Sunday, July 1, 2012

Poem 303. Limits

They always say that sky is our limit but why do we need our life up to limit just to the sky
I know some people will feel that sky is big enough to give us all space we need for going
Ahead and living but just think once from your heart do you think that your heart like that
Thought of setting some limit sometimes our goals become our limit and behind them
We can't see our world which should not be set inside those limits in our life on every point
We just feel one thing from our mind that was our thoughts and our want from heart
That we don't want keep ourselves inside limit but when days went ahead on each moment
Inside our world and inside our thinking slowly we all began to feel that we must not
Think about those limits which stop us on each and every day inside our future and our thinking
As days went ahead on those thinking we began to feel that why are we keeping those limits
Those limits seem like something which stop our work but people say we can't win if
We don't keep goal in world so for keeping that goal we set those limits but many times
I feel that those limits are set so low that our sky become something not so nice for world
And it's limits inside this world and from it's heart we just feel one thing from our heart
That our limits are something which hurt our feeling because they are set in such way
That we want world to understand those thoughts which are part of our future and our thinking
We began to feel that our thoughts are nothing but just our limits but then people says that
We must set some rules and I totally agree on those discipline as my limits but then slowly
Those discipline turn into chain which don't let me touch my sky because they become my limit
I know there are some rules which are needed for this world and for all those thoughts
Inside this world on each and every limit we just feel one thing about those limits because
Inside our world on every part and with every person we need just one thing that was our
Thought about having those limits we must keep some rules but they are also kept limited
And inside their limits because it is rule of our life that we must not cross limits but sometimes
I just feel that just to stop me from talking we kept limits sometimes I feel that when I try
Something new before me they set those limits and tell me just one thing that for my good
Future they have kept those limits inside our life on every moment inside this world I just
Have one thought inside my mind and in my world why did in our life we need to keep alive
Those thoughts and those limits when we all know that other people can easily cross those
Limits until now I use to think just one thing that limits are for my good as human being
But now I feel just one thing that inside my mind and inside my thinking that I just need
To understand those thoughts and those limits after all in our life on some moment inside
Our world and inside our thinking we just feel one thought about our limits as human
And human being they should be such that they should just related to our world and
Our thinking so inside our life while thinking something new I just feel that when and
How much I should pay attention to those limits because some limits are set by those
World and by those human being that inside our world and in our thinking we just feel
That every one should keep some limits but in this world we can see our sky on every
Moment and on every thinking that we feel we must not go ahead of them because it will
Make us lonely while living so that is one thing which force us many times to accept
All those wrong limits which will hurt us and our thinking on each and every day in our
World of thinking we just feel one thought that was truth of our thinking we want to
Go ahead beyond that sky and beyond those limits but we don't stop because we feel that
It is something wrong but because we are scared of losing so inside our life we just
Keep sky to our limit because we are afraid of crossing sky as human being so be
Brave inside this world and remember always that we have limited days as a human being
So why should we keep sky as our limit every day when we went ahead as human being
We just feel that if we keep sky as our limit we will have enough as a human being but
I feel from my heart that I don't want to set before me any sort of that limit I feel that
I keep just my morals and in case of other things I don't want those forced limits as human being.

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