Friday, July 13, 2012

Poem 324. Own choice

                                                    Own choice
When someone told you something is nice and good you totally get convince and run after it
As if it is a rule of life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing in life
That since so many people have used and liked that thing it must so best and perfect for our
Thinking and for our life as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thing from
Mind that those choices which I make are not that useful inside life because sometimes
They are not at all my choice inside my life those choices are something which I make when
People choose things in life those choices I have in thought those thinking inside life so on
Every moment inside life I feel that those things which are something people claimed so
Perfect and nice for our entire life as days went ahead from each and every time we just
Feel one thing that we must notice what others do in life because it will tell us what is good
And what is bad inside life I feel that we just leave our judgement far behind instead of
Trusting it we feel that we are on wrong spot inside life as our days went ahead on every
Point inside life we just get advise from others that we should not act before we convince
About that thing from other people inside our life on every moment we just think one thought
From our mind when we need to spend money we must do inquiries from every source
Inside our future and inside our life we just feel one thought that we are taking too much
Troubles inside our life we just feel one thought that we can enjoy those things then because
People will tell us proper things about life as days went ahead from each point we just feel
One thought inside our life we feel that one every moment we have lost that race which
We want to win inside life because those things which will happen to use can just take us
Ahead on every moment inside life as we all thought that we must act carefully inside our life
We think inside life that those things which we like are something not perfect on our life
Those things which are part of our future are those which we prefer and like but then after
Some time I notice one thing at least inside my life that I can never win in my life unless
I can find something which I like and prefer on each and every time I just feel that by doing
Those things which look so perfect for other people inside life we can be happy inside our life
Because happiness can be achieved on every point we just feel one thing from our mind
That we can't like that things which we purchased just because other people told us and advise
We just feel that we are not happy about it inside our life on every moment we just feel
One thought inside life those things which we do are just depend on other people's advice
So when we buy those things inside life we just pretend to enjoy them but somewhere inside
We just dream buying that thing which was so perfect for our thoughts and for our life
As days went ahead on every point we just feel one thought inside life that we are not
That much alone in our life we just feel that we can't adjust with others thought and
Many people feel same way inside life as days went ahead from every angle of life I just
Feel one thought that we are totally wrong inside our life because as we went ahead on
Each and every point we just feel one thing inside life that those things which we like
Are not choices of other person every time so every time other person will not say that
Inside life on every moment we just think one thing inside life that we are something wrong
And different and due to it we just force to ourselves to believe truth of our future and life
As days went ahead from each and every point we just adjust and spend money on something
Worthless inside life as days went ahead on each and every point we just feel one thing
Inside mind we feel that those things which we buy in life are nothing inside life on every
Point inside our life I just feel one thing from each and every point I have one thought
Inside my mind which means we can go ahead inside life as days went ahead from each
And every time we  just thought inside life that those money which we spend in our life
Is wasted just on our pride and our thinking will remain just two permanent part of life
Pride tell us we must by that thing which look great to every body around me in life and
Thinking tells me that I want something different in life I know it so hard to say no to pride
Because no one want to become laughing stock in life but let me tell this one thought and
Destroyed many pleasures inside life so on every point I just feel one thing inside our life
Sometimes we spend our money knowing wrong thing inside life so we just feel that
We must try to understand that we are on proper point inside our future as well as our life
But still I feel when we bow before people in case of fashion and style we feel that we are
Not that free inside our thoughts which are truly hidden inside our future and our life.

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