Thursday, December 13, 2012

Poem 585. Our actions

                                                                   Our actions
Inside our life sometimes even wrong act seem totally wrong on every angle of our thinking and
Our life we just feel that if we act properly in life then those wrong things which happen in our life
Will have some wrong effect inside life I feel that those wrong thinking which we have done with
False intentions in life manage to harm us on every point but sometimes we just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that those wrong things which are done with good intentions in life
Are not going ahead as per our thinking and our mind those positive intentions are totally inside
Life some types of thoughts which are so totally important inside life I feel that those wrong
Thought in our life I feel just one thing from mind sometimes wrong acts are done with good intentionsInside life and then comes biggest confusion in our life because on every moment and on every
Point we just feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which are so good and perfect
For our mind are not going ahead as per thoughts and our mind because when intentions are so
Good I just feel one thing from my mind that sometimes we feel wrong acts are also right but
Then to that thinking we must give some limited time and then those act will change whole
World around us and we all feel that it is not right when we went ahead on every point I just
Feel one thought from my mind that those thinking which I have inside my life told me that
Just right intentions are enough for our life on every moment and on every point we just feel
One thought from my mind that those wrong act manage to hurt us on every point when we
Went ahead we just feel one thing from inside those wrong act will turn fully in different side
Of our life those things which are something totally wrong inside life because when we move
Ahead inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that those things which are so wrong on
Every moment and  point because when we move ahead in totally wrong way inside life which
Act will remain totally wrong way in life on every moment we just feel we want something thatLook good inside life wrong things which will harm us on every point start by that act because
It is not right inside life on every moment and on every point those wrong act spread that fire
Which will burn every thing in few moments of life I know that intentions are right but still when
We start fire on every point it will not remain in our control and it will manage to harm us on
Every moment and on every point we just have one feeling from inside that those wrong thoughts
Which help us inside life will harm us on every point but then I feel just one thing from my mind
That wrong things are not wrong from beginning sometimes they are right for our life when we
Move ahead we just feel one thought from our mind that those things which are so wrong in
Our future and in our life could have started with good intentions in beginning of life but then
Slowly they could turn into something totally wrong on every point I just feel one thing that
When we do something wrong it will remain wrong for entire life it will not matter much that
How did we think from our mind those thoughts which are so important to us inside life but
Then on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those things
Which are so important to us inside life are how we act to achieve our motives inside our life
When we began to move on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing that wrong
Ways make even that motives worst inside life on every moment and on every point we just
Never thought on any moment of our life that those thinking which we have inside our life
Will not matter much if we choose wrong way to achieve in life when our life goes ahead
On every moment and on every point I just never understand what is use of just good intentions
When they turn in wrong way inside life on every moment we doesn't use those ways which
Are right and proper for our life I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which
Are so important should go in wrong way inside life when we act in wrong way on each and
Every point of our life I just feel one thought from my thinking and from my mind intention
Will matter more but act also matter more and more inside life if you did things in wrong way
Inside life then it all will matter more in life because how you act will matter as much as your
Thinking and thought about life after all your actions will decide your future on every time
I just feel one thing from my mind that those actions which we did will always matter more
Inside my future and inside my life because those actions will create effects on mankind.

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