Thursday, July 9, 2015

Poem 2199. Logic with dream

                                                         Logic with dream
When wind move water those rain drops fall on face they seem to touch our soul and body but just on you
It all depends on which part we let it touch again and again we need to understand what we feel on that
Thought and moment when rain drops just touch out body and we just want to threw it on every moment
When those drops are falling on our body on every moment we just feel one thing on every point and
On that moment those drops are touching our soul and give us feel of happiness when we began to understand
Those drops on each moment that sort of drops which fall on body will show new sort of touch on every moment
When rain drops will touch our life at each moment since those drops are touching soul on every moment
But when rain drops will touch just body on that moment they will remain nothing but just source of water
On every moment that moment they will tell us what we feel from inside at each moment we just never
Understand rain drops are something which will have power hidden inside on every moment those rain drops
Are showing this world new meaning for our mind and tell us new effect we have to understand rain drops
As need at each and every step when rain drops touch our body we feel it on every moment that those
Rain drops are saying something only when our mind is creating that effect or else those raindrops are
Nothing but things that are making us wet since they are nothing in life on any moment when we need
To understand rain drops are showing no one anything on any moment since those rain drops are showing
Many meanings on each moment inside them are many hidden concepts which are showing this life some
Effect on each point we see many sort of effects those rain drops are showing that wet touch in life but
When they never have any point expect one touch that is wet us in life since those touch of water that
Which we are needed in life we have to understand on every point just one thought from our mind that
What is use of other thing is just up to us in life if we get those raindrops just for use of water then we are
Not having any kind of dreams out of them in life when we see in them that cold touch we just feel one thing
On every point rain drops are not just water but they are having plenty of dreams inside those rain drops
Are showing new feel in life but only when we start to think about them same way in life we all know what
Is this nature may it be sky or rain at every point since we all have learned science as basic of life but when
It comes to dream we have on that dream full right we can imagine things as per our wish on any point
We need to understand when we dream we have to forget our logic on each point we have to understand
Those dreams which are having different effect on mind when we start to move ahead dreams are showing
Many concepts in life since every dream will have so much feel hidden inside I just feel we have to leave
Our logic behind when those dreams are having different understanding on every point since those raindrops
Are touching us are showing unique sort of touch on every point but then those rain drops are showing
Which sort of effect on mind will be depend on what you need in life if you need dream then just understand
That logic which gives you dream in life and if you want science then it will be different point but if you can
Able to mix them both and create your world in life when things will differ on every point when we will
Start to understand different touch on point we have to understand dream are created by new feel in life
But if we manage to mix suitable logic with that dream then world will look so great on every point we will
See that dream with new understanding from inside those dream are showing many feels which are just
Showing new meaning from inside when dream are showing new feel for our mind we can just manage to
Tangle them with science and we will achieve success in life we have to understand those dreams on every point
Since dream will have many logic which are showing dreams in new style we have to understand those
Dreams from mind which are showing many dreams on every angle of life when dreams are started with
Many logics inside we start to create them in new way on every point dreams are full of meanings which
Are showing many ways of life dreams are creating new world for us at each point dreams are showing
New understanding on each point dream will have so much logic which is hidden in life we need to just
Understand science of logic is needed on every point each dream will seem as if one thought which will be
Showing world in different way in life when we will start to move ahead with logic on every point we just
Feel one thing that logic are needed in dreams in life when logic will enter in our dream we must not kill our dream
But adjust dream with it and create for us new horizon of life which will show new light on every point
Of our life when dreams are created in many ways we just desire them from inside we need to understand
Those dreams which are showing new world to our thinking only when we start them with logic in life
Those dreams are created new understanding at every point since dreams will create logic which will have
Understanding on every point we just need to understand dream is that basic which will have desire on each
And every point we need to adjust those dreams with many logics on each and every point of our future and life.

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