Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Poem 357. Simple life

                                                         Simple life
Each cover has something very different to read inside that cover and inside those lines
Because cover is not everything important is that things which are hidden inside mind
Sometime cover seem to have meaning sometimes meaning are not what is written inside
Sometime cover tell you different tale than what is hidden inside that book or that writer's
Thought and mind as we walk by that cover which look so correct in life we just feel that
On every angle we need some people who are right regarding not going ahead by cover
In life but then I have one big question in my mind that if we don't judge things by cover
How can we judge them inside life we just feel one thought about our future on every moment
And on every time we just never understand those thinking which will help us in our life
Because on every point we need to understand in our life that those thoughts which are
Hidden behind that cover are more important to our life as we walk ahead on each and
Every day and on every point we need to understand those books which are important
For our life but mostly we just look at cover and sometimes they are good inside and
Some times they are bad inside but after some days we will understand that we must not
Look at cover we must see what is written behind it is a story which will tell us what is
Truly hidden inside but those books which have needed to be judge in few seconds can't
Judge so good in life we need lot of time to judge them but sometimes it seems wrong
To go by that way because those cover seem to tell us many things in life as we start
Walking around on every day and on every point we just feel one thought from our mind
That we can't live in life as we wish we can always have to think twice before we decide
Things inside life same happen with person we just see who impress us inside our life
And we just don't want to understand true meanings we are just convinced by what is
Inside our mind we just never give that person chance to understand those thinking in life
When cover don't impress us in life we all began to think that understand that person is
Something useless in life but when we need to decide in life we must have to understand
One thing about mind that we can't judge some one by one cover because many times
Cover misguide us on every points in life as we began to walk in life we just feel one
Thought from our mind that we must need to understand things properly on each and
Every day of our life as we began to walk in life we just never understand those thoughts
Of our mind which tell us that we are impressed by cover we have hardly checked what is
Hidden in side I can understand sometimes in life we don't get chance to impress person
In life because as things went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from our
Thinking and from our mind we feel that we are on wrong target of our future and our life
We feel that we must understand that what is hidden inside but sometimes even when
We have chance we just don't judge some one in life we just keep that first impression
As last impression for entire life it is not just about judging someone it is also about
Results which we get in life if we don't understand people fully then how can we go ahead
As we wish in our life for going ahead in our life we just feel one thing from mind that
We need to act slowly and with patience inside our future and our life because on every
Moment and on every time we just have one thought from our mind which will tell us
On every time that we can go ahead as we wish in our life because as our life goes ahead
On each and every point we just feel that we have judged things perfect and right in life
As our days went ahead in our life I just feel one thought from mind that on every moment
In our life we want to think about each person and judge that person for so long time that
To me life seem so short that I feel I can't win easily inside my life I feel just I want to
Win in my life then I just want some logical reason behind which will show me that
Truth and which will open new ways inside my life on every moment and on every point
I just have one feeling from mind that I don't want to judge wrong thing so life is so short
In my view and in my mind but still some people just claim that they can judge people
In one sight when some one say this I feel that I want to laugh on that person from
Heart because sadly judging someone is not that easy and simple for our future and our life.

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