Monday, December 10, 2012

Poem 579. Small ship

                                                           Small ship
 One day I saw one small ship moving on tide I never able to see which way it is going
Still it felt so much nice when ship moves with tide it have so nice feeling inside on every
Point I just feel one thing that ship have something so valuable inside it doesn't matter
What it carries on that moment in my mind I just see that ship and wave my hand on every
Moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that this ship
Which is moving on tides is as nice as toy boat when I am just child on every moment I just
Feel one thing from my mind that this ship which I was seeing is so lovely for our future and
For our eyes on every moment I just feel my eyes are set in such way to that side this ship look
So perfect that I feel I am standing on totally perfect angle of life from which I can see that
Small ship which look perfect on every point and sight I just have one feeling from mind and
From inside that those ships which look so perfect to me are not that much nice for my every
Moment of life I just fall in love with that ship on that spot inside life I just kept looking at that
Ship on every angle and on every point of my life I just feel one thing from my mind that this
Ship which look so nice must be something so beautiful inside our life I just keep looking at that
Ship for long time until it touch to horizon and manage to go away from my eyes that ship seem
Like some dream which I have stored inside my eyes I just always kept looking at that ship which
Stood on corner of that sky I just never understand how wrong that ship will look for my eyes
I feel that I must keep watching at horizon on each and every try I just ignore every thing which
Is around me inside my life and just concentrate on that one ship which stood on that point in
My thoughts as well as inside my sky I will never understand what I feel from inside but on
Each and every moment I just feel one thing that this ship will manage to change position and
On it's every change I want to keep looking at that ship and I want to try every thing which
Is needed in my life that ship is something which just took hold of my mind on every try and
I just see nothing else except that ship on any try I ignore who is standing with me and who
Is with me on my every try I just feel one thing that this ship is something which I want to
Keep looking at on every try then slowly I notice every one seem to watch that ship and they
All dream something which please their eyes after all this ship is carrying their every dream
Which they see inside their mind on every try I just never understand how can I dream so
Much but even other seem to dream about it from their mind with any one I can spend hours
In just discussing what that ship have inside it on every try when I keep looking at that ship
And at that sea I just feel that sea have so many dreams which are perfect for my eyes and
I just feel one thing on every try that those ship are carrying some thing which is totally wrong
On every point and on every try I just wish from my heart that those ship which stood in sea
Are not that nice on any try I feel just one thing that this ship is not that perfect for my thoughts
And for my eyes because those ships will move on tides on each and every try and they will
Manage to take me ahead in my mind and let me make friendship with every one whom I can
Imagine to stood on ship on that moment and it is really worth to try because on every moment
And on every try we just feel one thing that this tiny ship is not some thing so easy to ignore
On any point or on any try I just feel one thing from my mind and from my thought inside
That those ships which look so perfect in sea are not that nice on every moment and on every
Thoughts and try I just keep feeling one thing from my mind that this nice and small ship look
Totally wrong to me if I am able to see what is truly inside that ship on any try I just keep
Feeling one thing from my sky that this ship which look so nice on horizon will look so perfect
For our thoughts and our mind on every try I just feel one thing from my mind and on my
Each and every try that this small ship look totally different on every point maybe it doesn't
Got human inside it on any moment and on any try I just feel one thing from every thought
In my mind that this ship which look so perfect when it is far away is not that nice for me
If I tried to get that ship sometimes near my eyes with many tries but mostly I saw that
Those ships never carry any family inside them they just carry goods which are something
Nice for me on any moment and on any try I just keep feeling one thing on every try that
This ship which look so perfect to far away due to hope of human being totally wrong when
I see it's language so sometimes are better to be far away that getting them near on any try.

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