Monday, December 31, 2012

Poem 616. Tourist

One day I was hearing the sweet sound of river it was refreshing and so touching to my heart and
My thinking from inside my mind and in my world I use to love to sit near those rivers which are so cool
And pure those rivers have that beauty which will touch our world river will look so beautiful and
Nice and lovely in this world that river looked so perfect and have transparent look inside it which
Will look so good for this world I just use to feel that I can hear slowly rhythm of that river when
I hear slowly that voice inside my world I feel just one thing from my mind and my world that this
River will have that sound which will touch my thoughts and my world I feel just those touch of
Perfect pleasure when those rivers touch me on any part I feel as if I am in heaven those rivers have
That power which will take me away from all problems inside world so I just want to sit near that
River without any interference of this world because those rivers have so pleasant feeling inside my
Mind and my world I just love to touch that water from that river I just like to see my hands inside
That water in my world on every moment I just feel one thing inside my world that those river have
So nice tides and so nice touch inside world that when I look at that river I feel beauty of that
Pleasant sort of river of this world when I watch that river I just use to think that it is my most
Precious treasure after all I have found out that river on which no one ever come and it's always
That way for me inside my world it was only me and my river so I just like to chat from my heart
On every moment to that river I know that this river can't tell me but still I just chat with my heart
So no one can hear that world so on every moment inside my world I just feel one thought from
Every angle that those pleasant chats of heart are something touching my mind and my world
But still on every moment I just feel one thought from my world that this river have heaven
Just for me in my world because even those birds which use to come on that shore doesn't look
At all scared to see me inside their world they just use to sit there and use to make perfect all
My dreams about world after all seeing bird in such a little distance is most precious gift for
My thinking and my world after all those rivers have that nice look of world which is pleasant for
My thinking and my world I feel that river have that beauty inside it which will look so perfect
For my thinking and my world after all that river will look totally perfect inside our world but
Then that river will look so nice and pleasant inside world it will look so nice inside our world
But then those days one day become over but then sometimes inside world that river will look
So good inside our world so those river will look so good and pleasant for my world but when
I saw other person I just feel anger rise inside my world because those people are chatting so
Loudly that it will be no longer just me and my river I began to feel people will call me stupid
If I keep looking at that river so I can no longer chat with that river because there was too much
Noise inside that world I just hated when I see those noise which began to come around my river
I just hate it when they took away from our thinking and our world so then I feel just one
Thing inside my mind how can they make so noise and disturb my world after all those rivers
Which will look so nice inside our world those rivers will have side effect inside our world so
Then I feel that this river will look totally wrong for my thoughts and my world I feel that this
River will look so good for our thinking and our world but then those rivers will look so good
And cool for our world after all that river will not look that nice inside world after all this river
Will be totally wrong for that noise inside world but then I feel just one thing from our world
But then some boys was selling peanuts to that people I just see eagerness inside our world but
I just never understand that those things are totally wrong inside world I feel that those boys
Which are part of that world never tried to look so loud noisy in that world then when I ask
That boy who are those people then it will look so wrong to that boy in this world I feel just one
Thing from our mind on every moment inside our world I feel one thing from my mind and
Those world which have some sort of thoughts inside our world I feel just one thing from
My mind and from my world that those people who are so important to that boy which are
For me just loud voices that destroyed my world I just feel one thought from my world but
Then that boy told that they are just like me tourist in that spot and just like me they are enjoying
Nature so in that natives eyes we are enjoying their world so how easily we began to feel that
We have right on every point of that world so then I feel just one thing from our world then
I feel that those tourist which are so important inside our world because those places never
Belong to us on every moment inside our world so then I feel just one thing in this world
I feel that even when we are tourist we get possessive about that place inside this world then
I feel just one thing from thoughts and from thinking of world that we are also just tourist
In this world which is created by god and we are possessive still we are nothing but tourist of world.

Poem 615. Another dream

                                                               Another dream
I have one lovely dream which look so perfect I want to keep that dream alive on each and every
Thought and on each and every moment I just feel one thing from my mind again and again that
On this dream I use to think this dream is every thing which I wanted and I want it to be fulfilled
And then my world will look perfect so I just run after that dream in my best way and then for
Hours I spend just to fulfill that dream in every way but after some points I just understood in
My heart that this dream is not for me on any day I feel that this dream is not that much useful
For me on any day I just kept looking for my that dream but it seem so hard to get but still I just
Kept going after it so finally I got that dream as I wanted and some times I just don't get that
Dream as I fear in my mind and in my each way so those dream which I kept my heart will
Stay there for some days but then after some time I just feel that this dream must need to be
Changed in every way we just can't keep that dream for days after days but some times we feel
That when this dream is complete what will comes next on every point of life we feel again and
Again that this dream which touch my mind is something special on each day I just feel one thing
From my mind that on every day that dream which I kept inside my mind on every day look so
Wrong on every point and again and again I just feel one thing from my mind that those dreams
Which are good and perfect are not that much nice in any day because those dreams which I keep
Alive doesn't look that much good and perfect on every point I feel just one thought again and
Again those dream which I see in my eyes are kept that way I want those dreams to look so wrong
On every point and on every moment I just feel from my mind my dreams will go ahead in life with
Tides after tides again and again I just never understand in life when dream become something
That is so special to us on each day but when that dream is complete I feel maybe I feel emptiness
But that doesn't happen in my life because I have new dream on next day I feel like butterflies
We should wonder from one flower to another flower in life in case of those dreams on every day
I feel that those dreams which are so good to us are not that much nice and perfect on every point
And on every moment we just feel one thing that our dreams are confusing us on each and every
Thought and days because when I fulfilled one dream I just feel I need peace for some days but
My mind scream for next dream and my peace will be kept inside some corner again after all in
This life we can ride as much as we want again and again a rider have favourite horse which
Will be nice to that rider but it will not be perfect for rider on every day when rider began to ride
Inside life as per wish again and again I just feel one thing from my mind that horses which are
Changed are normal and perfect after all in this life we just like one thing for some point but
When that thing is over we need to shift to next thing again just remaining stuck to first thing
Will never going to be of much help when in life you just remain stuck this way I just feel one
Thing from my mind that those dreams will not help me because dream should rides not like
Some locker stuck with jewels we must try to learn to ride on dream each day we must learn
To move ahead when first dreams get completed inside this life we need to learn every thing
According to our thought on every moment on each point I just feel one thing that we must have
To learn to quit some dream after some time and after some moment because those dreams are
Taking us ahead but only until we get them after completing one dream we just wish from heart
On every moment I just have one dream from inside on every point and moment I just feel one
Thought from mind those dreams which will look so good for our life have that look which will
Nice on every point I just feel that those dreams which we like to fulfill inside life so on every
Moment and on every point I feel one dream is not fulfillment of our life we need always next
Dream from one time to another time when we will move ahead we just feel one thought from
Our thinking and our mind that dreams are something so important on every moment and on
Every time inside life dream will have many colors in life but when one first thoughts on every
Point is of first dream we can have next thought of next dream after some points so we just have
Courage to move ahead in life those who move after one dream to another dreams are true
Brave hearts in life and those who just stuck in past are some people who don't have brave heart
Those people just remain stuck to some points and then they will never able to see next sort of star.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Poem 614. Golden heart

                                                              Golden heart
In each person's eyes have different meaning on every way inside life on each moment that in life
From my eyes on every moment those meaning which will look totally wrong thoughts on every
Point on every way I feel from my mind that each meaning will matter more and more on every day
I just feel one meaning from my heart on that time and then I just assume it inside life when we move
Ahead we just have one feeling from our mind that those thoughts which are gathered inside our
Eyes are something which will touch us on every point I have one feeling from my mind that those
Thoughts which are written inside our eyes are going ahead just because we want to get them in
Our future and life I feel that those thoughts have some meaning which I feel them from my mind
I have one thought from mind that those valuable things which are so precious to us inside life
But I just feel one thing I can read that this person value thing but what is more valuable to their
Thinking and their mind so then those valuable things which are so important to us on every point
Differ from one point to another point inside life because on every point some people have different
Value on each concept of our life when we began to move ahead inside our life I just feel one thing
From my mind that some people just value costly things inside life while other people value more
Emotions inside life when we move ahead on every point we just feel one thing from our mind
That those things which are worth some money are sometimes precious for our life while on
Other side some things which have emotions are more matter for people in life I know some
People just claim that whole world value more money inside our life because those emotions which
Look so better on every time are not always neglected as those people told us in life some people
Really care for emotions on every moment of life when some people went ahead they just feel
One thought from mind that those emotions are so precious for them in life but some people just
Never see them at all inside life they just see those wrong types of people on every moment and
On every point of life when those people began to think one thought from inside of their mind
That they are practical and right on every moment and on every point those people will totally
Wrong on every point inside our thoughts and our mind those people will have different type of
Meaning for each emotion every time they just feel we are acting on emotion is not true there
Must be some gain inside such people have same thought on every point they just never understand
Emotions inside life on every moment and on every point those feelings which will take us ahead
Inside our thoughts and our mind those things which are important inside life because those
Emotions which are so important inside life after all those thoughts which are so confused for
Our thinking and our mind that how can some one turn those emotions in such a selfish gain
For our future and our life because those emotions are cheating us from time to time because
Those emotions are not due to wrong thought from our mind on every time inside life we are
Feeling those nice feeling precious on every point but some people just never understand them
Inside life they just keep thinking selfish gain must be hidden behind on every moment and on
Every time I just feel that those gains which we thought matter us more are not going ahead
As we thought from inside I just keep guessing on every point that how can those people find
So many selfish motives and if they have so creative mind then why are they wasting them
On each moment and time to time but if you ask me I just tell you one thing from my mind
That those emotions which are important inside life look so totally wrong on every moment
And every point I just feel one thing from every point that those emotions which are so good
For us inside life will look totally wrong on every occasions inside our life when they are
Described in wrong way inside our life but then when I think about them inside life I feel
Just one thought from my mind that you just can't change others thinking and their mind
If some one is thinking just about selfish motives then that person can't be changed inside life
They just never believe that heart of gold ever existed in life because they want to kill their
Guilt by saying nothing good is existed inside life which will take them on some wrong side
Which tell them that they are perfect because there are not people who existed on other side
So some people just love valuable things and they just believe that they matter inside life but
Worst thing is that they don't believe on golden heart on any point of life because they just
Never consider it as gold but we don't need to worry because that doesn't turn it false inside life.

Poem 613. Corner

In our life there are some corners of mind which belongs to pain they are so hard and sharp for life
That they are kept away from our site like some dried well they have those death of loved one's or
Some pain when some thing sudden happen we always manage to hide it instead of facing it in any
Thought or way some of corner of those thoughts will manage to hurt us again and again and on
Every moment we just feel one thing that those things are giving us that much gain because those
Corners of life which have hidden every type of pain are not going ahead as per our wish on any
Way or on any moment when we move ahead in our life we just want to ignore them so on every
Point we just feel some thoughts on each way I just feel one thing from my mind that those corner
Which have buried those pains are so perfect and nice because we feel they will remain for whole
Life just one secret place those places will never let in life those sorrows even enter and we will
Go ahead in best way that is what we thought from our mind when we kept those corners on those
Area and places we just feel one thing from our mind that those corners will look to us perfect
But when we start to move ahead in life on every moment those corners which will look so nice
After all those corners will have something inside life I feel those sadness will come ahead in life
When those corners will look so wrong on every way I just feel one thing from my mind that
Those corners will look so great that in those corners we feel we are so safe but this earth is so
Round that those corner will not look that much great on every day after some times we just
Began to move ahead we will began to feel those sorrows from inside on each and every day
I just have one thought from my mind that those corners will look so good and so perfect on
Each and every day I feel those corners are hidden on every point and on each and every way
Those corners which will have hidden sorrows inside will manage to hide that pain but after some
Times we feel just one thing on every day I feel that those corners are not lockers which will
Manage to hide our pain they are just those curtains which will hide things just for few days so
Inside our life on every moment I feel just one thing from corner of my mind on every way and
I have one thought from inside that those things can't hidden on every way we just feel one thing
From our mind that we can in our life move ahead but then when we move ahead in life I just
Feel one thought and one pain that those corners which have hidden pains inside life look so wrong
On each and every way I just feel one thought that those corners are just few days hidden place
Those corners have some part of life hidden from our eyes on each and every day I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those corners will never look that much perfect they have some
Thoughts in our mind which will take us ahead on each and every day I have one feeling hidden
In mind on every day that those sorrows which will hurt us in life will not going to take us ahead
But now a days I feel may be I am wrong in life sometimes I need to look at those corners and
Watch their hidden pains not because they teach something but because they show me that
I am so good and so perfect in each and every way on that moment when we start telling ourselves
That some of pains are over and it will apply to our next pain suddenly every thing will look good
As well as pleasant on each day and on each way inside our life on every moment we just feel
One thought from our mind that we need to move ahead so on every time and on every day I just
Feel that we must learn to feel happy by reminding that finally we manage to get over that pain
But if you feel still those pains then what is use of hiding them after all accepting truth is better
Than running around for help when finally it comes to face to face so inside life on each and every
Moment I feel that running away from pain will never give us any type of gain so on every part
Of life I feel we must not hide our pain which will wake up wrong feeling inside us on every
Point and on every moment so in our life on those secret corners in which we have pain I feel
Just one thought from inside that I need to get rid of those pains on each and every day because
I feel just one thing from my mind that those corners which will have pain will remain stuck on
Those points but then after some time we need to face that pain so on every moment of our life
I just feel that I can able to handle my thoughts as well as my pain but then again and again I just
Feel one thought from every where that those pains which are so important to me look always
Small if I deal with them in perfect so instead of keeping them inside corner I just feel that we need
To handle those problems in my life in best way I just feel one thought on every point and moment.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Adventure story 65. Maid

When Poonam got everything perfectly set,Chetan was so happy. Poonam was so prompt in her work that Chetan never needed to guide her about anything.Since first day of their marriage she always seemed so prompt. Chetan felt so lazy before her.She woke up at 6'o clock promptly did everything with her own hands.She never asked for maid.She just didn't need any.It was so shocking for everyone.That Poonam didn't need a maid.When every one else just couldn't live without maid,she did everything.It was so shocking.Today Chetan invited his bosses for dinner. Poonam did everything at home including sweets and snacks. Chetan insisted that he would take a day for to help her preparation.After all there were five partners in his company so five bosses and their families so guests would be nearly seventeen in number.He wanted to order something from outside.But Poonam insisted not to do that. Poonam wanted to do it by herself.She didn't want Chetan to stay at home and disturb her.Finally Chetan went to office.But when he turned to go to office.His neighbor looked at him in strange way.When he said hello to her.She asked him"Why don't you keep maid in your house?"Chetan"Poonam is not ready.""But why?""She just didn't want anyone to interfere.""Come on.I don't agree with you.No woman can want to stay without maid.May be she is doing it to impress you?""Impress me!!But there is no need to impress me."After hearing this that neighbor started laughing.Auntie of neighborhood "Every girl do these kind of things to impress their husband.She didn't literally mean it.It will be better if you search one maid or Poonam would damage her health."Chetan nodded his head.He just didn't know what he suppose to do.At one hand Poonam was insisting on having no maid and on other side Auntie was suggesting to keep one.He couldn't force a maid on Poonam. But he decided to try to convince her about it.
          That day when he went to office ,everyone was shocked.His best friend Raman asked him"So you did finally keep a maid?""No.But why do you ask?""My god so your wife is going to manage whole lunch on her own?This is inhuman Chetan."Chetan was very upset now.Even his friend thought just like his neighbor so it had to be right. Chetan was angry with Poonam. She did permit maid and it created that problem. Chetan angrily"I just don't know.How will I suppose to convince Poonam that she need a maid?"Raman"My god she is against maid.Why?""I don't know.She said that she hated them.""Ohh!May be she don't want a young maid in house?Why don't you get older?""I got a maid near 60 years.I don't think older that is available in our society.""Okay so jealousy is not problem.Then may be she hate some one touching her things.Do you think that she is hygiene conscious?""I don't think so.Last time she asked a bhel from road so it can't be the reason.""Okay then may be too orthodox?She don't like lower caste people.""I don't think so she is very friendly with our watchman's wife."That's it.Go ahead and suggest her that she may keep that woman as a maid.""It is already done.That woman is too busy.She don't want work.Any way Poonam is against keeping any maid.She said that she just love her work.""Impossible no one can love work like that some thing is wrong.."Then boss came out of cabin and they both were forced to go back to work.But even after starting his work Chetan's mind kept coming back to issue of maid and Poonam's hard work.
       Chetan took half day from office because he wanted to help Poonam.But when he reached home,Poonam had already set everything perfectly.It was all so perfect that their house was looking like some hotel or resort.Poonam had made ever flower arrangements.All was so marvelous.Chetan was sure that his boss were going to enjoy it.But somewhere in his mind he was thinking that Poonam was overdoing everything.She was crossing all limits of her physical capacity.She was working like machine and still she seemed fresh and happy.It was so strange for him.He wanted to discuss it.But Poonam insisted on showing her arrangements and he had to agree that.Chetan began to watch those arrangement and food.Everything was beautiful and made with efforts.Chetan was so scared that now he could clearly saw that Poonam was overdoing everything.Chetan"Poonam this is all beautiful but don't you think that your doing too much.I mean all this work without maid is not necessary."Poonam looked shock.Poonam"This work?!Come on this is child's play.I don't need maid for this nonsense."After that she turned and looked at her face in mirror.Poonam"Now look at me.I look like maid myself."Then she gave Chetan a sweet smile."Chetan can you give me some new clothes and ornaments?""Gold ornaments?!!"Poonam started laughing.Poonam"Not gold I know we can't afford them on such short notice.I married Chetan not Tata or Birla.I want artificial.""Of course.You can have what you want?"Poonam looked at watch."It is only 6 p.m.I don't guest will come before 8."Chetan just nodded."So one hour is enough.Come on Chetan let's go for shopping."Chetan was feeling tired just by going in office for half day.but Poonam was fresh even after doing so much work.He looked around everything was perfect.Then he saw Poonam running in her room to get ready.This was too much.He was tired but she was not.What was Poonam some superwoman?Chetan just continued thinking about it.While Poonam got ready to go for shopping.
       When they went in market,Poonam entered in each every shop,she looked at plenty of things and bought selected goods.Chetan saw her energy whole day she was in full spirit.She attended each and every guest with full interest. Poonam attended them all at end of day Chetan was tired that he didn't able to move finger.But Poonam was still full of spirit.When Chetan slept,Poonam was watching T.V. after finishing her work.Then next day alarm rang Chetan woke up and looked at clock.He was already late for his office.Then he turned and looked at Poonam.She was wide awake and just looking at fan.At first Chetan thought that there was something on fan so he turned his attention towards fan.He saw that there was nothing but simple fan.Chetan"Poonam why are you looking at fan?""Chetan don't you think everyday we just turn round and round like this fan.Our life is so meaningless.Look at me.I am so useless."Chetan was shocked to hear this.Chetan"You can't call your self useless after working so much.""But I can able to move myself now.I feel as if I just can't move my finger.""It must be exertion.I am telling you to take it easy.But you didn't listen to me.You must sick due to that hard work.Now you must relax."Then Chetan touched her forehead to check her temperature.At least it was not hot so she didn't have fever.Chetan"I will take a leave from office and take you to Doctor?Now just relax and sleep."Poonam didn't say anything just shut her eyes.Chetan was so scared.He ran get ready.He called office and told them that he wanted a leave.He got it when he explained the reason.Then he called Doctor,he was so tense until that Doctor came.He continuously tried to talk to Poonam.But she didn't seem to interested in responding him.Chetan was getting tense by each minute.Finally Doctor came and he started checking Poonam.Doctor"She seemed physically fine to me.But still I recommend some tests."Then Doctor gave his a big list of tests.When he went out his neighbor entered.Auntie"What happened?"He told her everything."That's why I said that you need a maid.You understand it so important to keep maid.It can effect woman in so many ways."Then Auntie sat beside Poonam and started patting on her head.Auntie"Poor child.You force her to work like a slave.So sad."After that Chetan was nervous.He immediately arranged a cook as well as maid.
       But still after some many days Poonam continued sleeping like that.She didn't seem even interested in eating food.Chetan called her parents.When Poonam's parents came,Chetan told them everything and that moment Auntie entered and started telling them about Chetan's inhuman behaviour.Her parents were shocked.But they were also convinced.Poonam's Dad"You are a monster.My daughter will not stay with you.""But Dad..""Don't dare to call me 'Dad'.I will not forgive you for this."Her Mom"My daughter was so healthy and fine before marriage.What have you done to my daughter?"Then they both started abusing him and finally they went away.Both the servants saw it.After that Chetan never able to looked at anyone in normal way.For many days Poonam remained sleeping like that she was not even interested in eating food.The maid forced her to eat sometimes.But sometimes she remained sleeping like that without eating until Chetan arrive at home.Chetan did every test.Finally Doctor suggested his a psychiatrist. When Chetan took her to Psychiatrist he talked to her.Then he suggested Chetan for more tests.Chetan did each and every test.He wanted to correct his mistake and make his wife normal again.Then one day finally all reports came Psychiatrist told him"Your wife is suffering from Bipolar Depression Disorder."Then Psychiatrist explained him faults of Poonam's brain.Chetan"But every one said that it happened because she didn't keep maid."Doctor started laughing.Doctor"This is not her first attack.""What?""In this depression sometimes person work too much.It was a mania of energy and enthusiasm. Then eventually she crashes into a depression.Her energy and enthusiasm are gone and so she didn't want to talk and to move.The joy has been drained from her life.It happens to these patient swing of mood is common.This was not her first time.It had happened to her before she told me that it started since her high school."Chetan was shocked.He was cheated by Poonam's parents.He still remembered their abuse but then he looked at Poonam and decided that accept what life have given him.But he was sure that he would never forgive his in-laws and never able to explain Auntie the truth.She would always blame him.Any way he started paying full attention to Psychiatrist and started listening.How did he suppose to handle the problem.
                                                                        The End

Friday, December 28, 2012

Poem 612. Unpleasant friend

                                                          Unpleasant friend
How much I try to treat happiness and sorrow as same part of the world but still I just feel
One thing from my each part that I just like happiness on every part I want those smiles on
Every thought and on every part I know I must learn in life to like each and every part but
Still that strict teacher called sorrows never liked by me at all inside my life on every point
I just feel one thought from inside that those sorrows which enter in my life on every point
And began to teach me important lessons in life I know that teacher is so precious inside life
But still that teacher will look so wrong on every point because when that teacher scream
On me inside life I feel that sorrows are began to rise inside my mind on every moment and
On every point that those sorrows which are managing to hurt me on every point of life
Those thoughts which are so important inside life because those sorrows which are precious
Inside life going to teach us many things from time to time inside life after all those things
Will help us on every point inside life because those things which are so important inside life
Those things which are full of sorrows manage to harm us on any point inside life because
Those sorrows are some precious part of our life which teach us those things which are
So important inside life I feel one thing from my mind that sorrows are not something so
Easy to accept inside our life they always have hard side but still they teach us many sort
Of pleasant things inside life on every moment they look so sharp like sword that cut you
Apart inside life but still they are those hard work which we need to do in life but happiness
Is that cool feeling for our mind which will make us so happy on every moment inside our
Future and our life that those happy moments seem so pleasant inside life but I just learn
One thing in life when we treat everything equally inside life then only one day we learn those
Pleasant and proper sort of things inside our life which will tell us many thoughts from inside
We know one thing on every point that those sorrows will never look nice but still we must
Treat them with best respect inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that those feeling
Called sorrows which are so important in life should be treated with same respect inside life
On every moment I have just one feeling from inside that sorrows are not taking us ahead
On every side inside life so those sorrows which are sad for life will also create problems
For us on every moment and on every point but still I feel just one thing from inside that
Sorrows and happiness should be treated equally inside life after all we cry on both times
But still never feel same way from inside because those voices which are loud inside life
So that voice which are so important to us inside life can be heard on every time inside life
When I heard those big voice I feel one thing from inside I feel just one thought from my
Thinking and from my mind that those voices which are bringing happiness and sadness are
Part of life after all those things which are so important inside life so then I feel one thing
On every point that those thoughts which are precious inside life I feel one thought from
My life I feel one thing from every side of life I feel that when two different thoughts which
Are important on every point so I feel just one thought from my mind I feel that those thoughts
Which have two sides inside life because two thoughts which are standing on two part should
Be perfect inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those two part of life will take me
Ahead on every moment and on every angle of life I feel that those two thoughts which are
Important inside life I feel those two thoughts which are standing on two sides of life and
If we are moving ahead inside life I feel just one thought from inside that those two thinking
Which are so important inside life look totally wrong on every point of life when we went
Ahead on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those thoughts which are so
Important to us on every point are not going ahead as per our wish in life then we must
Understand equal thinking is most important in life learn to like sorrows and like happiness in life
Because they are so important in life when we move ahead I feel one thought from my mind
I feel that those unpleasant thoughts of sorrows can harm us on every moment inside life so
When those happiness and sorrows which are two part of life but then I feel just one thing
From every angle of life so I just feel two thoughts from mind those happiness and sorrows
Which are two types of thinking inside life because those unpleasant thoughts are inside life
I feel that sorrows are not nice inside life but still we must try to treat them equally inside life
Because those sorrows are so different inside life but then sorrows are negative inside life
But then happiness and sorrows are two parts of our life inside mind they are standing on
Totally different sides in life because those two sides which are important inside life on every point.

Poem 611. Moonlight

On one sad night I felt it is right to leave away my field and accept defeat  in my fight after all
I feel just one thing from my mind that I have tried enough inside life so on every moment in life
I have one thought from inside that those hard work which I have doing in life is not helping that
Much inside life so when we went ahead inside life so on every moment and on every point in
Our life I feel that I can't win inside fight until I try hard inside life when I will move ahead on
Every point of life I feel that I start to move ahead on every point I feel just one thing from my
Thought and my mind that those fields on which I like to win in life sometimes seem far away
Don't you feel same sometimes but when that night I saw that moon inside my sky on every
Time inside life I just have one thought from my mind that moon which will look so cool on
Every moment inside life after all those white shine which look so good inside life but then I feel
One thing from one mind that those white light which will look so nice on every point inside life
But then I feel those moon which will look so nice and perfect for my eyes so then I feel just
One thing from my mind that moon is standing in sky so perfectly and with confidence of life
Sun which use to give us that bright shine was went away from our thoughts and on every point
I feel that brightness and that sun's power inside life look so perfect on every way of life but
When I look at sun I feel just one thought from inside that sun is powerful still it have to left the
Sky for long time and when sun goes away once again sky become so dark in life but even
When moon is giving so limited shine moon keep shining in life moon never thought once
What is use of my light I am nothing but just limited source of life moon just stood there with
Confidence in life I just feel that even moon have that pleasant sort of smile when I look at moon
I never feel any sorrows inside that moon in life in fact just to see that moon sometimes I just
Wish from my heart on that point inside life I just feel one thing on every point that those nice
Shine of moon light will look so good to me on every point that I feel just one thought from my
Thinking and my mind that moon will look so different on every angle of life and it is having so
Mild sort of light on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that moon have that beauty
On every part of my life I feel that moon is so pretty because it have that mild sort of light so
If I admire that moon then why should I hate my failures inside my life after all that moon is
Also having same sort of failure on every point inside life moon doesn't have bright light in life
Just like me it is so mild on every point inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that
Those shines which look so simple inside life is not that good on every point inside our life so
When I went ahead inside my life I feel just one thought from my mind that those moon does
Have that goodness inside which use to touch me in life so why should I feel so sad when on
Some points I fail inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that I want to be like moon
Many times so if like sun I don't get success but still like moon I can give that pure and innocent
Light just brightness is not every thing inside our life when we move ahead I just feel one thought
From my mind that moon is also so nice when I see that even that simple light is so perfect in life
Because it will give me that sleep inside life which is needed very much inside life sometimes
It even feel as if moon is looking at us in life and most important is we can watch that moon
From time to time inside our life because that moon have mild light in case of sun I can hardly
Watch it on any time so sometimes it is good and sometimes it is wrong for our life that sun
Will have so much brightness that I just can't able to see it in life so even success have that
Brightness in life and failure have that mildness which teach us many things from time to time
If moon doesn't feel failed by failures in life then why should I feel inside life so on every
Moment and on every time I feel just one thought from my mind that like moon I must accept
That just giving less light doesn't mean failure in life there are many things which are also needed
Inside life on every moment and on every time so like moon I must also learn to accept failures
In life after all accepting failures is most important thing inside life tolerance will take us ahead
On every point when we learn it properly then only we can go ahead in life so after that thinking
I start once again inside life with my fight so when I feel failed I just did one thing I look at moon
On that time which teach me that failures are not that much bad every time sometimes they are
Also beautiful and peaceful things inside life they make so many lovely things inside our life that
Will remain inside our mind even after seeing many bright things inside our life on every point.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Poem 610. Sentence

Some people are so strange inside life they just keep talking their thought never able to think that
Some one who is existed opposite to them also have some sort of thoughts inside mind but then
I feel just one thing from inside that those thinking will help us on every point in my mind
Then one thing will come inside life I feel one thought from my mind that mind of person who
Is standing on opposite side will just never enter inside their mind on any point I feel one thing
From my mind that those thoughts which are so important to us on every moment and on every
Point of life they just keep telling their thoughts which are opposing us inside life look so wrong
On every moment and on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that those thoughts
Which are important to us will look so wrong on every point after all those sentence which will
Touch our thoughts are not going ahead in positive ways inside life I feel that those people who
Are talking to our opposite side of thinking inside life I just have one thought from my mind that
Those sentence which will touch us will look so wrong on every point inside life I feel one thing
From my mind that those sentences which will seem so wrong on every area of life they just
Keep speaking on every side of our life after all those sentences which will look so nice on every
Point inside life I feel one thought from my mind that those thinking which will help us on
Every moment in life those thoughts which look so nice inside life so then I feel those thinking
Inside life I feel that there are many people inside life that those thoughts which are important
Inside life I feel that those sentence will look so wrong for our mind then those sentences will
Look totally wrong inside life I feel one thing from my mind those sentences which will look so
Wrong inside life after all those sentences which have some meaning inside life they feel just spoken
By them on every moment and on every point inside life so then on every moment and on every
Point I feel just one thing from my mind that those sentences which look so confused on every
Angle inside life when even other people are not interested in them then I feel just one thing from
My thoughts and my mind after all sentences which will look so wrong inside life those sentences
Will look so wrong inside life after all those thoughts which are precious inside life look totally
Different on every point inside life after all those sentences which will having side effects in life
After all those sentences which will look so right inside life but then I feel just one thing from
Our thinking on every angle inside life I feel one thought from every moment inside life but then
Those sentences which will have some thing inside life but then I feel sentences which will good
Inside life those sentences which are important inside life after all those sentences which are so
Wrong inside life after all those things which are so important inside life those things which are
Standing on opposite sides inside life but then I feel those sentences inside life but then I feel just
One thing important inside life I feel one thought from my mind that those sentences will look
Totally wrong inside life after all those thinking which are other person have inside life after all
Those thoughts which are so important inside life look totally wrong on every point in our life
After all those thoughts which are totally wrong inside life turn in different way on every point
When I will move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those sentences which I see from
Every angle of my life that those things which I see in my life look totally so different on every
Moment and on every point I have one thought from my mind that those things which will have
Side effects in life after all those sentences which touch our mind will look totally wrong inside
Our thoughts and mind when I will move ahead those sentences which will totally wrong on
Every moment and on every point I just have one thought from my mind how can those people
Never hear others and feel that they know every thing inside life when we move ahead we just
Feel one thought from our mind that those thinking which is important to us is not going ahead
As per our wishes inside life so when other tell us something on some point we just feel one
Thought from inside that those thinking which will have some effects on our mind I feel those
Thinking will look so wrong on every point so then I just feel one thing when we have one thought
On every point I just feel one thing from my mind that those thinking which will look so wrong
Inside life will change slowly on every point I feel one thing from my mind that those sentences
Which will look so wrong inside life are saying even after ignoring others they knew world in life
So when you just heard your own voice I feel most ignorant in life but still never accept it in life.

Poem 609. Silent thoughts

                                                             Silent thoughts
When some one is with you but you can't always see them inside your view because some people
Are some going to sit quietly and watch all views until you are happy they just keep doing what
They must do they never thought of every view I just feel that those views look so good on every
Point in every view I just feel that those thoughts which are so nice and so good on every point
I just feel one thing on every view I have just one feeling on every sentiments and on every view
I feel that those people who are looking good in every concepts and every point of view I just feel
One thing from every moment that those people are not going to come ahead on any moment and
We just feel one thing on every moment that those beautiful thoughts which will touch her on every
Point and every moment I feel those silent thoughts which are so nice on every day those pure
Thoughts which are so nice on every way so then I feel just one thing every moment but then I feel
One thing on every moment I feel that those thoughts which are going to touch me on every moment
I feel just one thought on every point and every moment but then those thoughts which are so
Hard on every moment after all those thoughts which are so positive for us on every moment but
Then I feel just one thing on every point and moment that I just feel one thing on every moment
That those thoughts which are so good for us on every moment then I feel one thing from every
Moment that those things which will look so nice on every point in life I feel that those people
Who will take us ahead in life look so wrong on every point inside life I feel that those thoughts
Which are precious to us inside life after some people will help us on every moment and on every
Point but then some people which are totally wrong on every point inside life but then I feel just
One thought from my mind that those thoughts which are so important for us in life are the one
Who spoke with us on every moment about that thoughts on every point inside life but then I feel
Those things which will look so good in life after all some people who are so important to us on
Every point turn in wrong way inside life but then I feel one thing from every point in life I feel
One thing from inside that thoughts which are so special to us on every point after all those people
Who are nice inside life I feel that those nice thoughts which are so good for our future and our life
Those thoughts which are so nice inside life we feel that they are kept alive by mind when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that those people who come with us look so nice
On every point when people come and discuss thought it look so wrong inside life but then I feel
One thing from my mind those thoughts which are so important inside life because those things
Which are so good for our thinking in life so then those thoughts are perfect on every point but
Then I have one thinking from my mind that those thoughts which are so good on every point
People gather around to discuss thoughts inside life I feel one thing from my mind that those
Thoughts should be discussed by those people inside life on every moment and on every point
I feel just one thing from our mind because those thoughts which are so confusing inside life
When we feel that some people are so important inside life even when we don't know they are
Stood for us on every point inside life but then I feel just one thing from my mind those things
Which look so good on every point I have just one thing from my mind that those people who
Are so important inside life but then I feel one thing from my mind that those things which are
Precious to us look so wrong inside life but then those thoughts which confuse us in every point
But then I feel just one thing from every angle of life I feel just one thing from my mind that
Those thoughts which are inside those mind never come before us until problems arise so different
Are those people inside our life that on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that
Those different thoughts will come out only when we need them in crisis inside life but we never
Able to guess them on any point we just feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which
Are so important to us look so wrong inside life after all those thoughts which are so important
Inside life after all those thoughts which are so precious inside life but then I feel that on day
Of crisis will look confusing inside life but then those crisis which are important inside life
But when those crisis enter I feel just problems inside life I feel that those thoughts which will
Look so important to us on every moment and on every point inside life thoughts are so nice
Inside life I feel that those thoughts are keeping us happy inside life on each and every point in life
After all those silent thoughts are something so precious for us on every moment and on every point.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Poem 608. Changing opinion

                                                         Changing opinion
Each person has his thinking and thought on every point that inside life after all those thoughts
Which will happen in wrong way inside life other thoughts which are so precious to our life so
Those thoughts which are important inside life keep searching on every moment and on every
Time inside life those opinions which are so important inside life on every thought and on every
Moment from inside that opinion are something which are so important inside life on every moment
And on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that those opinion which I have from
My thought and my mind those opinions which are so good for our life look so different on every
Thought and on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that opinion which are so important
To us on every point I feel just one thing that those opinion which have entered inside life look so
Totally wrong inside every point those opinion which are formed by our mind are going ahead in
Totally wrong way of life I just feel one thing from my mind that those views which I have kept
Part of life so when from my mind those opinion which are so precious to our mind will look so
Wrong on every point I feel one feeling from my mind that those opinion which are hidden in
Our thinking and in our mind look so wrong when things comes in different light on every moment
And on every point I just have one feeling from my mind that on every point those opinion in life
Are not going as per my wish on any point I feel at first when I have formed them in life I just
Have one thought from my mind that those opinions which are so confirmed inside my mind
Will look so perfect to me on each day of my life when I will have some view inside my mind
I just feel one thought on every point that those opinions which I have kept inside look so wrong
On every view and on every point after all those opinions which I have formed for so long time
I feel they are totally wrong on every view point because when I form them I just feel one thought
From my thinking and from my mind that those opinion which kept for so long inside our mind
Are something so different on every view point I just never understand on any point that how can
Change of those opinion happen in such a short time inside life I feel those things which will so
Wrong on every time I just have opinions which are so wrong on every angle of life because
When we went ahead on every moment and those opinion which are so wrong on every area
And every time I just have opinion inside life but when they look so wrong suddenly I feel so
Confused on every mind I feel those opinions which are precious inside life I have those opinion
Inside life which turn in wrong way when they goes on wrong point I just kept waiting on every
Point of life to get proper way for that opinion and suddenly every thing turn upside down in
My mind and inside my life when I form opinion I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Things which are so important to us look so wrong inside life when I will move ahead I just have
One thought from my mind that opinion which I have form are something so wrong on every
Point and on every side after all those opinion which are so important to our life look so wrong
And ugly in that light I just wish one thing from my mind that those opinion which will form
On every moment I feel one thing that opinions are some thing which are not that much nice
Inside life I have one feeling from inside that those views which I have formed are not going
Ahead as per my thinking and as per my mind I just feel one thought from inside that those
Views which will keep me away are something so important inside life on every view and on
Every point inside life so then I just have one views inside life those opinion I form on every
Point will look totally wrong inside life I feel one thing from my views in life that those opinion
Which I have inside life doesn't look that good on any point when I see truth is different I just
Have to waste all those efforts which I have made to reach on that point I just have one thought
From my thinking and from my mind that those opinion which I have inside life doesn't look
That good when I feel just one thing from my thoughts inside life so I just have one view on
Every point that those things which are so good inside life those things which are so interesting
Inside life so then those opinions which are so important inside life so then I feel one thing
From my mind that those opinions which are so precious inside life then those opinions which
Look so good inside life but then I feel I have to waste things inside life that on every point
I have just one thought from my mind that opinion will stay same inside life and then on every
Moment I just feel one thing from my mind that I am cheating inside my life so how much will be
Waste but one thing is truth of life that I will change my opinion from time to time because
I just want to sleep peacefully with nice thoughts in mind I never like to cheat inside my life.

Poem 607. Motives

I just don't know why in our life  some times we forgot what motive inside our life so on
Some points we start our work with one motive then it will manage to hurt us on every moment
Inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that those work which we start with some thinking
And with some thought of mind I just feel one thing inside life that those work which start on
Every moment and on every point I feel one thought from inside those things which will help us to
Work seem so important when we start them in life they were something just like fights and on
Every moment and on every point I feel that those thoughts which are touching us in life will look
So wrong to us on every moment and on every point I just feel one thought from inside that those
Thoughts which are so important inside life so then I feel just one thing on every moment and on
Every moment those motives which are so important inside life so then I feel just one thing from
Our thought inside life they I feel one thing from my mind that those things which are so precious
To us inside life so then I feel one thing from inside life that my motive which is so precious to
Us on every moment and on every point inside life so then I feel that those motives which are
So good inside life then those motives which are so important inside life so then I feel one motive
On every moment and on every point that when I will start moving ahead inside life I just feel
One thing from my mind those motives which are so good for our life but then those motives
Which are so important inside life I feel that those motive which are so important inside life
Look so different inside life I feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts which are so nice
As well as important inside life I feel that when I will move ahead on every point I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those motives which I have to go ahead inside life but then I feel just
One thing from our mind that things which move ahead inside life are just because of those motives
I start moving ahead on every point but then I feel just one thing from my mind that those things
Which are so precious to us on every moment inside life then I feel one thing then those street
Which are moving ahead inside life I feel that those motives which are important to us on every
Moment inside life I feel those streets which are so important just to get things as per our life
When we have some motives which are so totally wrong inside life so then I feel one thing from
My mind if I have traveled so long then I just feel one thing from my mind that those motives
Which look right inside life I feel just one thing from mind that those things which are something
So different inside life it will look so strange inside life I feel one thing from my mind that some
Thoughts which are so important to my mind on every moment I feel just one thing that life
Went ahead on every moment and on every point I feel just one thing from those motives whichAre so precious sometimes just left behind because when we walk on those ways inside life with every
Moment inside life so then I feel just one thing from our mind but then I feel one thing from mind
Then those things which are so important inside life I feel one thing from inside that those things
Which are so important inside life because when we move ahead we just feel one thing on every
Moment and on every point after all those motives which are part of our life will look so wrong
Inside life I feel just one thing from my mind that those motives which look so good on every
Moment and on every point I feel one thought from my mind that those motives which are something
So then those motives which are so precious inside life I feel that those motives which are so
Hidden inside life because when we start to move ahead inside life but then I feel just one thing
From our mind so then I feel just one thought from my mind sometimes those street shows me
So many important things that I will have to do those things inside life I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind I feel one thing from my thinking that those motives which are so
Wrong inside life I feel just one thing from my mind those motives which are so wrong on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing that maybe my motives are not that important to
My mind as those things which come on those streets on which I walk inside life but then I feel
One thought that may be motives are just things which start all this inside life so that on those
Roads we get things as per our thinking inside life so then I feel just one thing from my mind that
Destiny never move me ahead for that motive but it moved me just to complete that thing which
Will appear on that street on which we feel that we need to walk for our motives on every time.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Poem 606. Unwanted

Oh god can you come and help when unwanted person is banging my door I know it is wrong
But I found myself saying it more and more when inside our life we move ahead more I just feel
One thing unwanted person are never welcomed any more but still some people just don't grasp
That thing by our expression in life any more I just feel some times they are not confused but
They just don't want to listen to truth any more I just feel one thing from my heart and my thinking
On every moment those people just don't want to listen to those talks which are so hard inside
Life will look so wrong every time because telling other person that just go away from life is not
That much easy but sometimes it happens inside life because sometimes our views goes so
Different ways in life that no friendship can have power to survive over them inside life when
We start moving ahead on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that those views
Which touch my thoughts and my mind look so different to us on every point I feel just one
Thing from my mind that those unwanted views will look so different on every point when
I will move ahead I just have one thought from my mind which tell me that I can move ahead
As per my thinking inside life but when our life went ahead on every point we just feel one
Thought from our mind which tell us we need to move ahead on every moment and on every
Point inside life when I will moving ahead I just have one thought from our mind I feel just
One thing from every angle of life I feel that when sometime our thoughts are so different
I don't want to  argue and I want that person to leave with respect inside life on every moment
I just feel one thought from inside mind that some people just manage to irritate us in life and
When I went ahead I just want them to understand in life that when crisis will come we all
Feel just one thing from our mind that those thoughts which are wanted inside life are left
Behind on every point of our life when we go ahead I just feel one thing from every point
That those things which are needed can be adjusted from time to time but our thoughts can't
Be adjusted inside life when we went ahead we just began to feel one thought from inside
That other person never understand our thinking so that is end of our friendship inside life
When we want to move ahead we need to form proper views in life we need to understand
That we are not winning on any point until we began to win on any part of life when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thought from inside those thinking which we develop on both sides will
Look so great in our life I just never understand if that thinking is changed how can any friendship
Will survive that tide after all thoughts are basic of friendship and we need to understand that
Thoughts are totally wrong on every point I will never understand what I feel from inside life
I just want one thing from my mind that it is one thinking which will tell me that I need to
Survive without thinking what will happen next inside life I just feel one thought from my mind
That those people who are moving ahead inside life but then I feel just one thinking on every
Point of life I feel one thought from my mind that those thinking which will help us are not
Going ahead as per our mind in life when I will move ahead I just began to feel my mind will
Win one day but only if I have proper friends in life because on every point life seem to move
Ahead just as per wish on every time I just feel one thing from my mind that those friendship
Which I made look more better and perfect if I keep them alive inside life but I can do it only
When I have same thinking on both sides so I just don't want those friends who don't think
Like me inside life I just want to move ahead on every moment and on every point I have one
Thought which take me ahead on every angle of life I will never prefer what I dislike inside life
And same thing to apply that person in life so I just want them to stay away from me inside life
But it will just does seem to suit those person inside life so they just keep banging again and
Again on my door many times I just have one question how shall I deal with such guests in life
When I will move ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which look great
Are totally wrong inside life on every moment I just have one thinking from my mind that those
Thoughts which enter inside my life are totally wrong on every point I just have one feeling from
My thinking and from my mind that those people who are banging on my door are not some
People who welcomed in my house or my mind but still I just don't know how to tell them to
Go away in life because we don't want to insult but some people just need insult to understand
Things inside life how confuse is our life on those points that I just always start to pray by heart
That god should give those people some sense and they leave my house as soon as possible on
That time but sometimes those prayers are answered and when they go unanswered are worst time.

Poem 605. Sweetness in life

                                                           Sweetness in life
Some people have habit of talking sweet in life but truth will be understood when things move
Ahead inside life when we want help no one will come ahead in life on every moment and on every
Point I just feel one thing from inside of mind that those truths which come in light are not that
Pleasant one inside life on every moment and on every time we feel those who spoke so sweet
Must be so perfect and nice inside our life when we move ahead on every point in life we just
Feel one thing from inside that this habit of talking with sweetness seem to help us inside life
Because that sweetness which touch our heart and we feel that person will surely help us in life
Since that sweetness like sugar capture our thoughts and our mind we will never understand
What we feel from inside those sweetness which touch us is not helping us that much in life
After all when we talk about those things which will look so beautiful and nice inside life since
When I will went ahead I have one sweet feeling and smell inside life after all those things
Which look nice inside life have that kind of sweetness which will touch us on every point
I feel that those sweet thing attract us inside life I just kept thinking that those sweet gesture
Which will touch us inside life don't look so perfect inside life I will never have that sweetness
Which will have that kind of sweetness are precious to us in life but then after some times
Sweetness will manage to touch us on every moment and on every time I will never understand
What I feel from inside that those sweet things which are important to us are not that nice in
Our future and in our life I will never understand that sweetness on every time inside life but
When those sweetness will be totally wrong inside our life I just feel sweetness of that touch
From point to point inside our life on every point we just feel one thing that some sweetness
Are not that sweet really in life because on every moment and on every point I just feel one
Sweetness inside our life that sweetness which will precious inside life after all those sweet
Feeling which touch our heart from time to time are not doing ahead as per our wish on every
Moment and on every time I feel just one thing from my mind that this sweetness is not helping
Me that much inside life because those sweet talk are something so wrong on every angle of life
I feel that this sweetness is not taking us ahead as per our wishes inside life because that sweetness
Which enter inside our mind is not helping me on any angle of life after all this sweetness which
Will look so perfect on every angle and on every point suddenly began manage to hurt us on
Every moment and on every time I will never get things as per my wishes on any time but
I feel just one thing that this sweetness will not help me on any angle inside life as we will help
On every moment inside life I have just one thing inside life that this sweetness will help us
On every point in life because on every moment inside life but then those sweetness which look
So beautiful in life after all those sweet feeling which are so important in life I feel that those
Sweetness in side life I just feel one thing from our mind those sweetness which touch us in life
I have one thought from inside life after all those sweetness are important in life after all those
Sweetness are so nice inside life I just have those poisonous feeling which will help in our life
After all this sweetness will become totally so precious inside life I feel just one thought from
Inside mind that on every moment and on every point I just feel that need from inside which
Tell me on every moment and on every time after all those sweetness which I see on that moment
Or on that point seem like something totally wrong inside life when I will start to move ahead
On some points I just feel one thought from inside that those sweetness will capture each and
Every thing in life because it is going ahead as per my wishes on every moment and on every
Point inside life because those sweetness will happen to hurt us on every thought and our life
Is not real sweetness it is just part of that shadow which will touch our sweetness inside life
After all that sweetness which are so precious in life after all this sweetness which will happen
Inside our life I feel that those sweetness which will turn totally wrong inside our life on every
Moment and on every point we just feel one thought from inside life that this sweetness will not
Help us on every moment in life I just feel one thing from my mind that this sweetness is so
Risky inside our life we feel just one thing from my mind that sweetness will never help us on
Any moment and on any point I just feel one thing from my mind that sweet things which happen
To us are something artificial facts of our life but worst thing is that when some one cheated us
In that way inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that we just lost our faith on sweetness
Inside life and it will manage to create problems for us inside our life because some times people
Are liar and sometimes they truly nice but when we keep faith on wrong one right one don't seem
That true and genuine inside our future and inside our life on each and every point in this life.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Poem 604. Destiny in life

                                                               Destiny in life
How sometimes right and how sometimes wrong in our life will manage to take turns in life which
Will just manage to make it all wrong I know that on every point I think one thing from my mind
I just have one thought from inside that those things which are totally wrong inside life are having
Two side effects in our life on every moment and on every point we just feel one thing from inside
Of our mind I can't just understand which side is right because on every moment we need to find
Something so hard on every point I will manage to get things wrong as well as right because those
Things which happen to us are not turning so perfectly inside life I will doing it all right but then
It will turn all wrong on every point I just feel one thought from inside that all those points which
Will enter in our life since right and wrong things are having different effects in life and on every
Moment it will have bad effects in life so then I just feel one thing from inside our life because
Those ways I will walk are not going ahead as per my wishes inside life but still sometimes
It just manage to take wrong turn inside life because sometimes destiny confuse me on some
Moments and on some times I just feel one thing from my brain and from my mind that I have
Manage to turn every thing in wrong way inside my life not because I am going wrong but some
Ways goes wrong in life sometimes what others decide will have effect on me inside my life
When I will move ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that all right and wrong things are
Having side effects on my destiny and life when I have move ahead inside life because those
Things which turn in wrong way are turned in that way inside our life when I have began to move
Ahead as per my wishes inside life I just feel one thing from my mind that destiny will turn in
Totally wrong way inside life I just never want to move as per my wishes from time to time
Inside life I want to change things into right way inside our life I will never choose one way then
I will feel it in life but when others choose to move ahead in life I just feel one thing from my mind
But then I feel that what is wrong and what is right I just feel one thing from my mind that when
People will manage to move ahead inside life after all those things which are so important for us
Inside life are sometimes moved as per people's like and dislike but then I shall move ahead on
Every moment and on every time I have just one thought inside my mind which tell me on every
Point that my life is going ahead as per my likes and dislikes because in life there are two ways
Of our future and of our life right and wrong things which happen inside life are having two ways
Inside life I just never understand that how will I move ahead on every moment of life because
Right and wrong are just two points of life even if I feel that I am right but other people will have
Same thoughts inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that those thinking which happen
To have side effects in life are not going ahead as per my wishes sometimes upset us on every
Moment and on every point inside life I just never understand what I feel from my mind because
On every moment I just feel that I don't need positive things inside my life because when those
People choose something I just feel disaster will land on me inside my life and on every moment
We just feel we need to have that power to shine inside our life when we will move ahead I just
Feel one thought from my mind that I will get destroyed by their choice but they are also feeling
Same way inside life on every moment they just feel that disaster will visit me from time to time
Inside our future and inside our life I just never understand when things turn in wrong way in life
They are not just due to choices but they are because decided inside life I can't ever win that war
Which I have started inside life because I can't win it until we decide to win that war inside our life
When we start moving ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our thinking and from
Our mind that those choices which we have taken are going in wrong way inside my life and
I will never understand those choices are so wrong on each and every point I feel just one thing
From inside that my life is not going as per my wish but sometimes I have to understand in life
That even if every one choose my choice life will not be different because it is decided that way
Inside life when we start walking one way things will go in that way but still they have same
Results in life because sometimes it is decided that we will land in that problem inside life so
Sometimes we are so lucky that people have not chosen our choice because in that case we will
Not get any blame we just feel that others are wrong in life so even if you chose any thing
Sometimes results are same in life just we need to understand it then we can live happy life
Because just feeling that other should change their ways are not going to take us much ahead
Inside our life it will just manage to create problems for us on each and every point because
When we move ahead we will just feel one thing from inside that those wrong things which
Happen are decided we just need to turn them into positive inside our future and inside our life.

Poem 603. Harm of fights

                                                              Harm of fights
When we start to move ahead inside life because on every moment inside life we have to start
One sort of fight which is so interesting for our future and for our life on every moment I just
Feel something inside life that I have just one feeling from my thoughts and my mind after all
On every moment I feel just one thought from inside those fight which I have feel sad inside life
On every moment we feel that those thoughts are creating many problems inside life on every
Moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind those fights which began inside
Our future are totally wrong inside life which are so difficult in life so then I have one thing from
Our thoughts and mind but then fights are something which are so right inside life after all those
Facts are something so wrong inside life I just have one thinking from my mind that on every
Occasion inside life those fights are something so interesting on every part we just feel one thing
From our heart we just feel one thought from our heart those fights are something which are so
Strange inside our thoughts and on every part I feel just one thought you have from heart but
Then I feel which are so important on every angle inside heart because those fights which we
Start from our thinking and our heart those fights which are so precious inside our heart will
Then it will began to hurt my mind because every time fighting for justice on every moment
And on every time those fights are something so precious inside life I just feel one fight then
On every moment and on every point I just feel fight will be important for our future and life
After all those fights are something totally wrong inside life I feel that those fights are totally
Wrong inside life so those fights are creating many points inside life after all those fights are
Having nice thing inside life I just feel that those fights are happening inside life and on every
Moment and on every time we just feel one thing from every thing in life that our future is
Not going ahead as per our wishes inside life and so we just get something involved in fights
After all those things which are part of our life are creating many types of fight inside life
When we went ahead on every moment and on every point those fights which we are having
Inside our life are taking us in wrong way of life those fights which are part of our life are
Not going ahead as per our thoughts and as per our mind I will just never understand one thing
Inside our life that those things which will happen to us are having those fights inside our life
Those fights are something which are important in life they have side effects inside our life
I will just never understand when I get too much involved in fights but I just feel one thing
That those fights are not helping me that much inside life when I will move ahead on every
Moment and on every point I just feel that our future is depend on every act we did in life
Because those people who are involving us in fights are never perfect and never right for fight
When we went ahead we just feel one thing from inside that those fights which will happen
To us are not going ahead as per our thoughts and as per our advice when I will go ahead
In my life I just feel one thing from my mind that those fights which hurt us on every point
Are not going ahead as per our wishes inside life I just never understand how did we suppose
To go ahead in life on every moment I just feel that I need to get involved inside our life and
We need to adjust on every part of our future and our life when we went ahead from time to
Time I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which look so perfect inside life
Are going ahead as per our thoughts inside life I will never let our thinking have effect on every
Moment and on every point because fights are something so perfect for us inside our future
And in our life when we move ahead we just feel one thing from inside that those things which
Happen to us are not moving as per our wishes inside life those fights which I have fought
On every moment of life are something so wrong on every point I will never let my thinking
Have any effect on life because when we went ahead we just feel one thing from our mind
That those fights which I have fought are not that good for our future and for our entire life
When I start to go ahead as I want to move ahead inside our future and in our fights I just
Feel one thing from our thoughts are taken on wrong direction inside life I feel that those
Thinking and those fights will manage to hurt us on every angle of our future and our life
Because those fights are something so important in life I just feel that fights are something
Which are precious inside life I feel that those fights which are so important in life are not
Going ahead as per our wishes inside life they are not even that important if we learn to keep
Them on some limited place inside life after all those fights are creating problems inside our
Future and inside life because we are letting them capture our other parts of future and our life
So those fights become something which starts war with happiness inside our future and life.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Poem 602. Different sides of life

                                                       Different sides of life
When I see that flower on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from my mind
That those flowers are so new when I have never seen them before in life but then I just feel one
Thing from our mind after all those flowers which look so special and so unique to my eyes
And they will feel one thing inside life after all those flowers which look so beautiful inside life
I feel that those flowers which are so different on every angle inside life after all those flowers
Which look perfect inside life I feel that those flowers are so pretty and have different type of
Colors and size inside life after all those flowers which will have some sides which will not look
That pretty inside our life those flowers which are so wonderful in every picture in our life but
When I went ahead on every flower we see those beautiful dimension of our life after all those
Flowers look so wrong in touch of our life we feel that those lovely flowers are so special in life
Those flowers are looking so lovely inside our life they show have look have so special type of
Things inside life those flowers which shows every part have one thing from our mind inside life
Those flowers are showing inside life we just feel that in world those flowers will have show
Different sides inside life they are showing those flowers are having different colours inside life
So those flowers are having so nice colour combination inside life there are so many different
Angle of life but then those flowers are having strange angle inside life after all those world
Which shown inside our life so then I feel that those flowers are something so scary inside life
Then those flowers are taking us on every angle inside life there are many angle inside our life
I just keep one thing in our life so then those flowers are some thing which are taking us ahead
In life when I see those flowers I just feel there are so many angles inside life after all those
Flowers are something but when I watch them I feel that those picture are showing every nice
Thing inside life after all those things which I have not seen in life those flowers are something
Which will help us inside our life to know that how different sides of world are going ahead in life
Those flowers which look so different tell us that we are standing on wrong front of life and
On every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that those flowers which look so unique
Have some different side in life those flowers which look so pretty inside our life are having
Those looks are precious in life flowers are something so perfect and nice inside life but then
I just feel that those flowers will look so different on every part of world those flowers are
Something so important inside our world but then those flowers are something so precious
Inside our world after all those part of world are taking us on totally wrong angle of world
I just feel that from every angle that those flowers will look so important to our future and
To our world these flowers will look so different on every part I just feel one thing from my
Thoughts and my heart I feel those flowers are so perfect on every dimension and on every
Part which are showing difference of world on every angle by my heart I will just feel one thing
From my mind that those flowers will have just totally wrong inside life those angles in this
World have totally different sides inside life when we look at those flowers we just feel that
So unknown are those things in life we just feel one thing from my thoughts and from my
Thinking and mind I just kept looking inside life at those flowers which look totally wrong
Inside our life after all those flowers which are having so different looks inside life don't seem
That much nice for our life when I look at those flowers which are perfect inside life then
Look so perfect on every moment and every side of life because they are showing us new side
Of our future and of our life and on every moment and on every time I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and my mind that those new things of world are shown to me in life on every
Moment we just feel one thing from inside that those things which are part of our world
But we have never saw in life can be seen in those pictures on every moment and on every
Time inside my life I just never want to show my shock to world  when I realized how wrong
Are those pictures which shows us truth of life which shows us that how wrong we are on
Every part of life those picture shows us many sides of our future and of our life when we
Move ahead inside our life we feel that those flowers are entering inside our life on some
Part of our future and our life because those flowers are something so important in life that
We feel we need those flowers as part of our life because they will show us that difference
Which we see in world which is different than us in life because flowers have just show us
Difference in world from inside life because world will different on every side and I just
Feel those difference are totally wrong in world's other area and world's other sides because
Those difference will look totally wrong inside our future as well as inside our life on every
Moment and on every point those flowers are totally different and shows different sides of life.

Poem 601. Beautiful and white light

                                                    Beautiful and white light
Sometimes I feel those colors of rainbow will enter in our life and then we can see white sunlight
Inside life so on every moment those seven colors will have different effects in life on every point
We just feel one thing from our mind that those seven colors which look perfect inside our life but
Then those colors which having wrong effect in life those people who are part of our future are
Having different type of effects on every point inside life person will have some different effect
In life those feeling which we have inside our life are not going ahead as per our wishes and as per
Our thoughts inside life those person whom we meet are going to have some effect on life and
Then according to it those colors will look totally different inside life I just feel one thing from
Those side effects will have that amazing effect on every point I just feel that nature which will
Look so perfect inside life those colors are having those effects are that influence on you inside life
But then those color are going ahead as per our thoughts inside life after all those person who help
Us in life are not going ahead as per our thinking and our mind I just feel one thought from inside
Those thinking will have interesting effects inside life when I will move ahead on every point we just
Feel one thing from our mind that those nature which will have effect inside life after all those
Nature which will have effect on our thinking and on our mind when we move ahead I just feel
One thought from inside those nature which people have is not helping us that much inside life
When people want to go ahead inside life those person will look totally wrong in our future on
Every moment and on every point we will never let those person go ahead in life on every moment
We just feel one thing from our mind that those colors which look so confused inside life but
Then those person which have effects on person inside our life after all those different effects
Which we have inside life look so interesting on every moment and on every point I just feel
One thought from mind that those person who are so different will give different effects in life
When those colors have different effects from point to point I just feel one thing that those people
Who are important to change our life are those seven colors in life those are seven shades of
Our personality inside life I feel those personality will happen effect on our life from point to point
Because those effects which will have impact on personality will not give that much effect on
World inside life after all those people who are having different effects are not helping us on
Any moment and every point I just feel those shapes on results in life but then I just feel one
Thing from inside that those things which will happen in our life those people who have side effects
On every moment and on every point I feel that those personality will have effects on life but
On every moment I feel those nature will have impact on our life those people will have those
Effect inside life but then I just feel that those nature which have on our world inside life but
Then I just feel one thing from my mind but then I feel that those personality will have bad
Effects in life but then I just feel that those nature of those personality have effects inside life
Because those things are something which have some effects on world and it will effect our mind
On every moment we just feel one thing from our mind that those personality which will have
Effect on our thoughts as well as on our mind we just feel one thing from our thinking and from
Our life that those personality will have totally effects inside life after all those personality in life
Which will be important for personality of person inside life on every moment and on every point
After all those personality will have side effects on our life and on every point we just feel one
Thing from inside that those personality are creating plenty of effects in life so then I just feel
One thing that those personality will have some impact on life so then I just feel one thing from
My mind I feel that personality will help us on every point but then I just feel that it is on area
Every point inside life so then I just feel one thing from my mind that those personality will have
Side effects on every point in our life I feel that those effects on life inside those world will
Have effects are something which depends on our life in some area and on every point in life
But then we feel just one thing from my mind those personality will have side effects in life
When we move ahead inside our life I feel that those things which happen inside life will look
So perfect thinking inside life I feel people have side effects inside life so that will have results
Inside life I feel that those things which will have side effects in life I feel one thing from my
Mind I feel just one thing from our thinking and our life so then I just feel one thought from
My mind those things are having many sides of life so I just feel one thing from my mind but
Then I just feel that personality will have effects on our life after all those personality which
Will have one thing from mind that those things will have different things in life because those
Personality will have side effect inside our life so on every point I just feel one thing in life that
Those personality will always have effects on us in life on each and every point that personality
Will change results of our life and some times they manage to bring out that white and lovely light.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...