Monday, June 10, 2013

Poem 894. God's views

                                     God's views
When I see sorrow how I hate them why people have to cry
On each and every sentence can't you just change their views
Which are just part of their each and every sentence and their cry
They just say their honesty and goodness made them to cry
But I never like those person's thoughts and their those views
How can one say just because you are good due to it life cheated your views
Just being a nice heart can't make you wrong and make you cry
You need wrong decisions in your life to make you fail and cry
Goodness never harm you ever in your life just you had bad life and cry
Don't blame goodness for your dues there must be some thing wrong in views
Just being good don't make you worthy for lose and make you cry
It is your wrong decision or choice that make everything turn bad even your views
If you win the game surely you will admire those views
And say they made your life worthy just because you have those views
Good thinking never destroy you or your thoughts and views
Good thinking is nothing but just one route to go ahead express views
Bad one can also have same destiny but just they are bad so you don't care for their views
Destiny is some thing which make and break you with it's cry
You wake up one day and start some thing new but cry
Never help you in your life nor just keeping bad views
Some people may get fame but they don't have bad views
Just always walk the way you like in your life and keep your views
Because if you don't get success you can at least tell your self you kept your views
Success and failure are just part of our life and never depend just  upon views
Some people say you can win easily in your life with your views
But do you really think success is dependent on just your views
Many time many people keep same type of opinions and views
Still they don't reach on that side of success which needed with those views
Views are just weapon with which fight war of your life so never think views
Responsible for your failure and for your unsuccessful cries
A weapon can't held responsible for failing then why consider views
Warrior is at fault so please try to apply properly your views
Then you will see success will be at your hand and you will never cry
But if you still fail remember failure is decided for you in god's view
Then some times some person shows you such people who have
Good heart still suffer in life due to circumstances and their views
So do you really think if that person change views and do some thing bad
Can truly change your destiny and your circumstances with views
If some thing is written in your destiny by birth how can just by acting
Right it can really change that person and that person's true faithful views
In this life some things just may change their point of views and
It can never change destiny which clearly written on their forehead
With their problems as well as their life's interesting thinking and views
But this life every time we just feel those people suffer even went
They all kept good view but trust me you can't change your destiny
In exchange of your views after all in life some thing are written
In destiny they can't be exchange with your views but one thing is written
Always in the world bad one will not be forgiven that one will suffer
It may not be seen or it may not be felt but inside your mind
And in other person's eyes it is always seen as well as felt so
How much troubled it your life is totally your own choice and you can
Never think what is wrong and what is right then always remain ready
For shadows of midnight each shadow will scare you and sleep will give
You gift of restless night may you sleep with tension but you never
View those people whom you cheated at least in your mind and night.

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