Sunday, December 16, 2012

Poem 589. Nice change

                                                          Nice change
How nice are some people who says that changes inside life are good on every moment and every
Point I feel those people who change our thinking will not help us inside life on every point
Because sometimes changes are for worst inside life and sometimes people feel that we don't
Want change as part of our life when we went ahead I just feel one thing from inside mind
That those people who talk nicely with us are not going ahead as per our wishes on every
Moment and on every point those changes which are so great will manage to take us ahead
Inside life because those people who are so good for our world are trying to understand our
Thinking and our mind but when we see carefully many times we observe just one thing from
Thinking and from mind that every thing which look so perfect is good for our world and
Nice for our future and life when we move ahead we just feel one change from inside that
Those things which happen inside our world are not going ahead as good gesture in our life
But when other people convince us that this change is good sometimes we forced to accept
Those things in life because when we move ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that
Those changes which will manage to set the world in different way of life where just going
Ahead on every wrong way on every point those people who spoke nicely are not going
Ahead as per our likes and dislike on every moment I just feel one thought from my thinking
As well as from my mind because that some changes are for worst but still we suppose to
Support them in life just because people around us think that way inside life when I can
See the world I just feel one thought from inside that those people who wish good luck for
Our thinking is not taking us ahead in life by telling that all those changes are so good and
So perfect inside life when I will move in wrong way I just feel one thought from my mind that
Changes are like some rock which never change it's position in life those changes which we
Face inside this world are not taking us ahead in life on any point because those changes
Which we see in this life are not helping us on any moment and on any point I just keep
Thinking on every point that those people who like changes are telling truth but it is just for
Their future and for their life on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing
From inside that those changes which I see on each day of life are not always good for me
On some points but when people force me say that those changes are good for my life then
I will suddenly began to feel one thing from my mind that on every occasion changes are
Not good for our life but then I just feel one thought from my thinking and from my mind
That those changes are totally wrong inside life after all those changes which are so good
On every moment and on every point after all those changes which are so important for
Our future and for our life are not going ahead as per our thinking on every point but then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those changes which are precious to our thinking
And our life are not going ahead on every point I just have one thought from my mind that
Those changes which have entered inside our life are not going ahead as per our thoughts
On every moment and on every point I feel those changes which are precious inside our life
Those changes are something so important inside life because on every moment and on
Every point from every angle of our life I just feel one thing that changes which are so
True to our mind are not going ahead on every moment inside life because those changes
Which are so perfect inside life are not really that good by any angle of our life when we
Went ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that we are not enjoying those changes
And that is our mistake inside life but truth is that some times changes are good for other
People but they are not that good for us in life after all those things which are so precious
Inside life I feel one thing from my mind after all those thoughts which are so important
To me inside life are damaged by changes on every point I just feel one thing from my
Thinking and from my mind that those changes which enter in my life are going ahead
On totally wrong way inside life after all those things which are so important in life but
Then I just feel one thing from my mind that changes are not going to help me that much
Inside life because those changes are something which will hurt me from time to time
So I have accept them but not with lie that they are happiness in life I have to accept them
Because change is truth of life and I have to adjust with them from time to time inside life
Because if change is so good then we need to convince people inside our future and life.

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