Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Poem 2210. Not being alone

                                                        Not being alone
Why I am so confused when I start some thing since when I start something one thing is so clear I need
Just another human being but I just want to do it alone since I feel I must not use other human being I just
Don’t want trouble to them but mostly it seem so wrong thinking sometimes others want to help you
To get right way those things and some people are those who can achieve it in perfect way instead of us
Since they know how to get properly those things so sometimes in life we just never understand what is
Right way to act as human being we need to understand our thoughts and thinking when we move ahead
In our life we need to understand when we need to take help from other and when we are using them
And when we taking deserved help in life those thoughts which will have so many understanding on every
Moment and point seem to tell us we must not use others but some thoughts are telling us if we don’t
Then other use them and create damage in life we have to take help in our life since we can’t move alone
How much we want but we are human who need to stay together on every time it is not just about need
But it is about every day of life people want to be together even on time of enjoyment on every point
When we will start to move ahead those thoughts are showing different facts of life we have to just understand
One thing sometimes we need people and we need to understand that is not just our need it is mutual
On some point but when people start using you that hurt you most in life on that point you get this thinking
You just don’t need people in life but some people are so wrong and some people are right we have to just
Understand their thinking from inside since those thoughts are forming so much effect on life when we are
Moving with understanding which are forming effect on mind we need to understand sometimes we need to
Help but it is not wrong since that other one want to help and want that thing to be done in life we need
To understand those thoughts are creating effect on every point when we will move ahead we must have
Thinking that sometimes help is that need which we desire on every point we have to understand our
Thinking and mind when life will show world with one understanding that life will have so many rules inside
Those rules are creating good effect on life but we must not make one rule that we will never take help
From others on any point since that thought will manage to show us world in new style when we will start
To see world in that way in which we see loneliness is our perfect companion of life we need to understand
That sort of feel which are creating so much impact on every point that we just began to live lonely life
Those feel will show world in new style we need to understand those impact of world which will show
Alone is so right but being alone means we have missed many friends which we could have found in life
Since just like wrong one good and perfect friends are also existed in life those friends who are forming
New effect will start to see world in new light since those things will show those impact on our life since
On every point those different people doesn’t appeal our mind since those thoughts are showing different
Thinking in life we must not become alone just due to effect on life since those sort of thinking which will
Lead to many troubles in life since those thoughts are showing many impact which are wrong in life but
In our life but still we need help of people on every point since those sort of understanding which will
Show new start to understand thinking from mind but then those thinking will needed to change our mind
So those feel which are showing new start on every moment in life then those sort of understanding which
We desire from inside we have to understand them at every point when we will start to show world in just
Different style we just feel one thing from inside those thoughts are showing new understanding on our mind
Then we start to understand new start on mind since those thoughts which are made on every point we just
Feel one thinking from inside that thinking will show new need on every point we have to find mind of people
Which are showing so much good feel to mind being alone is never right we have so many thoughts will
Just have so much understanding which will show world worst way is that thought we need to do it all
Alone in life since we can’t be alone and win things in life we need to understand those thoughts which
Are showing new start from inside at every section of life since those feel which are showing those sort
Of effect on mind we want to understand things in together feel that is need of life if first team is wrong
Then don’t worry you can find next one in life just trying is basic need of life we have to understand that
Thinking of mind which tell us we need new sort of light that will give us success that we need team and
It has to be there for us in life we need just honest team not perfect team in life if our team is with same
Thought and morals then we can win on every point but then those thoughts will appeal to our mind we need
To understand those thoughts from inside we have just one feel from mind that right thought is to have
Just right want from inside we want to understand team is true need of life we need people on every point
Since they are our friends whom we have to search on every point in friends there is weakness still they are our strong point.

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