Friday, September 13, 2013

Poem 1059. Respect

How easy it is to say that we respect someone in life but problem will start
When we really need to show respect inside our life because respect is something
Which can't be given so easily in our life but saying I give respect it is easy thing in life
We can give respect only those person in life who seem us so perfect in our life
But when even that person do something wrong inside our life then we began
To think that we must not respect that person inside our life when we like something
We feel that we can rise if we listen to that person in our life because in our life
Respect is something we give to another person inside life and when we give respect
We need to bow before that person which is hardest task for life we may stay
Confuse and wonder from one side to another side for entire life but we never
Accept someone is great until we feel sure about it in life but if you want truth
Then you need to understand no one is great in your life but that doesn't give you
Right to insult that person but whenever we began to respect some person
We began to think that we must understand that this is human world so no one
Is perfect and no one is unique in this world for some moment may that one look
Unique but after some time that one will not look perfect for our thought and world
After all in our life and for our world we all think that respect is something
Which is deserved by god inside this world but god is not going to come down
To take respect from this world god want many other things like truth and kindness
From this world when we respect someone we want that one to be perfect
Before the world because if that one make mistake it will going to hurt us and
It will not happen privately but it will happen before the world because world is
Waiting on every moment to tell each and every person that in this world we need
Support from some person but that person should be such that we never feel shame
By any act of that person which is one thing impossible for world we always find
Something wrong in some person but inside our life we just wish from heart
That we will never keep in our life that person because in eyes of that person
We are that one's friend that person never thought that we want that one to be
Such a great so inside our life on each and every time we just do one thing
That is to make god out of normal person even when that person says many times
That nothing special that person have inside still we claim tall thing about person
In our life and when they don't turn into true we say it's not right inside life
Our whole faith will move on just that sight because our faith is stood on right thinking
Of that person in that person's life so inside our life on each and every time
We need someone who will take us on proper side after all in our life on every time
We need someone who is perfect so that we can say we must respect that one in life
Because there are lot of people who don't deserve respect in life still claim that
They must get respect in their life so in life on many times we just think that
We must find someone who will not look wrong inside our life on every time
Because we need to show the world perfect person before we show them that
Wrong person inside my life so every moment in life we can't throw wrong person
Outside of our life because we need right person before showing wrong in life
Because people always feel replacing is necessity of our life we just can't keep
Waiting until we find perfect in life but question that arise in my mind that is
Why we need right one to throw wrong person outside of our life after all in our life
Having nothing is better than having wrong thing in our future and our life
But people just say this thing but when actually situation came in their life then
They just claim that they need to find someone who is perfect inside our life
Because if we don't show it then they will have just one question inside our life
That is how can we manage without help of anyone so keeping wrong one is fine
So we began to find someone who is not that best and start giving respect to that person in life.

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