for my mental health and what is healthy
For my mind then one day I feel that even when I tried so much in life still
My mind is not as happy as it should be in it's life we always feel this way
In our life because on each and every moment we just find some aspect of life
Which manage to hurt our mind our mind is so delicate so we must use in carefully
In our future and life sometimes I think it is wrong concept for our future and
Our mind after all so delicate is small child but we handle them with care but
That don't mean we keep them locked for entire life because locking them means
Ruining all pleasures in our life because our mind also want freedom for our life
After all we can't always keep locked our mind because mind will want freedom
Inside our life and if our mind hate those songs slowly it will be understood by mind
On each and every moment I just hate to think about those sorrows but they are
Began because we listen to wrong song in our life they just began because they are
Hidden inside so we must convince our heart in life then those song will not matter
At all in our future or life and we can listen to them as much as we prefer and like.

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