Thursday, December 13, 2012

Poem 586. Nice fruits in life

                                                        Nice fruits in life
Those fruits which look lovely and perfect in every shape and colour inside life I feel that
Their freshness is so nice for our eyes when I see those fruits at hawker I just feel they are
All so nice I never once doubt my logic and my mind that can I able to guess which one is
Good as well as nice for my life when I see those fruits I just feel happiness from inside that
Those fruits which stood before me look so perfect to me and to my mind when I see those
Fruits I just feel one thing from my mind that when I watch those fruits I feel just they are
Ticket to my best health inside my life after all those fruits are something so perfect in our eyes
But those fruits are something out of heaven and nice for our life when we move ahead we just
Feel that those fruits are so perfect to our thinking and to our life when I see those fresh things
I just feel one thing from my mind that looking at those fruits seem so perfect to us on every
Moment and on every point of our life I just want to have those fruits which look tasty and
So nice then I just decide one thing that I am buying blessing from heaven when I buy those
Beautiful fruits in life they have that lovely look and perfect shape that I feel I am buying some
Thing which is worth in every angle inside life so I just decide to buy those fruits which look so
Tasty to my thinking and my eyes after all those fruits which will look nice for my eyes are
Not going ahead as per our thinking inside life because when I cut those fruits I just see that
Every thing is wrong so outside factor confuse me when I believed it with strong thought
And strong want I will never understand what I really think from heart because those things
Which look so perfect have confused me on every part many times I feel people are just something
Of that sort we feel that those fruits which I buy are telling me about life's important part because
Those fruits which look so good for our heart are so perfect for clicking picture which will look
So perfect for our thought and heart after all fruits are something which are so perfect and nice
To look you can also click them and send away to others for view inside our life on every part
We just feel one thing from our thinking and our heart that those which look so perfect to others
That they never able to guess what good those pictures which look so fresh for our heart but
Then those fruits are some thing so fresh for heart when I look at those beautiful pictures then
I feel just one thing that those pictures are so perfect for us when we look at them on every
Moment and on every part I just feel one thought from heart that some things are so perfect for
Picture but doesn't look so nice for us on every part after all those picture have some lovely
Look in every part but those fruits are useless when we decide to eat them from our thinking
And our heart but then on every moment from our heart we just feel that somethings are so good
And perfect for heart because those fruits will look so nice to look from our thinking and from
Our heart that those things which look so perfect in pictures don't look that perfect inside our life
And for our heart this is what confused us most on each and every part we just assume that
Every thing will look perfect to us but those things look totally wrong for our future and for
Our thinking and our heart I just feel one thing from heart that how many times we get confused
By picture about many parts those fruits which look so nice to us on every part are not that
Good for our heart when we decide to see those pictures which look so perfect on every part
We feel that those fruits which have taste and freshness inside on every moment and on
Every point I feel just one thing from our mind those fruits are beautiful inside life but then
I feel just one thing that those things which are totally wrong inside life I feel something
Wrong inside life I just have one thought from inside life so then I feel that those fruits which
Look so nice inside life on those moment inside life I feel just one thing that we just can't able
To guess by picture inside life I feel that things are so perfect on every moment and on every
Thought and on every point in that picture on time to time I just feel one thing from my mind
That those fruits which are so different are not that perfect inside life I feel that those fruits
Which are so nice slowly become something so different on every point I have one thought
From my mind that I want to know truths from life but those things which look so perfect
Will slowly change form of my life if I choose it will harm us on every point if there are
Fruits they will harm our health inside life but then inside life when we make same mistake
In case of person it will harm us on every moment and on every point so on every moment
And on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which will change
Our world are something totally wrong inside life so then I feel one thing from my mind
Those things are something interesting in life which will have side effects in life because
Those people look so perfect in life because those people will help us in life but if we keep
Wrong faith inside life than it will not just our health it will also harm our thinking and our mind.

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