Sunday, September 1, 2013

Poem 1037. Voices in life

                                                         Voices in life
Some times some person want to tell us some thing on that time but
Sadly some times destiny don't let us listen to them on that moment in life
Because on that spot we just went ahead with our sources but still we remain
Unaware of that voice we are so busy in some else that we fully ignore that
Sound or voices because our life is just full of so many voices that just missing one
Is not big thing in our life but sometimes in this busy life we also miss
Some very important and some very precious voices which can change our ways
In our life because they are some voices which help us on every spot that
Will take us in that future which is important for life after all life is some thing
Which so busy with each tides and we are taught many things some put us
On wrong track in life even our well wisher make mistake some times and
Some times we just don't listen to their advice because we are too busy in our thoughts
About how did we need to run our life so on each and every spot in our life
We can't enjoy any happiness which we like because destiny will teach many 
Lessons which we choose to ignore before as part of our advice which are 
Given to us on many spots inside our life but we think that we know who is best
And worst for our life and we all know what we think about those people in life
We feel so sure that these friends are good that we ignore anything said against them
In our future or in our life after all in our life on every movement we decide
Which  person is best for us and which one is wrong for our life but some times
Our life confuse us in such a way of life that we can't find any one who is perfect
For our future and our life we all just feel that we are stuck in some thing 
Which is important for our life but I have some questions in my life do I choose
Proper person in life did my friend are trust worthy or they are just good company
To watch movie and enjoying sight scene in our life because some times we just
Listen to those voice which tell us how to enjoy our life and until problems enter in life
We can never guess what was their true voice may be when they stood with us
We are never their good friends in their life we are some thing which is kept
Just to enjoy those moment when company is necessary for life so while 
Listening to those voices we forgot true voices of truth in life just we run after 
Those person who shows us movies to watch in life we never heard those voices
Which tell us how to go ahead in future and how to achieve thing we need and like
Just enjoying things is not enough we must understand that we need to stood 
On some spot in this life and have to create proper things which take us to
Some position which will bring success in our life so on each moment in life
We choose some thing which is interesting in life and ignore those voices which
Are telling us we must go ahead and find some perfect future in our life and
After each moment in life we feel sorrows some times that in our life many voices
Were ignored because life have too much voices inside our life and those voices
Can destroy us on every moment in our life and those voices are some thing
Which are so precious for our mind can we ever believe in life that we are
Stuck in some voices inside our life so much we are stuck that we just can't
Help our self inside our life because after hearing one voice I feel as if 
I just like to enjoy our life and slowly inside our life I have just one question
Can I ever learn to hear proper voices in my life those voices which always tell
That how did I suppose to go ahead in life but after some moments and
After some times I think enjoyment is good part of life but work is some thing
We must do if we really want to live our life those people who just tell us
About enjoyment are never friend inside our life they are just like those 
Passengers who some times sit with us in our train and talk with us about life
Those are voices which can be ignored if you feel that you must need to ignore in life
But never ignore other voices which are telling you proper ways to live inside your life. 

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