Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poem 1054. Believing

How easily we get convince when heard wrong about some one because
We never like from heart that sort of person and we just want to find a proof
Which prove that we are so right about wrong nature of that person but
How hard it is to convince the truth about some person when some one
Is really fond of  that person when we hate some one we find it easy to get
Convince about wrong thinking inside that person after all in our life
We thought from each and every side that person is so perfect in our views
That we think that one is always perfect for our life after all in our life
We think positive in that person's life and we never thought that one is
So strange for us in our entire life that person is some thing which is
A perfect guide for our thinking in life or you can say that one is idol for our life
This is our mistake when we took person as a idol in our life because
Person can't be idol thinking that way will just destroy our thinking in our life
When you set a person as idol of your life slowly you create ego for them
And started increasing that person's pride in that one's life after all that person
Was convinced that their thinking is so perfect that no one can challenge them in life
And that is one moment when we start going wrong way in our future and life
After all idol are not in person because human being are never perfect in life
If we give any one right to give decision without other's advice it will be always
Worst for our thinking as well as worst for any part in our life because that
Thinking takes a person on right or wrong routes in their life and slowly that
One will find idol mean dominating every one in their life but idol never meant that
Idol never mean a fame and lime light idol means caring and putting other before us
And our selfish thoughts inside our life after all idols are some thing which really
Harm us in our life if they are set on wrong person and we are not ready to hear
Any thing against them in life we must need to hear before passing judgement
And sort out many things in life but in case of idol we like them so much in life
That against them we don't even heard any word in our life when some one does
Some thing important for us we feel that we must respect that person from heart
After all that person help us so we must respect us as much as our idol and
Then we think that we must not agree to anything which is fully wrong for heart
Because we must think about twice do that person can do anything wrong and
We support him just because that one has once help us in our life and saved us
From crisis and fulfill our wants that is most confused movement for heart
After all in our life we need to keep morals but two morals get crossed when
We get help from some one who is wrong we never think when that one help
That this person will one day do some thing so totally false and wrong because
We feel sure that person is angel from each angle and each sort of part
But we never thought that person is helping us because at that moment that
One suddenly develop kind heart it happens to even devils that they develop kind heart
But in truth if that one is evil how hard it is to accept that fact but in life we can be
Fooled easily and we all want to be some thing like some sort of god for heart
But just because we want to see god on earth with us just don't force your self
To see god in each and every helper because human being can make mistake
On each day of life which hurt us and we find that the god we created is not
Suitable even for our thinking and our world after all god has many things which
Human can't have in their life so it is better that we stop creating idols
Out of people is life because then it will not be hard for us to understand there
Faults and all those problems they have inside their thinking as well as life
Because if we can't manage to believe on those truth then may be
We just wonder from one spot to totally different as well as another spot in life
Believing in wrong thing always destroy many parts of our precious life.

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