Thursday, June 13, 2013

Poem 901. Butterflies

When ever some one told us some thing from heart
We seem to fully believe it as truth from our heart
We think we can read truth from that person's eyes
Because we always thought that eyes are mirror of heart
When we see some one cry and tears in that person's eyes
We can also feel some strange catch in that one's voice
We began to think we can properly read from heart
We can began to learn every thing which we think right from heart
I know eyes are really clear and clever mirror of heart
We can clearly and perfectly read from them about heart
But I just have one question can you truly learn to read form eyes
Because you must learn to read before you read from eyes
After all just written doesn't mean we can able to read from heart
Because reading is totally different skill started by heart
And this is one language is most hard one to learn in life
Some people will say they can easily hear those voice
But I still have doubt can they easily understood that voice
Or they just claim their guess is perfect and right
You can't just believe one some one who claim that
That knows properly how to read heart through eyes
Claiming is so easy but proving it is always difficult in life
When you start to listen to it you can fully by those claims
But truth of life that many of those people never able learn that game
They just see dragon tears and claim that they read that heart
And know every thing about that person's heart and voice
But in life you can't be sure about anything until it all told us
Properly and perfectly in our life by proper and perfect time
When days were change and situations will come in life
Then only we can learn who is our good and best friend of life
Then we only learn if those tears were true part of our life
Or they just one weapon which is used against us in our life
Never claim that you know everything in others heart or life
Their many curtains before us and we are not perfectly aware of life
Some times person's soft by nature but they are hard as a stone in life
While other's who pretend hardness are softest person in life
Understanding some one's heart is as hard as catching butterflies
But if you know it is cruel to catch then why did you even try
To catch those heart or those soft and innocent butterflies
If you try to catch them and their meaning you may hurt or kill them in your life
So just keep safe distance to some heart in your life
Unless you needed to interfere never try to understand hearts as hobby in your life
Because while trying to solve you may harm them and while
Doing good you may create problem for others as well as your self
In this life on each day you may see some thing different
What was bad until yesterday may today turn into some thing interesting
And pleasant but in this life always keep some place because
If you just try to take hold of some person then you will miss that space
After all that space is the spot on which we manage to certify our mistake
And in your life always try to forget what you think really needed
Is understanding what is hidden in heart of some one else but
In this life every time we need some person who will touch our heart
And on that heart we feel so confidence because that one said
Something that touch our feeling as well as our thinking in every way
But just some one touch our heart that don't mean that one will be
True in every matter on which that one have any thing said so
Just don't try to hold heart and it's meaning because like butterfly it is get damage.

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