Sunday, December 2, 2012

Poem 565. Reading cunning eyes

                                                       Reading cunning eyes
From some people's eyes I just feel one thought from inside that those eyes have that wrong
Feelings from every point but then I just have one thought from my mind that in those eyes I feel
That wrong mistake which are so precious to us in life on every point we feel one thing from
Our mind that I can see clearly inside life that those things which are so important inside life
I feel those wrong shine on every moment and on every point I feel just one thing from my mind
That those feelings which we like to see are good one inside life but then I feel one thing from
My mind that those eyes have that thing which is totally wrong on every moment and on every
Point but still on every thought and from my mind I just feel one thing from my mind that some
Times I see that cunning look just inside those eyes when I see I feel that people around me
Can also see it inside life but still I just can't found any one who see it in life on every moment
People just see niceness in that person's act and that person's sweet smile I just never understand
How can people ignore that eyes but I feel that people are not able to see it inside life because
People are so much prejudiced about any one who speak against that person in life that they just
Ignore it and some start to insult those people who speak against them in life when we move
Ahead with each step we just understand one thought from mind that those eyes have that feeling
But those are seem like invisible to other people inside life I just never understand what is that
Magic and what is that power which those people posses inside life that on every moment we just
Feel one thing that our power is inside our thinking and inside our mind but when we decide to
Admire some one we just see goodness in that person on every time I will never understand
What people feel from inside but I just have one thought that was I wanted people to have it in
Their future and life I will never understand what people see inside those eyes but I can so sure
That they can't see truth but still they began like that person inside life how confused are our
Thoughts when we see other person is making mistake in life but when that mistake is intentional
You just can't help them in life but then on some moment I feel that maybe they just don't able to
What I saw inside life maybe that person who look so wrong to me inside life have some magic
In talking in life because when I will move ahead in life I feel just one thing from inside that talking
Is one skill that is needed inside life to make us understanding from our mind but then I feel just
One thing from every angle of life I just have one thought from inside life but then I feel just
One thought from inside life I feel that those eyes are something nice inside life because then inside
Our eyes I just feel one thing from my mind that some people who have some wrong feeling from
Our thoughts and our eyes because on every moment I just have one thought from inside if only
Those people can see what I see in those eyes but then sometimes I feel same thing happens with
My thoughts and my mind on every time we just feel one thought from inside that those things
Which other saw in some eyes I just never able to see them and I get in problem inside life but
Then when our life went ahead on every time I just found that person was so wrong in life just
As those people told us inside life because on every moment I feel just one thought from inside
That those people who are talking sweetly to me on sometimes also have same hidden wrongness
Inside eyes and even when time prove it still I just can't believe it from my mind that how can
Things will turn in good way inside life after all those things which are so important to us in life
But then I feel one thing from my mind that when I can make that kind of mistake while judging
In some part of life I have one thought in life then I have those thoughts inside life but then
I feel one thing from inside life those eyes have some thing so important inside life then I just feel
One thing from my mind after all those eyes have nice feelings from inside life but then I have one
Thought from my mind mistakes are always part of our life some look so nice on every point butThen I feel just one thing from my mind that some times I don't understand but then I feel one

Thought from inside that sometimes I don't understand but sometimes people are not understand
Those feeling inside those eyes so we all make mistakes inside life so why should blame each other
In crisis on every point because those crisis are something so important inside our future and life
Because those crisis which are hard for us in life and each of us make sometimes mistake and
Bring them on every one time or another time so why should waste our time we must go ahead
And fight with those problems inside life because they are basic things finally in life to be solved
On every moment and on every time we must learn to ignore others things inside our life every time.

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