Monday, July 9, 2012

Poem 318. Feeling

Sometime when you see some faces you feel you found a friend for life which is so nice
Feeling inside our mind because everyone loves friend and friendship is nice feeling inside
Sometime a face seem like so trustworthy and important in life but those faces are something
Which look so perfect that when we see them we feel friendship inside our mind so from
Each and every point when I feel that friendship is nice part of life so when I see friendship
Then we can win that friendship inside life only when we feel that those nice feelings in life
We feel that those friendship which are so nice so when I see friend in some face we feel
That those friendship is not crime finding friend with such feeling it is so perfect for our
Thinking and our life as days went ahead from time to time we feel that our friendship is
Something perfect if we feel that person is nice from our heart and from our mind but then
One question comes inside my mind what will I say if I see enemy in someone's face in life
It is so confused feeling inside life I heard many people saying it in life those people told to me
Just see that face and you can feel that enemy is stood before you inside life because as days
Goes ahead inside our life so anything which happen inside our life so our thinking about
Those feeling that are part of our life they are not that perfect and that nice we feel that
Those thinking which mean friendship inside life are nice but how can we just feel enemy
By some one's face inside life I just never understand those feeling are accurate or wrong
Inside life because on every moment inside our life that those faces which are not important
For our thoughts and our feelings inside life as days went ahead from time to time we just
Feel one thought from our mind we feel that those faces which are so perfect and right
Why sometimes feel so wrong inside our future and our life those enemies which we see
In our life on days as well as on nights are the one who are true enemies of life then how
Can just some one put that face inside our life I can never judge that face inside life after
Some moment and after some time because claiming some one enemy is not that easy in life
After all enemy means lot of things which that person did against us inside life but when
We see some face and we feel something is wrong in that face sometimes did it really mean
That one is our enemy or we are just judging something wrong in life as days went ahead
From time to time I just feel one thought from my mind I feel that enemy which I have
Created inside my life is not some one I just create by my mind in fact many times I wish
That I don't create any enemy at all in my life because enemy is one person who can cause
So much harm for our future and our life as our days went ahead on each and every time
I feel that I just don't need enemy so why did I just stamp one face as enemy for my future
And for my entire life as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thought from
My mind I feel that those people who really care for their future and their life are those
Who want friendship not enemies in life people always tell enemy teach many things in life
I just feel that it is one excuse which we give because we have one enemy in life as days
Went ahead from time to time our enemy will vanish from our thoughts and from our life
Only if that enemy don't return in life but we are so sure that some enemy will return so
We just say to accept it that our enemy is needed inside our future and inside our life
Because when that enemy will come we have to fight it and not needed to blame our luck
On every time we just need to understand that enemies are part of our life but still I don't feel
That make them good inside life they are never right feeling and nothing is good in having
Those enemies inside our life we never need enemies so why should just by seeing some face
Assume enemy inside because some times two natures have similar face inside our life and
That don't mean other person is also as wrong as that first person inside life and that other
Person also don't think same way as we do inside life when you see some face and feel
That this person is enemy then mostly it is just about similar face inside life but if you see
Someone talking and heard that one's thought and you feel that person is enemy never ignore
That feeling inside your life because face can't tell you whole truth which can be told to you
By act and talking by some person inside life so just be prepared but never called that one enemy
Before that one prove it since giving each person a chance is good for our life because one thing
We all hate most is having some enemies instead of our friend in our life to destroy our life.

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