Friday, June 28, 2013

Poem 926. The showcase

                                                     The showcase
When I see some statue it just turn my heart I put them in my showcase
Some times I think in showcase of our home we can see our life in parts
When ever we see some thing which touch your thoughts and heart
Then only we brought that thing to turn it into our life's important part
Showcase will get filled only one by one and with each piece in that showcase
We can slowly and unknowing telling every one about our thoughts
As individual or as person if some one is obsessed with show off then showcase
Has just thing which have some cost we may observe them for many moments
But that person hardly look at that showcase and that showcase's any part
But since it is fills some one else like some interior of world we can see in that showcase
Missing feel of any individual or any person's personal touch it is like museum
In which everything is so cost and lovely that we can't touch it's any part
But unknowingly same thing apply to that person's feeling and that person's heart
That one is too costly and too much to touch any person because that
Person always stays away in t'oo posh place to touch by normal person's heart
But in case normal person you see what is their hope and past in their showcase
You can see their heart you never able to understand what they really mean by heart
But whenever they see showcase you can see their dream as truth and their part
Because in showcase they keep all those pieces which show their lovely dream
And everything which they want to have or remember and loved as human being
But how sad we all feel when our showcase get full of show pieces of all sort
It is like our dreams are overloaded by our thoughts and our dear heart
In each showcase we see nice sort of our pleasant dream but some times
Our dream get so overload that we can able to accommodate them in showcase
Which too small for us as human being some times I think that is why in every house
You may see many thing but one thing is so common that showcase is never empty in heart
Each and every showcase is loaded full of stuff which are said to be for visitors
But guest hardly look at that sort of stuff they just look around and they just want to talk
To a person whom they want to visit in their life and they want to personally talk
Why did they look at their showcase and look small things inside them all
Rare showcase are on some place which get enough attention in life
And many of them are so loaded that we can't see anything unless we come near them in light
How hard we may feel it is that a guest pays attention to our showcase with his eyes and heart
Truth is that showcase is some thing last which guest watch only when there is nothing
For guest to entertain them in that house and they just get so bore from heart
Instead of decorating it just to please our guest we have decorated it fully from heart
To please our mind and complete our dream of doing thing which we want for our self
Only some people who like to observe everything around them in life watch inside showcase
And find some thing nice it is best opportunity of owner to tell with pride
How much precious and valuable is that showcase for owner in life
You can see many things in that showcase in any house if you see carefully
You can understand you are watching dream inside some one's heart and house
So never forget that showcase which is part of your life and heart
May it will not please other but one thing showcase always does that it please our heart
So instead of complaining put thing in showcase as you want and like
After all showcase is some thing which may look like some one's mirror of life
Even that person who hate to tell you personal things about their personal life
May easily show you their house and their beautiful time of showcase with pride
So without hurting some one's feeling how easily you can understand that person's mind
It may get so troubled and frustrated when you ask person about personal life
But when you can't visit some one inside that person's house it is hardest task
For some person to understand that person's complicated brain and mind
So it is easy to understand person only if we able to spend proper time
But problem is that every house don't have such showcase to show about their life.

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