Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Poem 884. Trust

How easily we can break someone's trust
It feel as if we all made it with glass of world
How easily we began to get angry when some one break trust
As if we are all alone and must cheated in this world
But one thing always confuse me about trust
Is it that many liars and cheaters are existed in world
Or our attitude is so wrong that we just easy to keep trust
And then when truth come before us in world
We began to think that no one is worth the trust
Or may be we are creating big issue out of small thing in world
And like a delicate glass we all manage to break trust
Because it is broken by just nonsense issues of world
I just have one question why did we to fight so hard to make that trust
Which can be broken by some person so easily in world
Don't you think our faith and our heart should set such trust
Which can help us in many ways while living in this world
But mostly we keep our feeling over our trust
And so we just give to please other person's in world
To any one whom we think perfect our gift of trust
Always in our life try to live as we like in world
But when comes ahead question of faith and trust
Handle it with brain and logic which is always there and part of the world
When you see some innocent face don't think it have pure heart and don't just trust
Because there are many times cheater are innocent face in world
And if you do that at least don't get depress when you have shattered trust
Just think that life is teaching you some lesson which you must learn in world
There is also other side of this game of trust it teach you many things in world
When you are child how easily you trust but question is that is it right
Or wrong to keep such trust because sometimes in life many thing happen
Just on one base that is trust and some thing dictator arise just due to trust
Trust is one of world's most fishy game and in this game we just some times
Win and some time lose in game but after all this is big life
We need this trust without trust will be like living without air or water
Because in life we all just need one thing that is trust which
Help us always going ahead in world but if keep on wrong person this trust
We will just damage beyond our imagination but due to this
Some person says never keep a trust I will just say this is worst
Just because some time people suffer due to fall do you think
It is better not to walk at all trust is some thing which has to be kept carefully in world
So world is made of glass so can that stop us from living in the world
Because some thing is too delicate can we totally quit using it in world
Our many organ are so delicate but we don't just give them up
Instead of that we kept them safe inside our bone and away from world
So our trust should kept that way we need to use it like our organ
Delicate things also have their own use never think that
Delicate things are useless for the world they also have power
Which can easily move many thing from the world and trust is one of
Most delicate thing that is existed in world so never use it easily in the world
But never keep it caged inside some thing which is horrible for world
Use this trust carefully in this world and then see it can do how many miracles in world
But sadly we just believe on using for personal benefit this trust
And that is the reason why we always totally go wrong way while using trust
Because we always find some one sweet spoken to whom we just love to give trust.

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