Thursday, August 29, 2013

Poem 1032. To help some one

                                                 To help some one
We were always told that we must give respect to other human being
And help them specially if they related to you or some part of your distance family
So we run every time to help such person as a human being but sadly in life
Many times we feel they don't care for us as a human being when we see this
We feel  sad in our heart we feel that world has turn into some thing evil
Which is horrible for our life we feel sad that every good culture is going away
From our sight we feel that every thing turn into wrong side after all many times
We ignore their crime and many times we just feel that we are doing some thing nice
So inside this life on each and every time we do things which are perfect for our life
We are told that we must go ahead and help some person and so we go ahead
To help that person but if we search for truth inside our life then we will find
That nothing is perfect in our life because our relations are turned in such a way in life
That we just start from one way and then turn into some thing wrong from every side
Because when we help some one that person insult our good nature without such
Thoughts in their life we began to think that acting good is one of our best crime
Inside our life when we act good it suppose to give pleasure to our mind but
When things turn wrong way suddenly that pleasure vanishes from every side
So inside our life on each and every time we just don't feel pleasure because
It is not for good person who is help by us so that one just set one example for us
We began to think that we must not help others because some people just never
Care for other person so when we help some one who is of wrong type slowly
We began to hate those person who will just help us in our life when we help
Some one who is wrong type that feeling of helping human being suddenly began
To vanish from entire life it is so nice to help human because helping some one
Is once use to nice it turn into some thing wrong for entire life because helping
Human don't give nice feeling when human are not right just helping some one
Is not enough in our life we need to find proper person who need help inside our life
So inside our life we began to hate helping just because we choose wrong person
In this life how can we go ahead in life if we are force to some person who are
Of wrong kind of person in our life after all they have some thing good inside
Our life every times in our life  goodness which is part of our life but
Sadly in our life helping some one is good for our life but then at one moment
We need some one who is good person and take it kindly act happily about that help
In our life so every time when you see some thing in life just find that person who
Is perfect for help in life just helping some person just because that one related
To you in family or in life but still some times we find some people in our life
Who really don't deserve any help from us in their life they just take help and
Talk in such a way that we feel helping them is biggest but question is that
How can we escape inside our life from those duties which are required in life
But some times our duties become pain in our life after all in our life on every time
We just feel that helping that person takes away from good side of life so
Confuse is our life when wrong person are in circle of life we just don't know how to
Go ahead in our life because on each and every time of this life we all feel
In life we need some one who is good to help that person in life so if I feel
Confuse like this in life that day when I do much duty it is horrible in my life
But after some days in my life I just don't want things to turn in wrong way
For my entire life because helping some one is fully needed in our life and
When our duty is needed to fulfilled it seemed so clear in life that one every time
Inside our life I feel as if we all having some nightmare when I fulfill that duty in life
So on that day I went out to enjoy those parts inside my life and want them
To be perfect for every future in our life because on each time those people
Harass us in our life so when we do some duty it will surely hurt us in life
But when we do some duty which will please us in life then we surely think
That we are looking at sunrise but when for that person whom I hate in life
I just think that it is sunset which needed for life and after that moment
I always went to enjoy some part of life it could be anything but it should
Relax my mind after all helping worthless person never help us inside our life.

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