Thursday, July 9, 2015

Poem 2200 Package and quality

                                                       Package and quality
Sometimes hard ways are right for our life since those hard ways are showing wonderful world to our life
Since those hard way will have bitter effect on life when we will start to move ahead on every point we
Need to understand hard ways are need of any point those things which will have qualities in life we just
Feel one thing qualities are our need on every point since on every point those quality which will show us
New start on every point when we will start to understand qualities in life those qualities are having so much
Effect on life when quality are important and unique in life they will show great effect on life when we
Will start to that point where world will show wonderful and enchanting effect on mind suddenly all things
Will began to show in different way our life it seem as if life are showing many effect on our mind when
We will see different thoughts which are part of our mind we need to understand them only when they are
Useful in life some impact which will create some powerful effect on mind we feel one thought that we just
Need to move ahead in life so then at every point hard ways will show power in life we want to understand
Those thinking from inside when quality will have positive power it may look bitter on some point but
On some point even good things will show positive qualities in life then those feel which are required in life
So those qualities which are good but they can in any thing in life we must not judge things but just by
Package in life since those package are showing so many effect on life when those sort of effect in life
Which are inside we just can’t judge those things of package which will show us good effect on mind when
We see different package by them we just can’t judge things by those packages are showing which are
Having different look in life since good as well as bad both can have good qualities inside life so those
Sort of different effect on life so we just understood many things in one concepts in life so those things
Which are having so many understanding in life we just feel one thought from inside that things are just
Moving with different quality in life since those quality will show new understanding in life when we start
To move ahead on every point we just have one thought from inside by package we can’t judge things by
Outside look in life so those sort of looks which will please us in life can be in any thing on any point we just
Have to understand in life when package will have effect on life since inside that package we can see many
Sort of looks in life when in one thing we can see many things inside those things will have so many sort of
Quality which are important in life but then at every point some sort of qualities which will have effect
Inside that thing on every point but then at every point we can see different quality in life when at some
Step or at some point we see that quality we just get curious about what is inside we must study it without
Using others judgement in life to understand those things which are having many qualities hidden on just
Each and every point those qualities are showing different steps for our life when we will start to move ahead
We must judge them with one thought on every point those sort of things which will appeal our mind
Will show in new way our life we must not pass just one judgement by package without judging it in life
We have to understand those quality only after judging them at every step of life we have to understand
Our thought and mind so those thoughts which judge us on every point seem as if some thought which
Will take us to some different point we have to judge many things on every point inside any package we see
Totally different thing in life since we can hope that we will get good thing based on package which will
Have so much effect on life when we will start to see so much understanding on mind so those sort of things
Which will give us new start on every point since in every package different quality which will have so many
Things are hidden in life that are creating effect on our mind we need to judge our life with just one thought
From inside we have to understand life will show good quality in any thing on any point we have to just
Understand one thought from mind that qualities are hidden on every point we have to judge those sort of
Qualities which are having so much effect on mind since those quality will show us new effect in life so those
Qualities are precious just like diamond in life so then we will see those sort of impact on mind we have
To understand qualities which will have so much effect in life it can be hidden inside our life when we will
Start to move ahead on just each point with one thought from inside those thinking will show our future
That start on every section in life then we will began to see those thinking on every portion of mind that
Quality will show wonderful look in life when those qualities will take ahead our life we just feel one thought
From mind those qualities are showing world with every section of life so we need to understand those
Qualities are showing wonderful effect on life since when quality take us ahead in life we need to move
Ahead with those qualities without thinking what is outside some package are good but even if those
Package are bad never stay away from our life since those good effect will be needed on every point we need to
Care just for good quality and we must not care even for bad package in life which will show good effect on mind.

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