Friday, June 14, 2013

Poem 903. Process of teaching

                          Process of teaching
When ever I walk on road it seems so risky for heart
Even purchasing nice vegetables become hardest task
How much I try to relax but one scare is always in heart
If I choose some thing wrong I may waste my money and health as a part
How risky it feels to choose every thing in life for health
We can never able to guess what is worst and what is nice for health
Each and every moment we just choose from our eyes and heart
Because brain can hardly help in it since I never visited a farm
How hard for us to choose a thing become who lives just in city
We can't just able to guess right product or it's quantity
But once you come to place you just prefer to live in it
How hard it seem to change and adjust proper place and timing
Some times it seem that in life you just can't have every thing
Some knowledge is always manage to stay away from you even in city
We think we know everything but some thing always seems missing
On each moment we find some thing which is unknown to us and missing
We never able to guess what truly needed in our life as human being
How can on each and every moment some thing goes missing
Until we find that thing we feel we are prepared for each and every thing
But world is so big and vast that we can't learn every thing in perfect way
Some times we see success and some times we just manage to fail
But we see something which unknown to why do I feel depress
And feel as if stupidest person of the world this is some thing wrong
We must improve our understanding in world we can never able to learn everything
Just accept that on each spot you are going to learn new thing
Even that person who teach you that thing may laugh on you
But always remember that may it is normal thing for that one for you
It's some thing totally unique and fully from every side it is new
Just never let that person make your spirit down after all learning
Is some thing unique as well as totally interesting and new
But in your life if you wish to learn new things laughing on you
With be one of life's most normal and common thing
Because person who teach you bound laugh on you
After all that one spend whole life doing same thing which is for you
Some thing hard to do as well as difficult and totally new
In life we must never feel depress when we don't know something
Because learning is one process which never completes for human being
Today you are student and tomorrow you can be teacher for some thing
But there will be one place where still you need proper teacher and teaching
No one in life have knowledge of each and every sort of thing
So we all must have to spend many hours in our life while teaching
But still we must have to spend our remaining hours of life in learning
So one teacher can also learn many things from students
In life we must know that no one is superior and no one is inferior
Then only we can learn best way to do process of teaching
But after some time sadly some people began to assume that
They know each and every thing and that is life's saddest moment or thing
In this life we may have learn lot of things but still from our life
Always something goes missing we feel every time we need more teaching
And person who seems so small in knowledge some times seems to know
So many type of things after all teaching is some thing totally new to
For each and every human being today you know some part of life
As a human being and other know better than us but after some days
May come a time when we began to know many thing better than
Those people and we may teach them some thing so learning new thing
Is not wrong but wrong thinking is deciding that we never going to learn any thing.

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