Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Poem 1031. Change in place

                                                      Change in place
When ever we start going from one place to totally different place
Missing it is some thing natural which happen every time some thing
Like this happen with each and every change inside life after all in life
When we start every thing in our life after all change in thinking our life
Once I start from one point but after some point inside our life in this
Life is some times we need to go different places for our future and life
For going to some other place is perfect for their life because going to other place
Is one truth inside our life because those problems are some thing which
Is some thing because some thing starts from one spot to different spot in life
From one point we start but still we can't able to miss some thing important
But one point is some thing which is perfect for our life but slowly
In life we need to go to totally different place that is one point when person
Makes mistake in life instead of keeping past behind people take it with them
In their life past never gives smile to your mouth and eyes after all past will
Never take you ahead at all inside our life because past is some thing
Which should be left behind and past is some thing which never compared
With future inside our life so on every point we select some things in life
Which are not part of past but still when we go to that place we take past
Inside our soul and inside our mind because past is some thing which is part
Of our life and past will never goes away until we decide but we think
That we must keep past as a responsibility in life but question is that
Do we keep it just as responsibility or always to compare it with future life
When we went ahead we compare each part of our life and just keep thinking
That we must adjust past with future because it always remains inseparable
Part of our life because when we start from one place we just enjoy it in life
But when we change our place we feel that it will be better than first place in life
So every day in life from time to time we change our places and thoughts in life
But question is that what do we really want in life if we want peace and happiness
Then we should learn to forget those changes in life because when we change place
And hope it will be good for our life it will be false hope for us in our life
Just change of place can't change your future because no place is bad or good in life
After all if you spend your life happily on one place then it must have special place
Inside our heart and our mind after one side we start and we know that side
And it is mostly good for our life but still in life some times opportunities take us
On totally different side which are unique for us and perfect for our future and life
So on that point we thought that it will be nice for our life and that place will be
Biggest heaven for our entire life because life is made such a way that with each
Opportunities we think in our life that we will need some thing special for life
We thought that we have left our first place so we must need better thing in life
When ever we leave some thing we demand compensation in our future and life
From one point in our life we change to other point and on that place we except
Heaven of our life after all in life we can't bring heaven in life until you change it
Properly according to like and dislike inside our future as well as inside our life
So on every spot in life from first place in our life we try to get some better place
Which will bring light inside our life from one point in our life when we went
Separate way from entire life just in hope of getting some thing nice in life
From first place in life on every time we just think that we are doing all to get
What we truly want in our future or in our life because for days and nights
We change every thing in life just to get better and hope that this change will
Bring heaven inside our life but peace of our mind is inside our mind from our side
We just get resources from outside but inside of our heart will show us one thing
That how to get happiness in our life and how to adjust and enjoy each change in life.

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