Saturday, August 10, 2013

Adventure story 97. Report card

                                                               Report card
Trisha started looking at her children's report card.She saw that their report card.Her son who was studying in fifth standard received 'B'..She was happy.She was not interested in so good marks.But she saw that his marks were improved.She smiled happily.Then she took out report card of her daughter who was in eighth standard.She saw that her daughter scored less marks.She was so shocked.Her daughter got 'D'..She never expected this from her.Trisha was so upset.She decided that she must discuss this with her daughter.After all in next year she would be in ninth standard and her tenth standard was not far away.Trisha was so shocked.She was not house wife so she hardly had enough time for her kids.Mostly her mother-in-law tackled every thing with them.Trisha always interfered in it.But Trisha could easily see that her mother-in-law hated that interference.But she never stopped it.Trisha started screaming"Mom ..Mom"Her mother-in-law came out of kitchen."What is it Trisha?""Mom didn't you saw that Swapnali scored so less this time.Her mother-in-law nodded."So don't you think we suppose to do some thing about it?""Well may be she should go to tuition.""Tuition?How can you say this so lightly?My god can't you see that she was not studying.Where is she now?""In her room she is doing her homework."Trisha smiled strangely"I think she is lying.If she was so studious.I am sure that she must have got good marks.""You can go ahead and check yourself.She is studying.I can force her to read her book.But I can't put that book inside her brain."Her mother-in-law once again went inside kitchen.Trisha was so angry with all this.She just angrily went inside that room.Her mother-in-law was just not paying enough attention to her daughter.
       Swapnali was so involved in studying that Trisha was shocked.Then Trisha thought that she might be reading some other book but when Trisha went near it.She saw that Swapnali was reading her own book.Trisha "Swapnali ..."Swapnali was so involved in her book that she didn't able to hear Trisha.Trisha was so confused now.She didn't understand that if she should disturb Swapnali or just let her study.She was about to turn back when she noticed that her mother-in-law came from behind.Her mother-in-law"She study like that for many hours every day.""What?Then why did she got so less marks?""That is good question which I will not able to answer in my life.I just don't understand her.While Ronni spend hours in playing outside,he manage to get good marks.But look at her even after studying so many hours.She didn't got enough marks.""I just don't understand.Why did it happen?""Please go ahead and ask her.Her answers are above my head.""Mom you should have told this to me before now she already got less marks.She had cover last exams syllabus also.How care less!!"Now her mother-in-law looked at her with anger."Careless?How could you say that?If you think you can change anything go ahead.But let me tell you one thing.We can't change her.She just do as she wish.She is so stubborn.If you can change her,please do it."After saying this her mother-in-law went out of room.Trisha just didn't understand her mother-in-law's attitude.She was acting as if it was impossible to change Swapnali. Trisha was so shocked.She decided that she might talk to Swapnali's teacher about this.Trisha decided that she would go to her school yesterday.Then suddenly she remembered her meeting at office.She decided that she would go in next week.
         Trisha was keeping full watch on Swapnali from that day.She saw that Swapnali was studying perfectly.Every thing looked fine expect some times Swapnali looked little bit nervous as if some one was watching her.Trisha suddenly thought that Swapnali might be having some problem at school which was making her so nervous. She decided that she must visit her school.Trisha even discussed this with her husband.But her husband Ravi just laughed about this matter. Ravi "Come on. Swapnali is in nice school no one will create problems for her inside that school.""This is our wrong attitude which create problems for our children.Don't you read about ragging every day."Ravi nodded.Now he was also tense."Those parents must had thought same way when their children shown some signs.We should not ignore it.I am going to her school.Next week.""Okay.Tell me if you find anything wrong."Trisha smiled happily after noticing that Ravi was taking her seriously.It was biggest achievement for her.So after some days Trisha went to school.When Swapnali's teacher saw Trisha,she looked nervous.Trisha felt satisfied so some thing was wrong and her guess was right.Teacher"I was thinking about calling you.But just don't know how to express you these things.""What things?""Your daughter is behaving so strange.""Strange??What happen?""Let me tell you at first she was sitting on middle bench when she complaint to me in complete secrecy that her classmates were harassing her.She said that they were making strange sounds.Then they dropped compass box or lunch box to tease her.""Swapnali's lunch box?You must punish...""Not her lunch box their own lunch box.I thought that they were ragging her so I shifted her to front benches.Now she was sitting before my eyes and I observe every thing.Every one was acting properly still she claimed that they were teasing her.She said that one student was making noise.But that one was having cold that day so he made some noise.You couldn't possibly blame some one for their sickness.I tried to convince her and now she was saying I am involved in all this and we are harassing her.When I asked her that what could be my motive.She said that she would slowly understand it.But she was sure that we all have evil intention.Don't you think that it is strange?""I don't understand.""Let me express it that she was suspicious.I must say she is too much.Those kids were not teasing her.But she just didn't believe me.In fact she started claiming that we are against her and we are planning.There are many other ideas in her brain.I think it will better if you talk with her.""What idea?"On that movement school bell rang and Swapnali's teacher had to go.She said"Bye."
        Trisha was sitting on that chair for some times.She was so shocked.She just didn't understand.Why did her daughter do such things?Trisha slowly started walking then she thought that she might go near her daughter's class room to watch her.But she was stopped.She was not allowed to go there during those hours.She could understand but she just wanted to observe her daughter once. She wanted to see those children who irritated her so much.Trisha decided to wait outside.After some time her phone rang.She saw that it was Ravi's call.She picked up phone.Trisha started crying. Ravi "What happen?""I think some thing is wrong with our daughter."She slowly told him each and every thing.It was shock for Trisha but Ravi was not that much shocked.He remembered stories of his great grandmother very well.She was used to had some problems.But they were different. Ravi"Trisha did you remember once I mentioned my grandmother who used to sit for days in same position.Do you think..""Come on.Your grandparents were fine.Your mother and father were fine.In fact your father was sharp minded person until he died due to cancer.After so many years it can't come back.""I am not sure."Ravi kept silent on phone.Trisha was nervous now.She never took that story seriously because life of Ravi's parents were perfect. Ravi had two sister who were fine and none of their children showed any problem.In mind of Trisha it was a fairy tale nothing else.Trisha"How can you sure it is all truth?They don't even let me see her in class room.I am sure.It is class teacher's mistake."Ravi"Trisha I am sorry."After saying this Ravi just disconnected his phone.Trisha was so upset.Trisha decided that she must see Swapnali from class room.Suddenly she got an idea.She decided that she would talk to principal.She went there.
       When Trisha entered there,she was nervous.But finally she gathered her guts and went inside.She slowly told principal whole story.Finally she suggested that she wanted to see her daughter. Principal"So you don't trust teacher.""No Madam I trust her.But I just want to confirm.Please try to understand I am scared.I want to confirm before taking any step."Then that principal called that class teacher. Principal was very angry with Trisha.Trisha was so scared.When that teacher entered inside that room.She looked at Trisha with hurt feeling.But when Principal told her every thing.She smiled and said"Madam I can't blame her for doubting me.If her daughter have that sickness then it will be worst for them.But I will cooperate with them and I want her to be treat so that it will be easy to handle her.Such intelligent student turn into such waste.I just don't like it.Trisha gave a forced smile.When they started watching Swapnali from corner.Nothing seemed wrong at beginning but then after some time Swapnali started looking at some girl with anger because she dropped her pen.Trisha saw that it was just mistake in fact that girl was upset because her costly pen was broken.But Swapnali began to think in wrong way.It was all written on her face.After watching this Trisha's all doubts were gone.She started crying.She was crying whole time.Finally when she reached home she just ran in her room.Her mother-in-law was looking at her.But she didn't answer her.Finally she opened computer.She started searching for diseases.All that she read was worst.Finally children came home.Trisha didn't go out to meet them just continued crying.Every one tried to talk to her but she responded with anger.When Ravi finally came home and started to talking to her.She began to scream on him.Trisha was blaming him for every thing. Ravi just didn't want it to happen before children.But Trisha was so angry inside her mind it was just because of Ravi. Finally it all talked before kids.Then Swapnali started screaming"That teacher did it.I know what was all this Mom.They are planting some radio in our brain to control us.They give us some answers to write in examination and if we don't write them.We get less marks.It's all their tricks to control us.That's why I wrote all wrong answers in exam paper when I know the right one perfectly.You all must have seen how hard I study every thing.I am doing research on them.Let me explain..."Then she started telling them.How that radio was operated.How they all were trapped in some strange plan of government or it could be terrorist.She was not sure about that.Trisha and Ravi both were listening to her.After hearing it Trisha spoke"She is like that because of you so she is your and your mother's responsibility and I am not going to help you in this matter."After saying this she went in room and started doing office work.Next day Ravi took Swapnali to Psychiatrist.But Trisha didn't come with her. Ravi took his mother with him. Ravi told her that Swapnali was suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia and it could be genetic.He told her that he was sorry.He never guessed and he had told her once.But she just screamed on him that it was not before marriage. Swapnali's life was shattered due to this sickness.She was telling strange things every day and Ravi was tense regarding Ronni. He expected that Trisha should at least pay attention to Ronni. But his hope was proved useless Trisha was not interested in family any more.She just did one job that was screamed on children.So every thing was destroyed by that sickness. Ravi was so upset when one day Ronni came running towards him with marks sheet and showed him that he got good marks. Ronni "Don't worry Dad.When I will become big,I will become Doctor and cure her.Then every thing will be fine.Mom will not blame you and grandpa for this."Ravi looked at small innocent face of Ronni and hugged him.Then he could control him for first time he started crying before his kid.
                                                             The End

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