Sunday, July 22, 2012

Poem 340. Secret of eyes

                                                      Secret of eyes
Many times when I see in people's bright eyes those emotions which they want to show
Just even when you watch in small child's eyes they will try to tell you things which manage
To touch our feelings which are part of our heart and part of our life on every point we
Just think  from our mind and watch inside that eyes because we feel that if we understood
Them then all problem can be solved at least vanish from those eyes I just feel one thing
From my heart and one thought from my sky I have just one thing that I can't read again
And again those eyes because when I read those eyes then I can see secrets hidden in those
Thoughts as well as those eyes because those eyes have that type of emotions which will
Manage to touch my sky how many times I look in those eyes are never get things as I want
And wish to understand in our ways from those cute and nice eyes because on every moment
I feel that my whole world is stuck inside those eyes as I wish from my thoughts and mind
I just have one thought in my mind that when I see those feelings in eyes I try to read them
Instead of reading what those lips are telling me on every try even a newborn child have
Emotion hidden inside eyes we can't read their lips so we give those eyes try but many times
I feel we need a lot of time to understand what those eyes telling us on every try but still
We try to read eyes grown  ups who have more confused emotion in their mind's sky I feel
That it is not so shocking that those eyes don't tell anything properly to understand from
Our mind and trying anything which is worthy of try but still when we see tears on some place
We just feel one thing about those emotions and those thoughts about that tries which will
Help that person on every try but I feel that many times I read them all so wrong that I can
Hardly understand them inside my mind and what ever I do that seem so perfect on that
Moment seem so wrong after some tries we just never understand those eyes but still
Every time I feel that I just want to help person when that person began to cry may be just
Because that person is not right in thinking as well as not that much worth to give more try
But when that person start crying we began to think that in this world we must give that
Person enough chance and try so on every point and on every try we must wish from
Heart that we can change those things with little bit try but then sometimes I feel that
I have read it all wrong inside my sky I wish from my heart that I can understand those
Eyes but many times I feel that I can't understand them and sometimes I even ignore
When I see in them there is just one word written that is lie because on every point and
On each and every try we just feel one thing from our thinking and from our each try
That those eyes which are seemed like true are nothing but just false trap for my honest eyes
And sometimes I even misunderstood all that thinking from my mind and from my sky
I just now a days wish that I just trust my logic and not those eyes which lie to me
On every day and then laugh on my emotions and on every try I just wish from my heart
On each and every try I never feel that I can understand that truth which is hidden in
Those mind and mystery in my eyes but I just feel that sometimes when we search for
All those secret which are so perfect in my eyes because when we win in our life we just
Feel one thought that our thinking will manage to hurt us on every point inside our sky
As days went ahead on each and every try we just feel one thought from our mind and
From our try we just get more confused about those eyes may it be an elder or may it be
Small child those eyes seem to confuse us so much that I feel just one thought from mind
That on every point those eyes will tell me those stories I like from my mind and I put
All my version inside them and I manage to confuse my life sometimes people do it with
Intentions and sometimes I manage to confuse myself on many points but in life I just
Feel one thing that I can never understand those eyes because I have my own thoughts
About life which manage to confuse me while reading those eyes on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind that those people who are telling me that from eyes
We can read truth are totally wrong in life at least in case of mine I hardly able to read
Any truth from any one's eyes I feel that fact and lips tell mostly everything I just get
Confuse and went in totally wrong way whenever I look inside those thoughts and those eyes
If someone want to say something it can be read in eyes but I feel that language is so hard
That I read it in wrong way and wrong term on each and every day of my future and life.

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