Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Poem 571. Confession a best way of life

                                                 Confession  a best way of life
There are many things and many ways for truth to come outside it is better my friend that
You should say it before enemy manage to tell us that truth about you inside life in life on many
Thoughts and on many points I want to say this to many person inside life that confession is
Better than punishment which comes after being caught in life one say you will get caught just
See how you want to be caught inside life I know for some days truth will remain hidden in
Perfect form of life but slowly those truth will enter inside life can you manage to hide then
That truth I just feel one thing that no one can able handle that truth inside life on every moment
We just keep one thing inside mind that on first moment only come out that truth but when that
Doesn't happen we all began to feel that truth is hidden on every point because in life we need
On every point that truth which we can see in hidden inside life when I will move ahead on
Every moment and on every point I just feel one day truth will be told to every one inside life
Truth have so many ways that I feel it is like water sometimes because it can vanish in land
And then return in form of well when we dig for it in life and people have one habit of digging
From time to time some just like it and some just want to find truth inside life when we go ahead
On every moment and on every point on that land we feel just one thing from inside that those
Truth which are hidden on every point are not going in stay inside for entire life when we went
Ahead we just feel one thing from our mind that those truths which are hidden inside life are
Not going to come out on any moment and on any point I just have one feeling from inside that
Those truths which are fully wrong are going ahead in life slowly from inside and when those
Truth will come out I just feel one thing from my mind that those truth which look so perfect
In daylight are going to go in totally wrong way inside life I just have one feeling from my mind
That those truth which are hidden inside life will always find some way to come before people
After some time but if we can't confess them then they just manage to come in worst way and
Inside our life on every point we feel just one thing from our mind that those truth which we
Thought hidden in sand of time will come out one day in broad light I know when this happen
With your enemy you just love it in life but just remember one thing it will also happen with you
One day because life will also demand justice from you on each and every point I just can't help
To understand those truths of life that on every moment I just feel I need to search for those
Truth which are precious to us in life when we move ahead we just feel one thing from our
Thinking and our mind that truth which are hidden are not going ahead before other because
You feel that you have hidden them carefully in life but on every moment life will tell you just
One thing from mind that those truths which are hidden in life are not going to come out as
Per our thinking on any time I feel just one thing from inside of my mind that those truths
Which are precious to me are going to come ahead on every moment of our life but I just
Never understand what I feel from inside but somewhere I feel sure that one day your truth
Will come out but you need to understand it from inside that this time since you have not told
That truth your enemy will use it against you in worst way in life and it will be not that small
Enemy which we face every day in life it will some bigger one which will manage to destroy
And insult you with that truth inside life so sometimes I just feel why don't those people just
Come and confess truth when they have moments in life but I know that you will never going
To confess it because guilty hardly dare to confess guilt unless it began to hurt that one in life
They just like to hide it on every moment and on every point I just feel one thing that this idea
Never help guilty much in life but that is what happen on every time people just keep hiding it
Until they forced on them inside life so I know that you will never confess that truth until you
Have no option on any point so I just feel one thing that you have invited disaster in life but
Then I just can't force you so I just have to keep quite but that will not help you for long time
Inside life because even if wrong thing touch me in life I feel may be I will join your enemies
Inside life how interesting is our life that we just never able to decide which side that will look so
Perfect to us but manage to hurt us from time to time so sometimes we even join our enemies
To get justice inside life but then I just feel one question that are those people really our enemies
Or we just feel that way because that truth was hidden from eyes so when that truth will come
Out you will see clearly in life that slowly you will left alone because truth have that power inside
So I just feel one thing that you should confess it just on that point because now at this moment
You are neither my friend nor that much enemy inside life but when truth will come out I am
Sure that you will find list of enemies inside life so sometimes confessing truth is best way of life.

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