Friday, August 3, 2012

Poem 360. Hardest task

                                                     Hardest task
Once upon a time I use to love my past I use to think that I was so happy as child from my
Thinking and my heart I use to think that how much stressful I feel now I use to think how
Perfect was my childhood parts so on every moment and every point from heart then
I feel just one thing from my heart that my childhood and from my past I have one thought
That those childhood things are perfect for our life as we think on every point don't you
Feel same way in life but then some one told me that we just admire past because it is
Far away from our life it is nothing special for our future and our life since on each and
Every point I just feel one thing from mind that I must not think this way in life because
Past is something not so nice but it seem nice just because it is lost and we never able to
Get it again totally back so I nod in support on every part and then I began to think in that
Way about my past slowly I find out that concept my past was not that nice for my heart
Even in it I have lots of problems like finding suitable friends and angry teacher who have
Power to hurt my heart just without touch and just with my heart because on every moment
From my heart I just feel one thing from my thought that there are many types of problems
Even inside our past as we went ahead on every part because as days went ahead on each
And every part I just feel one thought from my heart it was my thinking which is hurt by
That horrible type of thought and of past after some days and after some parts I just feel
One thought from heart that past are something totally wrong for our thinking and heart
That I have lot of problems in past like adjusting with my friends and getting proper
Grades and proper marks for our heart because on every moment I just think that it is not
As pleasant for our future and our heart but then I feel that my past is not that perfect
For my thought and for my heart as I think again about that past I feel convinced that
I don't have perfect past so after that for sometimes I feel I just began to dislike or hate
My past but strange thing is that this person told this because he wanted me to like present
Not dislike my past how interesting are our those thoughts when some one told us that
One thing is not that good that you should start rejecting other thought that person means
To say we must appreciate our present but instead of doing it we began to hate our past
As days went ahead on every spot we just keeping feeling bad about things instead of
Appreciating our thinking on every part because on every part we just see bad things
Sometimes from our heart I know that it is not crime of our heart because many types
We feel that we just have to think that way from our heart because as days went ahead
On each and every part I feel that those bad feeling of past don't help in finding some thing
Nice in our present that is saddest part I feel for looking that way we need to make efforts
Which are just made to like our present from heart how easily we can develop dislike
From our heart but we can hardly able to create so much nice feeling from our future and
Our heart because as we start I just feel that most of thoughts are hurdles from our
Thinking as well as for our heart because on every moment we need to understand
Our thought which will make us happy on many part and store them inside our heart
Because on every moment we have to teach to do special our heart I just wish that I stop
Adopting so easily so bad habits from heart because those habits are something so nice
And perfect for my heart but it seems so hard to keep them because nice things mostly
Come to us after hard effects from every part we just feel one thing from our mind
And from our heart that on every moment we just need to teach our heart one art
That is to like positive things which will touch our heart as we went ahead on some
Moments and on some points we just feel same thing from heart that on every moment
We just have to keep working on that thought until we reach properly peak of that art
Because on every moment I just feel one thing from our heart that we need to understand
That thought from inside of our heart because on every moment I just feel one thing
About this art positive thinking is hardest kind of art which may not let anything to harm
Our heart since on every moment it just cheer up our heart so love is hardest task and
Hate is most easily part so those who really want to win in life must learn that hardest task
Because any loser can perform that easy task winner is needed for hardest time of task.

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