Thursday, July 2, 2015

Poem 2188. Touching leaves

                                                           Touching leaves
What leaves are touching each other on every point but they never seem like argument in life on just each
Moment and each point leaves are touching in such a way that they seem so great for our mind when those
Leaves are showing wonderful look on every point when leaves are touching even with strong wind they just
Never seem like fight on any point when leaves are clashing with each other on every point they seem
As if something which will show new world on each point they are showing sometimes things can be nice
Even there is limited space and too many things on that point still we don’t need them to clash and try to
Just destroy each other on every point on that tree we can see many leaves on every point since those
Leaves are clashing still they seem as if friendship from inside so those leaves are leading so many feel
On every point since those leaves are looking so nice on every point since nature will look great even on
That point since those leaves are looking so nice those tree will look so interesting on every point when
We see those trees there are many leaves clashing at same point it seem as if leaves are looking so much
Wonderful in life we feel as if leaves are telling us how to live in life after all leaves are so many at every point
Since those leaves are touching but still adjusting in life only if we manage to stay in this way on every
Moment and point when leaves are showing so wonderful look on every point they seem to be clashing
But still it seem so playful in life while when human need to adjust they bound to just create effect in life
So that look of tree will have so much wonderful feel in life when leaves are having so much wonderful
Feel in life when we will start to see that look on every point it seem that leaves are adjusting so well but
Human just keep arguing at every point human never adjust with things in life when leaves will have so much
Wonderful look in life those wonderful look will appeal to our life when leaves are looking so wonderful
We have to understand their feel from inside then human will manage to show new feel in our life but
When human have so complicated nature that they just never able to adjust in life so those understanding
Which will have so much appeal on mind but then leaves are looking so much wonderful and people have
One understanding from inside those sort of understanding which we suppose to have in mind seem to be
Missing in life it seem that our mind is not solving our problems it is created complicated problems in life
So those sort of problems which are having so much effect on life mind need to help us to solve problem
In our life we have to understand those sort of feel in mind when we start to understand on every point
Mind will show so much power inside leaves are showing good look on every point when leave will not
Have mind still at every point leaf will have so much understanding without mind but our mind is so clever
But still it have so much understanding in life those sort of impact on mind which will have different thoughts
That will have effect on mind we need to understand our thoughts and mind we have to understand our
Mind will have so much effect on life that mind will have so much power inside to understand which are
Showing different effect in life but then in mind will have different effect on every point those different sort
Of thoughts which are having effect on mind then mind suppose to show different effect in life so those
Sort of effect which are having reaction in our mind then those different effect which we have in mind
Suppose to show us wonderful touch on every point when mind will have so much good effect on our life
Only if we start to use it properly in life instead of just thinking about ourselves only if we adjust with others
In life we need to understand life with our mind which will show positive feel from inside when mind will
Show world in different style it suppose to be good one but it just start to show it in wrong way in life
Since on every step of our life we just start to understand mind in right side we have to turn it in just positive
Side of mind when we start to move ahead with so much understanding in life but instead of that we just
Turn in wrong way in life so then on every point we have to understand those feel from mind when those
Things which don’t seem to have mind seem act clever we just began to have doubt about mind but then
We have to turn our life in right way in our life when mind will show so wonderful understanding to our life
But when we start to move ahead with our mind then those sort of mind will have so much power inside
But sometimes that power turn in wrong way in life so then those thoughts of mind then those sort of thinking
Which will have understanding on every point when we start to move ahead with positive mind so those
Of understanding which we have from inside just never seem to move ahead with good feel from mind
We have to move ahead with one understanding from mind we have to understand mind in good way
In life so those power of thinking which are having effect on our life we need to understand positive and
Good suppose to be our mind those sort of understanding which will have feelings from our mind we have
To understand use of our mind we have to act in right way and understand our life we have to turn our life
In good way on every point mind will have good thoughts of our mind we can act like leaves if we understand how to use mind.

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