Sunday, August 11, 2013

Poem 1001. Fight for justice

                                                  Fight for justice
How difficult in our life it is explain to person when to stop and
When start to fights because some times people are so scared that
They when needed even on that moment they don't start their fight
And let person do wrong thing because they scared to tell start fight
After all in our life we just stood there without telling people to stop
Doing that wrong thing in our life after all in our life we think that
Each time we need to think when we need to start after all in fight
When new thing really happen we think that we need to start a fight
Because for justice we need to start some sort of fight inside our life
Some times our fights are made because they are so necessary for life
After all in our life normally we are suppose to start fight so then we think
That some times it is necessary to do many types of fight because
Normally we say that we should stay away from fight and then our thinking
Take us totally wrong way in our future or our life after all we think that
We must avoid fight but some times we need to jump in fight for justice
To arise but when we try to convince those people they need to fight
They just say why should they risk our life for some one's justice and fight
They all say that they are so peaceful as well as nice people in their life
They never like to start any kind of fight how much time you may spend
On them and tell them that they needed for justice to rise in their life
After all justice is some thing which is truly needed for entire person's life
So after some time they need to fight but those people just tell you that
They will never start their fight and tell you that you must stay out of their life
They say it such way that you can clearly see that if you don't stop and
Quit that thing on that moment in life then they surely start against you a big fight
So on each and every moment we start our thinking and our problems and fight
After all in our life we see some people who for justice can't fight but if you
Go ahead and tell them in our life then they can change our future of our life
They can easily manage to start with us a fight but for justice they never fight
Peacefulness is their quality which comes inside them when for justice they need fight
So it is impossible to convince these people in our life to start their fight because
They just don't want to involved in some kind of bravery and fight in our life
After all in our life we can't force some one to start some kind of fight in life
But then there is one situation which is like some thing which is perfectly opposite
In every way and every part of life when two people began on some small reason a fight
Those fights are some thing which can be handled if people understand that thinking
And understand what they properly do inside their thinking as well as inside their life
Then they can easily stop their thinking and their fight which always effects their life
So in this life on every moment they do what is called prejudice their thinking in life
They never let prejudice away from their life even when their interest coordinate
With other party they just want to fight they just say one thing that they want revenge
In their life and may it destroy them they want revenge even at costs of many lives
But question is that did they really get revenge in life I think they just get killed
And other person get benefit out of those both parties fight so when ever we go
And tell these people to stop fight they just say they don't trust other person
And that other person will harm them if they don't return or answer them in fight
So while showing whole world that they don't defeat in their life they just manage
To destroy their future and each side of their life so in this life we can't tell others
Or convince others to understand when and how to fight we need some system
To help us and force them to understand true meaning of fight that is fight for justice in life
But before starting it we must understand what is true meaning of justice for human heart.

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