Friday, August 2, 2013

Poem 986. Rules.

Some people just try to obey some rules in our hopes that it will
Make world proper and every thing perfect and very peaceful and cool
They thought that world will be proper if it goes according to proper rule
They thought that world will some thing worst if it don't obey any rule
In our life we want everything in right way because we want to think
World is so perfect thing if we obey the rules of world but problem is that
After some times we all want to have some fun so slowly we began to
Forget meaningfully rules set by world how boring it seems to every day
Obey the rules which are made by some person because some times
We feel that we need to do many thing and forget about our rules in world
Sadly our rules are some thing which are made to properly run our world
Because our life must be set properly for every day inside this wonderful world
If we run without rules we just create lot of mess in world so we all need
To learn from school what are real rules inside our thinking and for our world
But after all we can't move ahead without set of some thing inside our world
In our life we have some kind of rules which properly take us ahead in world
We try to get some thing which are perfect for our world and then
After some kind of rules we all think we are going ahead only with rule in world
Rules are some thing important for our pillars in life we went ahead
But then world get so fast ahead with rules after all we manage to develop
That world but sadly when we began to develop in our world and then
We all went to world after all our thoughts take us ahead in this world
And then we began to think we want to enjoy our development in world
But then suddenly we thought that we all want enjoy many things in world
When we got every thing we began to enjoy every thing which is costly
As well as important for our thinking and our world then we began to
Think what we get by enjoying rules on which we have set all world
Due to rules we get many things but some times we forget to enjoy our world
So we got everything is best in our world but then after some days
We began to think what is use of getting so many things which are part of our world
Those are so costly and precious thing which are useful for our entire world
They have some things which are precious for our thinking and world
After all when we got many things which are so important and comfortable world
We made so much hard work with that rules that we forgot to enjoy them
And forgot to enjoy our world so we began to think if only those things remain
Inside our world and we can't able to enjoy them what is use of those rules
Which have create so excellent and perfect world if we can't use them then
It is useless to have that type of world so we began to think we must
Reduce some rules of that world and make them soft for our entire thinking and world
So then we began to enjoy our life with soft rules of world but while doing this
We forget how rules are pillars of our success and our world so slowly once again
Everything began to vanish from our world but we never understand that
Slowly all those things which we have made vanish when we forget rules from world
Then when that things vanish we began to once again obey some  rules of world
So once again we began to make many types of rules in world and
Once again we began to think in our life and world then we set our rules of world
So we began to  think properly which form in correct type of world but then once again
They miss all the fun so life is confused with two thoughts one is to have rules
And some times not to have some rules in world but we like rules in life
But some times when we have rules which are made for rules of world
After all in our life we never understand that rules are good or bad for whole world
May we should learn to use rules in proper limits inside our thinking and world.

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