Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Poem 570. Sharing happiness

                                                     Sharing happiness
On every time I feel there will perfect light inside my life when I accept that I don't want to win just
For myself and I want to share my prize and from that moment I will learn to live my life because
God have made us that way which tell us we must share our happiness and sorrows inside life but
When comes question of sorrows every one is ready to share them inside life on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind every thing want to run ahead with sorrows inside life but then
I just feel one thought from my mind that those sorrows which are something so important inside
Life I always see people sharing sorrows from time to time inside life on every moment I just feel
One thing from inside that those sorrows are turning in wrong way inside life because people just
Come to share sorrows without even asking for it in life when sorrows knock on door every one
Want to include other in life but at same time no one want to open door for sorrows so all door
Seemed like locked inside life on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my
Thoughts and my mind on every point I feel one thing from inside that those sorrows are totally
Wrong inside life because those sorrows are something which are wrong on every moment and
On every point so no one want them inside their house or inside their mind on every thought then
They just feel one thing from mind that those thoughts of sorrows which enter inside our life
Are totally wrong on every moment and on every point inside life I just feel one thing from my
Thinking and my mind sorrows are something so wrong inside life on every point we just feel
One thing that sorrows are so wrong thing for our thinking and our life we just feel one thing from
My mind that no one want to share those wrong things inside life I just feel that sorrows are some
Part which are so wrong inside life I feel sorrows are something so totally wrong inside life but
Then I feel just one thing from my mind that those sorrows are something which are also
Uninvited inside life because they are creating problems for us on every moment and on every
Thoughts as well as on every point I just need to understand every thing from thinking and life
But then when happiness comes every one seem to remember us on last step to us inside life
On every moment we feel as if we are unwanted for them inside life on every thought we are
Touching happiness inside life that is our want from our thinking and inside because on every
Moment we just feel one thing from our mind that things should go as per our wishes on every
Moment and every point we feel one thought from mind that sorrows and happiness are two
Parts of life and we just feel one thing from our thinking and our mind I have just one thought
From inside that I just wanted happiness it is so important in life on every moment we just feel
One want from inside that those happiness which are so precious to us inside life because on
Every thought I feel that those sorrows are something inside life I feel just one thing from mind
That those happiness are so important to us inside life I feel that sorrows are something so wrong
To us on every moment and on every point but I feel that happiness will going to capture every
Thought from mind I feel just one thing from my mind I feel one thing from inside life I feel that
On every moment those sorrows which are so important inside life I feel that happiness is totally
So precious inside life I feel just one thing when we need to share happiness inside life I feel that
Sometimes sorrows are wrong inside life but then I feel one thing from my mind that sorrows
Are something so precious to me inside life I feel that those sorrows are something so wrong
Inside life after all those sorrows and happiness on every part of life those two feeling in which
Happiness is one thing we need to share inside life I feel just one thing from mind that no one
Is interested it sharing it I feel that sorrows are something so wrong on every thing inside life
But then I feel that sorrows are something which are totally wrong inside life I feel just one thing
From our thoughts inside life I feel that happiness is totally wrong inside life I have just one thing
From my mind that happiness is totally wrong on every moment and on every point but then
I feel just one thing from inside that those happiness which are so important to us inside life look
Totally wrong on every point I feel just one thing from inside then I feel one thing from inside
That every one want to share sorrows and happiness is something so wrong inside life on every
Moment I just feel one thing from our mind after all those sorrows and happiness is totally and
Fully wrong inside life I feel just one thing from inside I have one thought from inside I feel just
One thing that there are two thoughts in life one is happiness and other is sorrows of lie but then
I just feel one thing from my mind that those sorrows are totally wrong inside life and just because
Of that we need to share happiness in life so I need one thing from my mind I feel just one thing
From my mind I feel that happiness is something which are so important inside life I feel one thing
From every angle of life I feel that we need to share happiness inside life so let's face it that we
Need to give happiness inside life but happiness needed to share inside life so I feel that we need
Just one thing it is regarding sharing happiness on every moment and on every point inside life.

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