Saturday, July 4, 2015

Adventure story 196. Just perfect couple

                                                     Just perfect couple
Sushant was relaxing on his bed. He was so happy to finally getting some time off. He was working so hard on every day. He just never remembered spending days in relaxing. He was sleeping and relaxing. He took vacation from his job for a week. Every one inside his office thought that he deserved vacation so he just decided to take it. He was just sleeping on bed. He started to get bored after some time.After all he just couldn't sleep whole days. He decided that he could watch television. He started shifting channel. But he just couldn't understand any thing. He had spend so many days without television that he didn't know any serial or any soap. He just sensed one thing that those television programmes were not appealing to him. He just decided one thing that he had to do something. He didn't sit like that he looked around. He never sensed that he never looked at his house. It was always his office and his work. He never even thought about marriage. He never understood one thing that why he never thought about family. He felt that he just never found that girl and he was not ready to compromise. His friends did that. But he could sense clearly that he could never able to do that. Any way he was happy. After all it was just matter of one week. Then he started looking around. He never watched out of window of  his house. He spent so many amount to buy this house. But he never enjoyed any part of that house. When he looked down, he noticed a perfect garden and swimming pool. He never looked at it. Any way he hardly knew swimming. He just never understood that since he didn't know swimming. Why did he wasted his money on such luxury? He just never thought. When he bought this house, he just wanted to stay away from his parents. He wanted total independent. His friend suggested this flat. He bought it and shifted. After that he just went to meet his parents when he was called. But he never went by himself. He just didn't have to tolerate suggestions with they kept giving specially about his marriage. Thing were getting hard on every point. He just decided that he should stay separate and it would solve his problem. He was happy. But today he was bored. He started looking down. Then he suddenly noticed one girl. She was writing in her notebooks. She was sitting under tree. She was sitting so peacefully. As if she lost sense of time, she was sitting in such a way so that no one would able to see her. He was looking at her. She was so beautiful and innocent. He just wanted to keep watching her. Her every gesture seemed to create appeal on her. He just wanted to keep watching her. He was even in same position. Any one who saw him would just feel one thing that he was watching sea. No one could guess that he was watching her. He was so glad. He never felt such a way about any girl until now. He just wanted to talk with her. But he could sense that she was shy one and in fact he was also scared that if he insulted her in some way. He felt that it was better to stay away from her. He just kept watching her for long time while thinking. Then he suddenly heard a voice of woman that girl gave sweet smile to that woman and ran inside house. He could sense that this voice must had belonged to her mother. When she went inside, he just wanted to pray to god that she would come out but he didn't pray that. He just smiled. He knew that he wanted to pray to get that girl.
        From that day Sushant learnt one way to spend time. He started jogging in park. He just kept doing that again and again with just one hope that this girl would come in park. But this girl didn't came. He just got bored and went once again in his flat. He decided that he had done enough stunt for girl. He decide that he would ignore her. But his mind kept going back to her. He felt just one thing from mind. That she was like caged bird. He once again looked down. He was so surprised to see her once again at same time behind same tree. She was writing some thing again. But she was not smiling today. She was clearly upset about something. She was writing down it. He wanted to ask her but he knew that he was taking too much liberty. After all he didn't had any right to ask her. He was not even her friend. He just had to ignore her. But this time he just sensed one thing. He wanted to ask her. He began to care for that unknown girl. It was quiet normal after all it was nothing but humanity. He had to show concern about others. Just since that human was girl. It didn't make any difference. He decided that it was not romance. It was just humanity. Then suddenly that girl went inside. While doing that she just forgot her notebook. Sushant knew that he had to return her that notebook. He ran down stairs. Then he took that notebook. He wanted to return but he hardly knew that girl. He couldn't just start asking people about one beautiful girl. It would look totally wrong. He suddenly felt hope when he thought that she must had written her name or number on first page. But first page just had a beautiful peacock drawing nothing else. He just kept observing it. He had ask some one about it. But he decided to wait for some time. He had make some excuse to watchman to call at his flat then only he could ask him. He decided to wait. Then he started searching for excuses which were hard to find. Finally he found one. His water pipe lines was not working properly. His water was little bit slow. He used it as excuse to call watchman. He had hardly ever called him so that watchman was interested in seeing him. He immediately came then Sushant explained him those troubles. While talking with that watchman he slowly asked about that girl. But that watchman sensed every thing " That girl was Tara Madam. She is sweet and simple girl. She like writing. She write every day under the shade of that tree. She never mix with people that much. Her father is so strict and selfish that every time he just scream on wife and daughter. He just never give her much freedom but that girl is so sweet. She always treat us kindly. She treat even servant like equal. People never do that. But she really act in nice way. Do you know her?" " Actually her notebook is in garden so .." "But they went away for week since it was her cousin's marriage." "Ohh she is out of town." "No..No..they just went away for few hours. They never went out." " This is really strange. " "I will return that notebook to her. But I just don't have place to keep it. Sir please keep it with you. When they will come, I will call." Sushant nodded. Then that watchman went away and Sushant couldn't able to control his temptation of reading it. He never sensed that it would change his life.
       Sushant just read few pages of that notebook. He just wanted to read that whole notebook. It was so wonderful. It was giving him new spirit. He wanted to keep reading those pages. But he knew that he couldn't read all in few hours. Then he suddenly remembered xerox machine in his computer printer. It was once again that device which he never wanted to use. He just kept it and forget it. But he could use that xerox machine. He started xeroxing every page of that notebook. He began to copy each and every page of that notebook. He wanted it all so he started copying those pages. He was so scared that watchman would came and caught him. He felt like some thief. He had never acted this way. He knew that he did wrong thing. But still he just kept doing it. He just wanted it. Finally he copied it all. Then he put every page in his folder. Then he finally took breath and smiled. He never sensed that he was so obsessed with those poems. He had waited for long time but that watchman didn't came finally. He decided to go down himself. When he reached to that watchman, he noticed that girl. She was standing there. He smiled and went near her with view to admire her poems. He didn't have any other intention. But she just looked at him and literally ran away. He just didn't understand what was wrong. He didn't done any thing offensive. But still she just ran away. Then watchman screamed " Madam, this is sir who have your notebook." She suddenly turned and smiled. She just came to him and took that notebook from him. Then she ran away. He felt that it was really strange. She was acting so strange. He just wanted to admire her poems that's all. He decided to ignore her. But as soon as he went in his flat. once again he started reading those poems. He just loved them and while loving them. He slowly started forgiving her poetess for her rudeness. After all he was unknown to her. She could be shy one. Many writers were that way. He decided that he would take walk when she was writing. It would give him opportunity to talk with her. He kept walking around her slowly. At beginning she didn't notice him. He just kept looking at her. He started understanding her every gesture. Somewhere in his heart he just felt guilty. He was watching her with full attention. But then suddenly she looked at him. She looked at him and then her eyes sparked with recognition. He could clearly saw admiration in her eyes. She liked him. It was clear. He decided that he could go and talk with her. But then suddenly he saw there was fear in her eyes. He decided that he must not approach now. He decided that he could wait so he just kept walking. He just felt one thing. He could watch her every day this way. He could start to move ahead on every point. He decided one thing from heart. He wanted to make at least friendship with her. He just kept walking. In hope that she would slowly get friendly with him. But he received shock next day. She was not sitting there. He was so confused. He got so curious. But he had control it so he just went away.
          Sushant just created small book of those poem. When he went to office, he took that book. One day he was reading it suddenly his friends noticed it. His friend started insisting that he must show it. He knew that his friend's father-in-law owned one publishing house. It was one big chance for that girl. He knew that she didn't love him but still he cared for her. He wanted good future for her so he gave that dairy but he took promise that he was not mentioned. He thought that it was over. But he just kept waiting and thinking about her and her wonderful future.But he kept waiting for that book but it never appeared. Then finally he asked his friends one day about it. Friend "That writer is little bit crazy." Sushant screamed " Shut up. How can you say like that?" "Come on. Don't scream on me. We are ready to publish it and finance it. All she had to do was sign one contract. But she just didn't came." "What?" "Her mother called and told that she was sick." "Then she must be sick. You have adjust it." "But she never ready to visit us. She always kept giving excuses." "Now give me chance. I will manage it. " "Okay. My father-in-law just want that book so he will give you a chance. Next month?" "Thanks. I will try." Sushant was so confused. He didn't want to interfere but it just didn't seem to be working. He had to interfere now. He was so tense that on that day he took half day. His boss was happy with his hard work for so long time that he just managed. He immediately took bus. As soon as he reached to his building, he just ran in her house. Tara's Mom opened door. Sushant was so confused but he slowly told her "Actually I wanted to talk about book." Tara's Mom immediately took him inside and she started talking about it. Tara was just sitting in corner. Tara's Mom "She just never agreed to go out. In fact she got some kind of phobia that she just avoided people. When it comes to going to any function, she just hated it. She just wanted to hide in home. At beginning I thought that she was shy. I tried to drag her in one function. But then I understood it was my mistake. She got so sick that she just started vomiting. Her father is so strict that he started screaming on her. He started telling her that she must not come on function like that. He insulted her before all. Every one was just sympathising with her. But she just took it in to her mind that it was all her mistake. After that she just never showed any willingness to go out. I was so scared by all that. I just wanted to  move her ahead. But she never able to do that. She was not even interested in marrying. But in case of publishing of book she just loved it. She wanted to do that. Her ambition was showing so wonderful effect in life. She wanted it. This time she wanted to publish book. She was trying so hard for it. But she just didn't able to go out." "What?" Finally Tara spoke " I just can't go out. I am even scared of you. They will find mistake in me." "But they are not judging you by your look. Any way you are so beautiful. Why are you scared to show any one your face?" Tara " You don't know me. You will hate me when you will know me." "No. I will not believe it. Why don't you come out with me? And let me judge." He said it in impulse but then he regretted. "I mean I take you to that publisher.." Tara's Mom " You can take her out. She have to practice." So it was decided that he would take her out.
          Tara was perfect when he was talking to her, But still he sensed that when he mentioned going out suddenly her attitude differ. He just kept telling her for long time that she had to adjust. She seemed to get convinced when her father suddenly came inside. Her father " Who are you?" Tara was so upset. She just didn't able to say anything. Sushant "I have come regarding that book." "Of course what else it could be? No one is going to marry her. The girl who sat uselessly in home. At least some one is showing interest in her book." Sushant was angry and he suddenly said it without thinking " I will marry her." Her father looked so please. He turned to Tara's Mom and told her to contact Sushant's parents. But Tara was still nervous and shaking. He felt as if he forced her into this. It was really wrong. But still he had done it so he couldn't turn back. Then as days start to move ahead he sensed just one thing. He did right decision. Since he saw that whenever he came then she always looked at him with hope. But then suddenly she just back out. They went out. She just tried hard to act normal but he could sense that something was wrong. She was so uncomfortable. Then slowly he understood that he just couldn't able to handle it. She was not changing at all. He decided that he needed help. He remembered name of his psychiatrist friend. He just phoned him and told him all. That friend told him that he had to convince her and had to bring her in clinic. Since she was not normal even after meeting her. He had to convince her that visiting psychiatrist was not wrong. When next day Sushant went to meet her, he took her in hotel. She was still shaking in fact she didn't even able to drink hot soup. He slowly began that subject. Sushant " Have you ever thought about visiting psychiatrist?" She was upset. She just dropped her spoon in plate and started crying. He tried to console her. But it was not working. Slowly all people started watching. He came near her and said "Stop it. All are watching." Suddenly she just ran out of hotel. He just pay bill and ran behind her. He literally had to grab her before she got hit by car. "What happened? " "You hate me. You think I am mad so now you will leave me and marry some one else. I know no one can like me. My own father never like me.." "Stop it. Visiting psychiatrist is first step for our perfect and good future. I am concerned about my wife that was why I have suggested. I just don't go suggesting people. Try to understand I want you to be normal." Suddenly there was hope in her eyes. "So you will marry me." "Of course and we will not tell any one about this visit." She smiled. Suddenly she didn't feel visiting psychiatrist was that bad. After all she also wished to remove those fears. So from next day he started taking her to psychiatrist. That psychiatrist told them " She was suffering from personal avoidance disorder which happen due to too much criticism by parents sometimes. Her father kept criticizing her. Slowly she began to feel every one will hate her since she is something bad after all her father suppose to love her. This all lead to troubles. We need to convince her that it was nature of her father. This is not her fault and slowly things would turn right. " Sushant nodded. After that Sushant and Tara started visiting psychiatrist. It had positive effect on her. She started laughing and enjoying his company. Finally one day she went with him to publisher and she talked so nicely with publisher that he was impressed by her. So her book got published just few days before her marriage. She was so happy and Sushant was more happy. Finally he knew that what is meaning of love. It was not about getting her but about getting happiness for her. He was happy for her and she was happy to be with him. She wanted all world's happiness for him. They made just perfect couple.
                                                                The End 

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