Thursday, August 30, 2012

Poem 404. Writer of destiny

                                                  Writer of destiny
I always tried to have a hold on my life I want it to go in perfect way inside life because
Then I just feel one thing inside my life because on every moment inside my life I just feel oneThing inside life that this thing is not nice for my life because on every moment inside life but
Then suddenly I just feel one thing inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that on every
Point inside life I just feel one thing from my mind I just feel on every point in life because
On every moment I just wish that those things will look so perfect inside life but then I  feel
One thing in my mind that  I don't want problem inside life because then I just feel one
Thing in life I just feel that my thoughts are something so important inside life I have just
One thing from every thinking in life because on every point I just have one thought from my
Mind which tell me that I want at least some control on my life every moment when I went
Ahead in life I can expect some part will rule by destiny but I want some part at least in my
Hand on sometimes and that also happens sometimes in life and really destiny let me enjoy
My freedom for some time I just manage my life in my way and as I wish for some part of
My life and then I just began to think that every thing is under my control and I can rule my life
But destiny takes away hold from me and once again tell me that I can't dictate my life and
On every moment I just feel that I have lost every control on my life I know that mostly
It is not that worst and sometimes it is even better for my life but still sometimes it feel so
Wrong not to have right on our life on every occasion we just feel one thing from our mind
That we can't control all our wishes inside our life we just feel one thing from our thought
And from our mind that when we walk ahead in life we need to keep our mind in control on
Each and every time inside life I just feel one thing on every moment of life that I am just
A doll which move as per wishes of some one inside life I know it is looks so sad but when
I live this way inside my life I just feel that it is best process inside life because when I start
Dominating things mostly I just don't able to guess it properly in life I just never feel any sense
In getting thing right inside my life I just feel one thing on every day and on every time that
My life is maybe in better hand than mine but that is what I feel from my heart but some
People want different things in life but when I look at those people I just feel that I just can't
Comment because they are truly getting bad luck in life but then I also have another thought
Inside life that when I have my fine luck then why should I just think about what others have
Inside life I know that I don't have best luck but I also not have worst luck in life so it seems
As if inside our life it is better if some other person will manage to win inside our future and
Inside our life I just have one feeling which will make me happy from time to time that in
Our life I just feel one thing that our brain is not that good to decide things in life but question
Is that don't we need some freedom at least on some times but then when suddenly my
Destiny gives me some wonderful gift I just feel that it is perfect for my future and for my life
On every moment when I went ahead I just feel one thought from my mind that may be
I should let my destiny rule inside my life on every moment I just feel something wonderful
Inside my life I feel that on every moment I can walk ahead on every part of my future
And on every part of my life I just feel that on every moment I need to have my control
But I don't want good things to be lost in that process of life I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and from my mind that my destiny gives me so much that maybe I like to
Keep it's control on my life but then when things turns wrong I just began to scream again
Inside my life but inside heart I feel one truth that destiny know better how to handle my life
When life went ahead I just feel one thing from every point that those things which happen
In my life are something which are taken away from destiny on some points and when it
Takes away those things I just scream against it in life because I like those things from
My heart and no one like when thing are taken away from life but when same destiny gift me
Something precious I just began to feel that I could have never manage to get things inside life
I just feel one thing from my mind that destiny will gives me whatever is better inside life
Because destiny knows better than us on every point after all destiny know everything about
Me and my life and I never know who have write that destiny and never able to meet that one in life.

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