Thursday, July 12, 2012

Poem 322. Each and every work

                                               Each and every work
Once upon a time I use to love one colour and use to feel that this thinking is so perfect
For my future and nature inside my life I use to keep that thinking inside world because
I use to think that colour is some best type of colour so inside our world I just feel one
Thought in that thing or in that colour that this colour is something inside my world
When some colour look so nice and perfect for my mind and for my world I just never
Think once that if my thinking is wrong about appreciating one colour because our life
Never stop on one place inside our world it will just take us ahead on every moment
In this world I just never understand importance of one colour I just feel that on every
Thing I will keep one colour and beginning it look so pleasant for my thought and for
My world as days went ahead on every moment inside my world I slowly began to feel
That I did something wrong inside my world just keeping one colour never look that
Perfect in our life and in our future so on every moment inside our world I just feel
That I can't in my life just keep one colour which will please my thoughts and please
My thinking inside world because that colour which I like look so perfect in my world
No longer look that nice for my eyes because just one colour can't give happiness inside
Our future and our world because after some time we began to feel in life that just one
Colour don't give us that happiness inside our future and our life that colour become
Boring thing for our entire life and we just feel one thing from our mind we feel that
We are on totally wrong side in life because those colours which we see are not that
Perfect for life as days went ahead I feel just one feeling inside life that colour which
I hated inside life because those colours suddenly seem to give freshness inside life
And as I grown up I felt just one thing inside life because those colours have some nice
Feeling inside life but as days ahead I feel one thing from mind why did I hated that
Pleasant colour inside life so we start inside our life I feel inside life that this colour
Is so perfect for out mind because that colour which look so perfect is really nice
In our future and our life because those colour which I hated are perfect and nice
Inside our life as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thought from
My thinking and from my mind that colour which look so perfect for our future and
For our life is something so interesting for our thoughts on every time that colour which
Look so perfect now why look so wrong on that time then suddenly I know why did
I feel in that way inside life because that colour which look so perfect in life then
Look different to my choice inside life as days went ahead in life on each and every
Moment and time we just feel one thing from mind that we have some choice in life
Because on that moment I use to think some jobs are so great and other jobs are useless
Inside our future and our life so on each and every point I just feel one thing in life
That on that moment I don't understand that every field important for our life so
On every moment inside our life I just feel one thought from my mind maybe that
Is mistake of our future and our life that we want that thinking inside our life on
Every thinking and on every point those colours which look so perfect are not all
Because some colours just don't use to please me because I don't have proper thinking
Inside my life on that point so as I began to think on every point I just feel from inside
Our mind I feel that those field which look at that time useless to me on that time
I hated that colour which is not nice inside our life because at that time I never thought
I should respect each field inside life because on that moment I never thought that
Each colour will have side effects inside life since as days went ahead from time to time
Inside life I feel those colours which look so perfect are not that nice for our future
And our life I just began to think every day that I need to understand that those things
Which look so perfect inside life as days went ahead on every point we just feel that
Every field which is important for us is something so important for our future and life
Because as I grow up I have understood inside my heart that those colours are not
That perfect for our future and our life as those colours just manage to change from
Each and every time because every work will look so perfect when people who do it
Remain absent inside life for some days and some time then only if you ask your heart
Honestly it will tell each and every work have some value inside our future and life.

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