Sunday, June 30, 2013

Poem 928. Different ways of life

                                    Different ways of life
This is always one important question of our life what we really want
Because sometimes it's moon and sometimes it's sunrise in our life
There are always beauty of nature but still we have like and dislike
Because some times we want to do the work and sleep peacefully some times
Our wants are something which please us and important for our heart
We just want fulfill them and still claim that others are fully wrong
When we see other person doing same thing we claim that it is wrong in life
But question is that do we act differently if we get opportunities in life
Those who act differently never scream because they don't have time
Since they have already began to do some kind of work in their life
How interesting it is to teach world what is proper and prefect type of life
And how hard it is to guess what is truth that lay behind every sight
It is so easy to teach others principle of perfect human being's life
But it is hard to find one or become one in any person's life
If you even do some thing that is good for one person and honest thing in life
It is enough contribution for human being because plenty of human being
Are existed in life but all don't do proper job of helping just one person in life
We have some sort of strange feeling that we must just fulfill our wish in life
So even when we grow up a kid we just concentrate on what our want
And desire as well as experience in life to teach things properly to that child
We just do what make us happy in our life because we can never able
To understand other person or their feeling about their own life
We just do what we think fair and proper for our feelings in our thought about life
And then we do all those things which we enjoy and claim that
Why don't others understand and enjoy that part of their wonderful life
Like if you love some outdoor you want every one on road of life
Any inside a house with a nice book seem like wrong way of that person's life
Even book which consider as lamp of education in darkness considered useless thing in life
And we just tell every one that we will be fat and useless if we don't go outside
But a person who loves book forces in library every one in that one's life
And never understand why those people can't able to enjoy those moment in life
So we all just knew what we like and dislike other humans are mystery to us
And many times I think I hardly able to solve those mysteries in my life
And even if you solve it still it remain same way in our thoughts and life
After all fish can't live in water and you can force flowers to stay in water
Because they have their own nature and structure which keep them alive
So we can't change our views and can't understand other person in life
Even if we understand them still what good will happen in our life
After all we can't adjust with them because we have our like and dislike
Many person say that we must learn to adjust and compromised in life
But how can we change the things if two things are totally different in life
Some thing are made in such way that they can't keep them with each other
And adjust them in life because they are totally different so can't stood with each other in life
How can we do something about so different type of things in our life
And how can we able to keep them with each other how hard we may try
So there are some points on which wrong thing is adjustment of life
Some times things look so bad that they hurt each and every part of life
You just can't change yourself on every point of your road of life
How nice it will be to live pleasant and happy sort of human life
But how hard will that life will be if we don't properly able to live that life.

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