Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Poem 344. Laugh

When someone laugh at you why do we feel a shame after all making someone cry is crime
Make someone laugh is nice in world on every day we feel it because we feel they laugh
On our wrong things but I feel just one thought that I don't need to understand that thinking
When someone find something funny inside us if think that we are doing mistake then I feel
Maybe we don't need change it in this world because once we did that thing just remember
One thing by our thinking and your face that on every point you need to understand that
If you did thing by mistake or by choice and if you do it by mistake just laugh with others
Because act stupid on one day is every one's right but if you did it by your choice then
I don't think we need to change our choice because some people hate bright colours and
Some hate light and in life I really feel that some people laugh on that dress sometime
Because they feel it others just follow others to look perfect in life that is what I observed
Inside my life that on every day in life we just feel one thing that we must laugh on that
Matter but inside my mind many times I just like that dress in life I know hurting someone's
Thought is really crime but now a days people don't observe it but when some one dress
Just as that person's wish it become latest crime you can have your hand red with blood
But still you dress should be just proper then whole world will see just your dressing style
And then say what great person you are inside life and after seeing it we all feel in mind
That we must dress properly on every day of our life as our thoughts tell from each and
Every point we just feel one thing that we need to laugh and smile in our life but then
On every moment I have just one thought in our mind that we are on wrong side in life
Because in this world those who dress perfect get special respect in life it doesn't matter
What is past of that person in life those who dress like taxi seem so wrong in life even
If some one's hand are full of blood still people notice that person's dress that this person
Is so nice because you dress in just wrong style do you really want to impress those people
In life who will hurt them on every day and by every thought in life I just have one feeling
Inside our life that we must not think about how we dress we must think about how we
Think and talk in life as days went ahead on each and every point so I dress as I like
In my life after all what use of us if we dress just to please others in life when you try
To please someone pleasing becomes impossible in life because on one point some people
By small things while other people don't please by any thing in our life since we need
To understand those thoughts from our life we just feel one thing on every point in life
That we should dress or act as we like in our life because on some moment in our life
We just feel one thing from every side that we need to understand every thought of
Our future and life so then on every point those thoughts about dress which is nice
When on every point I feel that on every point that dress which is not perfect for life
So then those dresses which are nice in our life I feel that those dresses which are not
In our life after all those dresses which look so perfect in our life so I feel that
Dresses which are pretty and perfect in life since on every point that those dresses
Which are not perfect for some minds can bring nothing but smiles in life so when
Some people laugh on you just remember one thing in life that you are good and they
Don't have fashion sense in life you can act happily only when you treat yourself
Just as you wish in life if people can like just dress and don't care for hearts then
Why should we care for such people on any day of our future as well as our life
We all feel just one thing on every day of our life that our future will be perfect if we try
To understand that when someone laugh on us we can ignore it and we are not doing
Any crime in life smile is some thing precious and we have just give that gift to other
People who are part of our life and on each and every day I feel that we just want
Those people to remain with us on every day of our life then we must understand that
They will never understand us but we must not let them change our life because this
Life is so precious we can't just spend it on someone's choice and someone's advice.

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