Thursday, August 29, 2013

Poem 1033. Wishing good

                                                   Wishing good
How interesting it is when some one get confuse we just laugh on that one
Or just scream with anger on that person when some one else get confuse
It seems like some thing worth enjoy or blame but what will we do when
We get confuse when some have some problem inside their life we always
Feel thank god that we are not in their life but question that is it right to feel
That way in life or may be we just want to have other problem inside their life
But when I ask my self do I am so selfish that I want problem in others life
My heart answered me not all other people inside my life I don't want problems
For kind nature and good people who entered in my life but I want problem
In those people who are creating problems in my life those people are those
Who show off me their pleasure inside their life after all in our life we never
Like those people who just love to point out our good is their life while
Have special way to show others how unhappy they are in their life and
Inside our life on every time we just feel that we need some thing nice
Even when we have every thing some things seem missing from our life
So even when we are having nice life they manage to show us that
They got some thing far better in life I hate those people who manage
To depress me in my life and also hate those who show fault in my life
But those who show faults can be well wisher some time but those who
Show that they have better life are some person who can't improve
Our life because they never show our faults with hope to bring light in our life
They just do it because they want to show us how good they got in their life
I know it is wrong but some times from my heart I will troubles in life for
Such people in my life who just depress me by showing I don't got much in life
I want to show the world that I am happy in life and I except it if some one
Does that in their life if these people just show me that they are happy in life
But they also show me that I don't got what they got in life even when
We are happy these type of thinking take us on totally wrong side in life
And even when we are not much happy still we just have to entertain such people
Some times in our life because our life is made such a way that we can't
Always meet only those people whom we like in our life and we can't
Always manage to keep friendship with each and every person we meet in life
After all keeping friend is not easy task in our life it is like having friendship
With worst person and smiling some times how frustrating it is to have
Some person who just depress us in our life and even when that one is acting bad
Still wishing for that one good in life when I was child I use to think that
Just thinking good about others before us is enough for pure mind but now
I understood that we can always wish good for those person who are good
For our future and our life but problems starts when we need to wish good
Before us in our life every time we need to find some thing in our life
But that don't mean we need to find some thing good for our life but
Wishing good for those people who manage to depress us seems hard task in life
I know it is hard but some times I think it is needed for our life so we think
That until we forgive those people we can't live peacefully in life we got depress
But it is due to some problems inside our life and it is also because it hurt our ego
Which is strong inside only if we destroy that ego our life will be some thing
Happy and nice those people who don't forgive just keep that thought inside
Their mind and inside their life every time after we find it hard to understand
Thoughts inside our life after all forgiving some one is hardest task of life
Still we manage to do it on each and every time if we think that it is good for our future
And for our life because by showing off their happiness these people manage to
Take us on totally wrong as well as totally faulty side in our future and our life.

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