Friday, July 3, 2015

Poem 2190. Forward way of road

                                                         Forward way of road
Every road seem to move ahead at every point those roads are turning back on every point but I just seem
Them moving ahead in life those sort of road which will manage to move ahead in life seem to tell us just
One thing from mind roads are just missing to move ahead with one thought from inside which will manage
To take us ahead on every point when road will be moving ahead I just never see them going back in life so
Those roads are looking so much great when I see them like I see in every way just them moving ahead in life
Even those roads will show us new sort of feel in life they will move ahead even when we are trying to turn
Back in life when road will move ahead on every point so those sort of road will show us new start in life
But if our roads are moving straight ahead then why don’t we move ahead by learning by them why we just
On sometimes we move behind those roads will be showing us movement of ahead then when we learn
To walk behind we have never shown way which will show us new start that those roads will show us
That feel which is taking us to move ahead on every point when those roads which are taking us ahead
With our mind those road will show moving ahead which will way of life but still on every moment we feel
One thought from inside those sort of thought which will have effect on our mind we have to just understand
Those roads on every point moving ahead is one way of life which will show roads are so wonderful in life
When roads will show us moving ahead is basic of life since roads are moving ahead with one thought from
Inside from our heart we feel one thought from inside moving ahead is road in life but we need to understand
Those roads on every point when roads will began to form effect on our mind we need to understand just
Their forward movements in life when those movements are showing those ways of life they are just taking us
Ahead on every point when life will have so much understanding on every point we have to move ahead
With one thought from inside when life will start to move ahead on every point roads are suppose to move
With forward movement in life we have to understand those movements which are taking us ahead in life
When life will began to move ahead in life when we will start to road are moving ahead in life since those
Roads are moving ahead in life they are those same ways which move behind but we just see them moving
Ahead on every point when road will having to ways in life they are moving ahead as well as moving behind
When roads are having ways they are on both sides they are showing this world in two different style
We have to understand those roads in both way in life when we will start to move ahead in different ways
We are showing them in both understanding on every point moving ahead and moving backward in life
So those different sides both belong to same road in life when life will show those roads on every point
We have to understand them on every angle of life when roads are moving every way in life so those roads
Are moving in both sides but we just try to understand moving ahead in right movement in life so that
Moving ahead is just right way in life but then those sort of two movements which we want to understand
In life seem to move in both ways which are showing forwards and backwards in life so those ways which
Are moving on road which seem to show forward because we have decided to move towards that way
In our life when we start to move ahead there are always two views on every point road will have two
Ways but if we drive and walk with forward side why we have to look backward in our life we can gain
From past sight then that sight will touch our life but then that sight will look so much great on every point
When sight will have knowledge which will have many types of things are entering in life so then those
Sort of things will give strange effect on life we have To understand we can’t just walk backward on any point
After all those sights which are showing many things on every point we have so many ways on any point
Forward is our choice we never walk in backward way inside our life we have to understand that we have
To learn from past and store it in mind but we can’t just start walking in past since that will never happen
In our life we just deserve to understand on every point one fact from mind forward is one way of life
Which we need on every point moving forward is need of life but we can’t just move backward on any
Moment or point life will teach us to move ahead on every point we have to learn to move ahead on just
Every point of life what we need to understand when we see it is our looking which will show us forward way
Of our life we have to understand every point of mind we have to learn how to look at life if we look in just
Forward way that will change every point of life we have to understand our mind when we start looking
Ahead on just every point we have to understand our thoughts and mind since road will have back side
But if we watch them in forward and ahead style we are moving ahead in positive way of life we need
To understand every point of life when life will move forward we need to understand carefully our life
Since moving forward is our style we have to understand our life since forward is our style we have to
See those all ways in forward way and style so life will show us forward style since it is our way and style of mind.

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