Sunday, August 26, 2012

Poem 399. Mistake

Sometimes people don't accept mistake ever inside their life I just feel one thing from our thinking
And from our mind on every moment I just feel one thought from inside that on every point
We will feel that mistakes are something so wrong that we just don't want to face them in life
On each thought we just feel one thinking which will manage to harm us on worst point but
Inside our life I have just thought that what is use of hiding that mistake when we know it inside
Our thoughts and our mind on every point I just feel one thing from our mind that those thinking
Which are important for life are something so wrong on every point I just feel one thing that
When we know mistake inside our heart it is useless to hide it from every point inside life but
Then I suddenly feel that I did wrong thing inside life I have just one feeling that I am standing
On one part which is not nice for our life I feel those mistakes which we make inside life are
Mirror of those things which happen inside life I know we may suffer losses because we accept
Those mistakes inside life I just feel one thing that I am standing on wrong point inside life and
I just feel mistakes are something important inside life which take us ahead inside life but then
On every moment and every point inside life I sense that their mistakes are around them in life
When I did something wrong saying sorry is most easy thing I have done in life even if then
I heard accusation but I know from inside of my mind that no one is without mistake then
Why should be that mistake will become that big crime after sometimes I just feel that those
Thoughts are something right inside life that we must confess inside life I have just one feeling
From every thoughts inside life that when we confess mistake it will go away at least after
Sometime and even if it will return then it will before everyone inside life so people will accept
Us with our mistake inside life so then on every moment we don't need to hide inside our life
We just come out with freedom inside life but some people just never understand that thing in
Their mind and never act that way inside life because when we start hiding one day our mistake
Will come out in life and even if it doesn't come out what stress we will feel when that mistake
Is inside our mind I feel that it is like living on one volcano which can be burst or may not
Don't burst in life but still I just feel one thing that those mistake don't let us sleep peacefully
In life they give us those nightmares which manage to hurt us from time to time and we just
Feel one thing that our mistakes are that part which never let us sleep peacefully in life but
Still I saw many people not accepting their mistakes in life they just say that is not true in
Our or their life they just tell us that before every one  in bright light and when we see
That they are having any sorrows regarding that mistake inside life I just feel one thing from
Life's each and every side that on every moment and on every point we need to understand
Those mistakes which turn into deadly way from time to time inside life I have just one thought
And one feeling from my mind that how can other people don't able to see that truth or how
Can other people ignore that mistake inside life but then after some times I just feel that my
Worst enemy enter on that point in life that is my anger towards that person on each and
Every time inside my life because when I start moving towards that hatred in life which is
Not about truth but about how can some one did dare to do it inside life so then on those
Thoughts and those points I just feel one thing from my thoughts and my mind that on many
Points my anger began to dominate my thinking and my mind after all those thoughts are
Something so wrong inside life I just feel that while claiming that thoughts are something
Totally wrong inside life on every moment I just feel one thing from my mind that those
Thoughts are some thing not that much interesting in life because they seems like some
Traps set for us inside life with anger we did mistake on those points when anger manage
To enter inside life I just have one feeling from each and every point that those people are
Doing it just to encourage our mistake inside life because when we make mistake they can
Easily show them and said their mistakes are compensated inside life and their mistakes
Become something so perfect on every point when they can show our mistake inside life
So when some person after doing mistakes comes out in broad light just remember one
Thing on every point we just feel that those mistake which happen to us on every point
Are something just set as a bait before us so that we can take that mistake and then they
Could show us before world in bad light and then their mistake will look so small and light
Due to our wrong excitement which we saw on that point inside our anger inside our life.

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