Sunday, June 30, 2013

Poem 929. Important and right

                                               Important and right
Some dreams are so nice which stay with us morning as well as night
Some people are important for whom we can move mountain to just make things right
This what we do and waste our life for some people we do anything for others
We do nothing in our life and we always treat some people as special and right
But just remember one thing in life nothing is totally wrong and nothing is right
No one in our life can be called special or well wisher of our thoughts and right
Because life change it's route from time to time and some people just seem correct
On that particular time and we just prefer them in our life as well wisher and right
But problem is that we can never able to guess right what is best and correct
For our thoughts as well as our life on everyday of life we just keep thinking
We know many person around us and they are perfect well wisher of our life
But when suddenly our bright sun goes behind clouds in few moments
We realized how easily any one can come and fool us in our life and that
Moment we start thinking in our life no one is our friend and no one care about
Us in this life because our friend cheat us on some precious and important moment
And then we began to think that we can't ever see any honest and truthful person
Around us in our life just because the person whom we thought truthful cheated us in life
How much can you think we got our power and brain after all may be it was not
Much good what is called our logic or what is we called best judgement
But is it truly best judgement which we have made for future and life
So when you make some honest friend you can go ahead and trust them
But never think that in whole world they are best friend because world is full people
Whom you meet each and every day may be after some time you find
Better people than the one you called friend but if you made decision and
Thought that these people are just perfect then you are making mistake in life
And ruining future which you have planned and thought will be best
Because in your life you can never guess what is true and best
After each and every incidence you may feel you choose the worst
Instead of choosing worthy and best many times we read that diamonds
Are in coal but some time even richest person wear cheapest ornament
So we can never be sure what is perfect and what is truly best for us
So instead of getting depress and blaming whole world we must learn to shift on next
This logic of life we need to shift on next after all some times failure are destiny
Accept them and instead of sticking on some wrong thing shift it for best
It apply to everything from big decision to buying one nice toothpaste
After all this is our life so small things are as important and needed to turn in best
Just don't think in life we need this logic to be applied for some big in our life
Not in our life because in this life we need everything proper as we like
May it be a small thing still if we don't do it properly it may turn in mess
Never think that we need logic just for big issues even small thing needs best
How difficult it is in life to decide what we want to have in our life
After all we need logic for each and every thing which is needed to be best
Just spend your time on even small things and small kind of happiness
Because after getting all small things together in some big nice thing
If you just ignore that thing which are small and tiny before all
One day you will find they are together far more bigger than small things every day
So by those things which are important for heart are small one because
They are plenty in small parts which are true pleasures for heart
So don't always run after big changes in this world just try to win world
By using it's small and tiny part because if you turn around and see in old history
As life's part you can clearly see there are many storm which destroy things
Are normally made by small and tiny part so take each and every moment
In world for your pleasure and heart then change it into some thing nice and best part
Because who start the change from small thing of the world
Can only manage to change fully our big world because change must have to start
From it's smallest part after all we are all made by just life's small parts.

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