Saturday, July 21, 2012

Poem 339. Instant Success

                                                  Instant Success
In the life you always fight for everything and that is truth of life each success story
Have some sort of hard work behind inside our life as days went ahead on every point
I feel that success is so important on every day of my life I just feel one thought from
My mind I feel that this success can never come without hard work inside our life but
Still some people just claim it on many times that they have win in life without hard work
From time to time when you fight then only you feel that you are not getting success
In life but as people show you this instant success you just feel one thing from your
Thoughts and mind that why did your success become some kind of prolonged fight
After all some people to tell us on every moment in life how easy it is to get success
In your life but then if you thought peacefully and with quiet mind you will understand
One thing that getting success is not that hard for our life we can hope for success
On every moment and on every time but inside our heart we feel that we are not winning
As we hope in our life but when I went in search of that quick success either I found
That it is not as easy to get as show in life or it is not something so perfect for our future
As I thought inside life some people will get success by wrong ways in life I just don't
Want to forget my morals because I don't believe on those success which are built on
Graves of other people in my life I want my success just to be based on my efforts
In my life I never want it to be based on something which is not my hard work but
Something totally wrong which can harm human being inside future and life but some
People just feel one thing inside life that they feel their success is dependent on their thoughts
About life I just feel one thing that when I honestly search for success I found out that
I can't get it in my life without trying hard and after working hard inside my life as I think
About it I feel from my mind that I never understood how can someone get success
Without hard work in life but as days went ahead I understood one thing that this success
Is nothing but just a air bubble inside life because it will not stay permanent but it will
Get destroyed after some time as days went ahead on each and every point we just feel
One thing in life that we can't find way to method of quick success in life because those
People who get quick success are already vanish from success board until we reach to
Ask them on every day of life that how did they got that success and I feel I can't ask them
Because then I also have ask them how did they manage to fail so quickly in life and I feel
From my heart that it is wrong question for our life and our mind because when I ask
Someone how did they win I just don't know to put it before them in life because most
People say that they got it not that hard because it is way to say this way in my life so
On every moment in life I just feel one thought from my mind I feel that I can't win
Until I know how to get success in life but those people suggest me I will win only when
I try to win in life as my life went ahead on every point I just feel that I need to win
On each and every point inside our life on every moment we all feel that we need to think
And understand every thought inside life because for winning we need our practice not
Some trick in  life I just feel those ways which we use are nothing but just one part of
Our future and our life but in our mind we all feel that we must need to win in our life
So sometime I feel that I get confused on many points in my life and I just never
Understand my mind on every point that I just feel one thought from mind that I want
Success so I get carried away by wrong thoughts sometimes in life but if I ask my heart
From inside of my mind I just feel one thing in my life that I can win as much as I wish
On each day of my life only if I do it with efforts inside my life so on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind that I will have to ignore those shortcuts and find
Those beautiful long routes which are hard to achieve but still perfect to enjoy each
And every day of life because in our life on every point I just feel I need to understand
That people have made many efforts and made one coffee called instant coffee in our life
But no one manage until now to create one thing called instant success even after efforts in life.

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