Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Poem 2234. Power of some dream

                                                         Power of some dream
How pretty will look my that sort of dream which will give my world and my thoughts new thinking how nice
Will look my that sort of dream which will give new meaning to my world and my thinking but trouble will
Start when I start thinking what will happen when that dream will turn into something true and change
Our thoughts and thinking just each dream will need new sort of thinking that will create wonderful world
For my thoughts and for my thinking when some dream will create so wonderful meaning we have to just
Understand every step of that dream when we will start to create new understanding those thoughts will
Just have power in life to take us ahead on every point dream will show those concepts which are forming
New impact on mind but I feel so much pleasure to understand that dream from inside when dream will
Start to create effect on life since dream will show that power from inside meaning will show those feel
From thinking of mind those sections of thought will have effect on our mind when dream will show world
In such a wonderful style that dream will come as part of our life when meaning will show world in just
New pleasant style we have to understand dreams are creating so much power in life since those dreams
Are having so many sections which are changing those facts of life since dream are showing those effect
On our life when we start dream those are forming effect on our mind since those dream will have effect
Which will have feeling that will start to change our life we have to understand those dreams from inside
Since those dreams are creating so much effect on mind but those dreams are having so many meaning
Which are creating so much understanding on every point but then those dreams are showing so much
Impact on mind but then those meaning which will show world in new style we need to understand those
Dreams which are creating so many understanding to that point where dream are showing world in new style
When dream will show world to different point since they are the one who got key to our mind since those
Dreams are creating new effects in life when dreams will start that new thought we feel they will have
So much understanding at each point since those dreams are showing that feel from inside so those sort
Of dreams which will show those touch which are creating so much effect on mind since those dreams
Are forming which are showing new meaning that will show effect on mind we need to understand that
Fact from inside since those appeals are creating facts on life which are showing feel on our life so those
Facts are showing meaning from inside which are creating meaning that are forming those appeal to our mind
When we start to understand those facts which are creating appeal to our mind we need to understand those
Sort of dream that have meanings which are creating meaning to our world and our mind when we start
To understand those dreams which will start to show new world which will look so much pleasant in life
Since those meaning are showing world in new style we want to understand that world with one thought
From inside that dream is that thinking which will look pleasant on every point but when we find that dream
I just tell you that it will give our world wonderful sort of light those dreams are touching my thoughts
And my mind since dream will show those understanding which are needed to show our world just wonderful
Sort of light when we will start to move ahead on every point since those sort of understanding in life
At every point dream will start to look real in life when those dreams are having so much understanding in life
But then those thinking which will have so much understanding those thinking from mind since those
Thoughts are creating that facts which are showing world in different style inside each dream we will have
So much power understanding in life when dream will start to show new world it will show that thinking
Which will world toward that side where dream will start to take me ahead with each step since it will have
That hope inside we want to understand dream with one thinking we need to form it with one thought
Of our mind which will show this world new start on every point dream will show that fresh touch to our life
When dream will show just fresh touch which will have so much understanding from our mind that part
Of future which will show this world one thinking from inside those dreams are giving that fresh touch
That will rule our world from inside when we will start to move ahead that dream will show that thinking
Which will start to rule our world from inside when world will look great we have to understand it from
Inside of our mind we have to understand that dream which will show world in new style we have to just
See that dream which will show world in new way of life we need to understand those dreams which will
Form that effect on our future that will have power to move ahead at every point when we will start to move
Just moving is not enough for life since movements are not that much enough for our future and our mind
When we will give power to our dream then only we can understand what is it worth in life so just give
Some power to our dream and create that dream in such wonderful way that it will show new sort of shine.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...