Sunday, September 1, 2013

Poem 1036. Disliked answer

                                                              Disliked answer
So some time when I ask a question it seems to me that I just don't want
It's answer because when those questions come they are just made out of
Our frustration so inside our world we just don't want any sort of answer
When ever I get some type of answer how upset I feel even by that answer
I have one habit it is to ask question and when ever I am angry I just ask
Some sort of question like if world will some thing like that or why did people
Act like that but then some one come ahead with answer how much shocking
It will be to get that answer because they are most blame us and point on our fault
And they mostly irritate our heart after all inside our life every time I just feel
I have one question do I really need in my life that sort of answer because
It will be that world will manage to live this way even if they are frustrating to me
And world is not that bad but it is some thing problematic to me that's why
Hate this world when world was even in more bad condition still I don't suffer
Any loss I use to enjoy every moment so when I suffer suddenly everything
Becomes bad and inside our world on each and every spot I think that in this life
Every thing was wrong on many times but until it touch my life I never feel it
So that will be the answer to my question but when I ask question I just don't
Want to listen to those answers because tell you many things which manage
To hurt your heart like when you ask some one why did people act wrong
Answer is that we never stop them until problems were increase in our thought
So on each and every moment we manage to get things which please our heart
And inside our world we just ask question but answer is never wanted
By our heart but some times in our world we do every thing like we thought
But still when things go wrong we really want answer about all but this is our life
We may get answer on any time god never ask us question but just give us
Answer in our life but many times we don't understand those answer in life
Because we just ask question without wishing for answer in our life and
Those question are some thing so important in our life that their answer becomes
Some thing which will teach many things inside our life so in this life on every time
We search for answers and ask some questions which are never understood by us
In our life because life is some thing so important on each point that even those
Answers taught us many things in life but mostly our questions are not made to
Answer in our life they just take out those feelings which are always burning inside
After all inside our life on each day and on each time we need some thing which
Can take out our frustration out of our life and those feelings are some thing
Which can be perfect for our life and those thinking can easily manage to destroy
Our life but still we want to keep them inside and want to claim that world is
Wrong to us on each and every time but if you think from inside you can surly
Find the cause of problem inside our life after all life is some thing which is
Something perfect for question inside our life but not perfect for answer in life
After all inside our life every time we need some thing which are perfect for life
So we don't want answer for them inside our life and after that we think in life
Why do we got answer when question can easily manage to blame others in life
Those question are just made to point out at others in life while answers away
Give blame to us in life but when some one want to improve in life just like
Those question answers are important for life if you open your eyes just with
Those answers on perfect time they may reduce your problem in entire life
So answers are some thing important for our life but question are some thing
We always prefer in our life but answers will always comes in life because
 They are one of god's favorite gifts given to us without thinking we like it or dislike.

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