Friday, July 31, 2015

Poem 2238. Simple and excited

                                                    Simple and excited parts
Simple is not that thought which we want in life since those simple thinking will show world in different way
In our life since those understanding which will have so much unique that are showing just uninterested sort
Of effect on life are simple thinking in life since we start to understand every fact of life which will have
To show those wonderful effect on mind then after some point simple things will no longer appeal that
Much to our life we need to understand those simple things are showing wonderful impact on mind since
Those simple things will show wonderful impact on mind but they never have so I just feel may be we all
Just want some thrill in life so we no longer need to understand those excitement in our life those sort
Of understanding excitement will show those understanding that are showing simple feel of life but we all
Just seem to have such strange sort of thirst for excitement that simple seem to be better out of our life
We never sense you are doing this but we are doing this on every point without understanding those concepts
We are just managing to keep simple things out of our life when we will start to include them on just each
Moment and every point we just have one desire that we want simple life but it will never happen and
We just keep moving ahead with one thought that we want something interesting in life but we just never
Find it since we all need to please just simple things on every point but then when you look at your life
Carefully you just realize that what ever you getting from your life is just perfect for you and for your mind
Since you need just those changes which life is doing on each point sometimes it is showing you wonderful
Feelings and sometimes it is just managing to hurt your mind but it is not about being simple or being excited
It is just decided in life you can enjoy it in both ways if you decide to it on every point when we will start
To move ahead we need to understand every sector of our life we need to understand how will our life
Move ahead at every point and on every time when life is simple it is great but it is also great when it is excited
On many points life will just needed to change it’s form and that will make our life great at every try of our life
Since simple and excited things in life when thinking will form many effects in life since those sort of effect
Which are showing those feel from inside those simple and excited feel will differ on every point since
Those feel which are showing those emotions in life when we will start to understand those impact on life
Since those simple and excited feel which are showing those understanding that are showing new sort
Of understanding in life those simple and excited which will have those look that will appeal our mind
Then simple and excited  both sort of look will have so much understanding on every point we need
To understand simple as well as excited life I just feel may be we just don’t need to understand things
In our life when simple and excited are started to combine on every point we have to understand those
Facts of life which are giving that appeal to our life when those looks are so pleasant from inside when
We start to understand those appeal to our mind when we started to understand simple and excited on
Every point since both are sides of our life we have to understand those concepts from inside we have
To just understand those effect on life since simple and excited both are important sort of part of our
Future and life we have to understand those feel from inside when we start to understand those sort of
Understanding which are having simple and excited look on every point when simple start to suit on every point
But when those sort of understanding which are showing appeal to our mind since simple look will differ
On every point since excited look will have so much effect on life when we will start to understand those
Appeal of mind which will touch our world on every point we have to understand simple and excited
Both are different appeal to our mind since those sort of different feel will show those appeal to our mind
So we will start showing different appeal to our life when simple and excited will be needed to our life
Since those simple things will turn in wrong way in life when we just want that excitement as part of our life
We have to understand simple and excited will have different feelings which are showing so nice appeal
To our life we just can’t decide which is better for life so we just need to move with what we have and
Live it pleasantly on every point we need to understand our every part of our life since those different
Feel are good and wrong on some part of life we have to understand those appeal from our mind when
We will start to understand those thoughts we have to understand different concepts of life which are
Just showing life in totally different point we have to understand simple and excited both are part of
Our future and life those both parts will appeal to us at same point those simple or exciting both are existed
On some point of life when life give us any of those part we must move ahead with it and with smile since
Those part are perfect and nice when life gives us those part we must have to accept them with best smile
Since life will decide them for us at every point we never need to judge those part on any moment of our life.

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